BananaBlizzard 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Trump/family/certain people are killed, then the good actors counter and wipe out all the bad actors?

BananaBlizzard 3 points ago +3 / -0

NATO invaded Russia! Listen to the video for the explanation. Russia may counter in a way not imagined. Poke the Bear in their den and see what will happen now. Wait and see what Russia’s response will be. Strong possible.

BananaBlizzard 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agree with you. Wow.

With what is happening presently, this video helps one understand. This video explains their current playbook.

Agenda 21…scary Just a few tidbits. Everyone should watch this video. …..

Sustainable jargon…..

Earth groans every time there is a birth

2 options…1 billion industrial earth population or everyone lives like peasants. Open borders

Smart meters! Take over thermostats.

Normal use of cooperation

Private property to a select few

Carbon tax on industry to destroy business

Regionalism, 15 minute cities, etc.

Tax and regulate you out of your home

600 square foot apartment

2030 plan

Detroit pilot program…example… https://www.detroitchamber.com/economic-prosperity/michigan-2030-plan/

BananaBlizzard 1 point ago +1 / -0

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

AUGUST 14, 2024

Two doctors who spoke out about vaccines and alternative treatments for COVID-19 received notice that their medical certifications were revoked, while another doctor said her certification was revoked without her knowledge.

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

According to The Washington Post, the two physicians continued “to promote ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medication, as a treatment for COVID long after the medical community found it to be ineffective.”

Kory and Marik are co-founders of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which promotes alternative treatments for COVID-19.

Citing unnamed experts, the Post claimed the FLCCC “spread misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic.”

MedPageToday quoted an ABIM spokesperson, who said the organization “does not comment publicly on the reasons for the revocation of certification.”

However, in a summary of the ABIM’s decision reviewed by The Defender, the organization stated that the doctors’ “conduct poses serious concerns for patient safety and undermines the trust that the public and the medical profession place in the meaning of ABIM board certification.”

In a press release, the FLCCC Alliance said it “categorically disagrees” with ABIM’s decision.

“We believe this decision represents a dangerous shift away from the foundational principles of medical discourse and scientific debate that have historically been the bedrock of medical education associations,” the press release states.

Marik told The Defender:

“The bottom line is we’re disappointed because we stand up for the truth. To censor science is to censor progress. Science is based on dialogue and people can have different points of view. That is the principle of science: it’s people having different points of view.

“We’ve never been in a situation before where physicians who have opposing points of view are silenced … It sets a really bad precedent that you can’t really challenge the status quo, and as we know, in medicine, there have been very dramatic changes based on changing understandings of science.”

In the FLCCC Alliance press release, Kory said, “This fight is about more than just our right to speak — it’s about protecting the future of healthcare. When doctors are silenced for questioning the prevailing narrative, we all lose.”

Kory and Marik participated in an ABIM hearing in May, but internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told The Defender that ABIM revoked her certification without her knowledge.

Nass said she was blindsided by ABIM’s decision to revoke her license, which she said she found out about only when she searched for herself in the organization’s database of certified physicians.

Nass told The Defender:

“After the Maine Medical Board suspended my license illegally — even though none of my alleged transgressions met the statutory requirement for an immediate suspension — the board later found me guilty of things I had not done and continued the suspension … All of this with never a single patient complaint.

“Now I learn, by chance, that the ABIM has suspended me without ever informing me I was even under an investigation, which is illegal according to the ABIM’s process.”

Dr. Peter McCullough also faced similar difficulties with the ABIM over his positions on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. According to MedPageToday, ABIM revoked his certifications in 2022 — although, as of today, ABIM lists him as certified.

McCullough told The Defender, “The ABIM is violating principles of equal protection, due process, rules of evidence and has gone ex post facto to find reasons to attack qualified ABIM-certified doctors who innovated and saved lives early in the pandemic.”

Science based on ‘different points of view’

Kory and Marik held ABIM certifications in internal and critical care medicine, while Kory was also certified in pulmonary disease, according to MedPageToday.

They were initially notified about the risk of losing their certification in May 2022. Last year, ABIM’s Credentials and Certification Committee recommended the revocation of their certification for disseminating “false or inaccurate medical information.” A hearing followed in May.

According to the FLCCC Alliance’s press release, Kory and Marik “tirelessly defended their positions.” However, despite “presenting over 170 references in a detailed 60-page response submitted in January 2023, the ABIM has chosen to dismiss these robust scientific contributions in favor of a narrow, ‘consensus-driven’ narrative.”

According to the summary of ABIM’s decision, Kory and Marik’s “statements about the safety and efficacy of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine” as treatments for COVID-19 “are false and inaccurate because they are unsupported by factual, scientifically grounded, and consensus-driven medical information.”

The ABIM also addressed the doctors’ positions on the COVID-19 vaccines:

“[The doctors’] statements about the purported ineffectiveness and dangers of COVID-19 vaccines are false and inaccurate because they are unsupported by factual, scientifically grounded, and consensus-driven medical information. …

“ There is extensive factual, scientifically grounded, and consensus-driven medical information demonstrating that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and lead to better health outcomes.”

Marik questioned the board’s assertions regarding ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and the vaccines.

“What they do is, they cherry-pick articles which support their point of view and then they go on to say the vaccine is safe and effective. We know that’s completely not true. There’s overwhelming data to question both the safety and efficacy of the vaccine,” Marik added.

McCullough said:

“ABIM never updated its members on important risks such as fatal vaccine adverse events, including myocarditis, nor failing theoretical efficacy necessitating boosters that skipped human testing altogether.

“Setting a new dark milestone, ABIM is decertifying highly qualified physicians for nonclinical reasons and ignoring the evidence for early therapeutics and COVID-19 vaccine safety.”

ABIM engaging in ‘medical lawfare’

According to the Post, Kory maintains a license to practice medicine in California, New York and Wisconsin, where “there are no disciplinary actions listed against him.” Marik has retired and his medical license expired in 2022.

Revocation of their ABIM certification “effectively prevents them from practicing at large hospitals and academic institutions,” the Post reported.

Marik and Nass outlined the difficulties of practicing medicine without certification.

“It doesn’t affect us directly, but it affects us indirectly because we’re being accused of committing offenses that are just not true,” Marik said. “The indirect impact to our reputation … it’s a slap in the face, basically, for all the hard work we’ve done.”

Accusing the ABIM of being part of the “medical-industrial complex,” Marik said, “They seem more interested in making money than in protecting physicians. There have been a number of lawsuits against ABIM, so they don’t have the best of reputations. But unfortunately, they are the main certifying organization in the U.S., so they have enormous power and leverage.”

“If I get my license back — a big if, without board certification, I would have great difficulty getting hospital privileges and collecting insurance reimbursements. In other words, I would be unemployable, though I could potentially work on my own if patients paid me directly,” Nass said.

In 2021, ABIM and the Federation of State Medical Boards collaborated to draft the statement used to discipline Nass.

Nass said organizations like ABIM are engaging in “medical lawfare.” She said they are:

“Creating crimes that do not exist, using procedures that do not exist, to try and silence people like me. What did I do wrong? I read the literature and told the truth about what it said, publicly. The COVID vaccines are very dangerous. They don’t prevent COVID. Drugs can effectively treat COVID. And I prescribed those drugs and helped hundreds of Maine citizens. That was my crime.”

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV's "Good Morning CHD."

My Take…

Canada is often ridiculed as a “Communist State” for the manner in which it treats doctors who still believe in Informed Consent and who abide by their Hippocratic Oath.

But the United States medical cartel wants to out-Communism Canada.

Dr.Pierre Kory and Dr.Paul Marik are some of the finest doctors in the United States and I stand with them. I respect their knowledge, their incredible body of work and their critical thinking abilities which are undeniably second to none.

The timing is relevant, here. This is a punishment for supporting Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of SAR-CoV-2 and exposing the dangers of the failed pharmaceuticals that are the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

But why now? When it comes to the Medical Cartels, they always time these witch hunts very precisely.

This suggests to me, we are about to be locked down with another Pandemic and have new mRNA Vaccines forced upon us. It’s coming.

BananaBlizzard 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia amid coup warning (VIDEO) Belgrade has claimed that the rally is a plot against the government along the lines of the 2013-14 coup in Kiev Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia amid coup warning (VIDEO) Thousands protest a lithium mining project, Belgrade, Serbia, August 10, 2024. © Filip Stevanovic / Anadolu via Getty Images Thousands of protesters took to the streets in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, on Saturday to march against the restart of a controversial lithium mining project. The country’s authorities have claimed that the protests are intended as a Maidan-style coup against the government.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said a day earlier that Moscow had warned Belgrade about a potential coup attempt, noting that Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) was already acting on leads provided by Russia.

Commenting on the rally, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin, the former head of the intelligence services, claimed that the protest is “moving in accordance with a Maidan scenario,” referring to the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2013-14 in which then-President Viktor Yanukovich was overthrown.

He added that “There is no reason to fear,” stressing that “Vucic is not Yankovich, he has no intention of running away and handing power over to thugs.”

‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia – Vucic READ MORE: ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia – Vucic The demonstrators demanded that the government ban lithium mining in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, claiming that the project involves major environmental risks. Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that up to 27,000 people took part in the rally on Saturday.

Discovered in 2004, Jadar is Europe’s largest deposit of lithium – a crucial material for electric car batteries. The annual production of the mine is estimated at 58,000 tons of refined battery-grade lithium carbonate, which is reportedly enough to supply 90% of the continent’s current lithium needs. In 2021, British-Australian mining company Rio Tinto announced plans to invest $2.4 billion in the project.

A license granted by the Serbian authorities to Rio Tinto was revoked in 2022 following widespread protests across the country. However, the project was resumed in July after the Serbian Constitutional Court ruled that the revocation was unconstitutional.

Both the company and the country’s authorities have pledged that the highest environmental standards will be upheld in the agricultural region. Vucic has announced plans for a referendum on the issue, and on Saturday, he stated that there will be no lithium mining in the country for the next two years.

BananaBlizzard 3 points ago +3 / -0

🚨 CANADA MORTALITY - AUGUST 2024. All-cause mortality surpasses birth rates in Canada for 2023/2024. Yet the population has grown 10% in the last 2 years. Immigration is masking the true nature of how Canada is dying. Full PDF here: https://dksdata.com/Excess/allcausecanadaAugust2024.pdf Lowered life expectancy in Canada (PDF): https://dksdata.com/Articles/COVArticles/Nov27report.pdf

Current Excess Deaths for Canada (over the 10-year pre-pandemic average) sit at over 260,000 with that number projected to be over 340,000 EXCESS DEATHS by the end of 2024.

All provinces are still lagging in reporting for 2023/2024 and many are still adding data to 2022.

The final all-cause death numbers for all provinces are expected to be above the high of 2022 as a result. January 8th, 2024, to August 8th, 2024, data saw an increase in Canadian reported all-cause deaths of; -65 in 2021 +16,990 in 2022 +110,020 in 2023

Only Alberta, BC, and Quebec have reported up to Week 22 for 2024. However, even these numbers are not yet confirmed and will likely rise in the coming months. Most provinces (and Canada overall) are showing a disturbing increase in deaths in the under-45 age groups for 2023/2024 that continues to rise.

These are not deaths being driven by immigration or the “baby boomers”.

We are not importing terminally sick people or dead bodies. On top of this, immigrants are more likely to have larger direct family groups (children).

Without immigration, the full extent of the death of Canada since 2020 is truly terrifying.

Nova Scotia deleted most of the data from 2023 in April & again in June. What was added back has at least 3k deaths missing from the data. Manitoba has reported to Week 34 of 2023. This excludes approximately 5.4k deaths (just for 2023).

Canadian Federal level data has approximately 9k all-cause deaths still unreported for 2023 alone. In 2024, to Week 22, there are approximately 40k-50k deaths still unreported, which places 2024 on course to be the worst year for all-cause deaths in Canadian history.

2024 provincial data is showing this will only get worse from here.

BananaBlizzard 2 points ago +2 / -0

Her outfit…”As you can expect, purple is overwhelmingly one of the most villainous colors when it comes to Disney. When you consider that purple is often associated with power, nobility, luxury and ambition, it makes sense that we can find this color wrapped around most of these cartoon baddies”…..also…. Purple symbolism - Purple has strong associations with royalty and power. 🤔

BananaBlizzard 4 points ago +4 / -0

article… February 24, 2024SHOCKING: AZ Senate/House Elections Presenter Claims That Sinaloa Cartel Uses Bribes, Money Laundering, Election Fraud to Control Elected Officials in Arizona By Jordan Conradson Feb. 24, 2023 2:35 pm527 Comments TruthTweetShareGettrGabTelegramLinkedIn

Jacquelin Breger The Arizona Senate and House Elections Committees yesterday heard testimony and presentations from multiple individuals regarding election anomalies and potential fraud in Arizona’s elections over many years.

During the meeting, legislators considered a presentation by Jacqueline Breger, regarding massive corruption and collusion between American politicians, appointed government officials, and the Sinaloa Cartels.

As we reported earlier The Gateway Pundit cannot confirm these allegations. We are reporting on the witnesses testimony.

The money laundering and racketeering scheme allegedly used fraudulent mortgages, real estate transactions, and insurance claims in Maricopa County to hide money made through cartel human trafficking, drug trafficking, and bribery of elected officials, and to rig elections, intimidate, or murder those who threaten the operation.

Breger identifies herself as a longtime Arizona resident and a forensic investigator with the Harris/Thaler Law Corporation, investigating multi-state racketeering and corruption. She states that she holds a masters degree in marketing and honors degrees in Finance, Financial Accounting, Business, statistics, economics, and business strategy.

Breger claims that attorney John Thaler investigated money laundering and racketeering in Maricopa County and reviewed over 120,000 documents which include “fake notarizations, fake deeds of trust, fraudulent buyers and or sellers of the real property transactions, as well as other companies used in real estate transactions, such as real estate brokers, mortgage companies Title and Escrow companies, real estate inspection companies, service companies.”

The “about” section on Thaler’s LinkedIn page states, “Specializing in forensic investigations including document and data review using proprietary algorithms to solve mysteries and to develop appropriate litigation strategy. This is where the needle is discovered in that haystack.”

“Our primary findings were first reported to Governor Ducey in 2022,” states Breger.

“These documents have definitely evidenced multiple racketeering enterprises, which include narcotic sales, money laundering, tax evasion, payroll, theft, bankruptcy fraud, life insurance fraud, auto insurance fraud, bribing of elected and appointed officials, creating and modifying public record, falsifying professional licenses and related credentials, swatting individuals who pose a threat to these enterprises, and last but not least, election fraud.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the joint Senate and House investigation hearing on Thursday.

The Gateway Pundit is unable to verify the information at this time. We are awaiting the receipt of documents provided to the Legislature and referenced in this presentation. The Gateway Pundit feels that it is important to cover what was said in the presentation which is now on record with the Arizona Legislature.

Breger levels serious accusations against named individuals in government positions. This includes two citizens of Mesa named Dawna Rae Chavez and her daughter, Brittany Rae Chavez, who are described by Breger as “principal preparers of the documents necessary to affect the racketeering enterprise.”

It appears that John Thaler and Brittany Chavez, formerly Brittany Thaler, were once married and Brittany is listed as a defendant in a lawsuit by Plaintiff John Thaler. In June 2022, John Thaler alleged that Brittany Thaler “has engaged in an array of criminal enterprises across multiple states, including money laundering and tax evasion, allegedly accomplished via real estate transactions and non-profit organizations; insurance fraud, allegedly accomplished via phony personal injury claims made on behalf of non-existent persons; skimming money from state-run aid programs; narcotics trafficking; hacking into state databases and fabricating public records; bribing public officials, including judges, police officers, judicial assistants, inspectors, assessors, and accountants; bribing private professionals, such as real estate agents and brokers; bankruptcy fraud; election fraud, allegedly accomplished by creating fake ballots and manipulating others in order to influence, among other races, the 2020 election for Maricopa County Recorder; extortion via “crypto-viruses”; the creation of fake employees on payroll systems in order to collect paychecks and benefits; and murder.” Dawna Rae Chavez is also named as a defendant.

Kari Lake has mentioned on the campaign trail her own tires were slashed or penetrated with nails on numerous occasions. However, regarding her daughter, Lake has only said that she was followed by suspicious individuals in another car. It appears that Bregger unintentionally conflated the incidents and misspoke. Still, Kari Lake has been targeted with attempts on her life for speaking out against the election fraud regime and the dangerous Mexican drug cartels in Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit is still investigating other claims made by Jacquelin Breger.

During Breger’s presentation, titled “Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona’s Election Integrity” (with specific focus on the 2020 & 2022 General Elections), she made explosive allegations.

As alleged by Breger, she and Thaler have found phony deeds and illegal transfers for Runbeck and the company’s COO Jeff Ellington, who is closely tied to Arizona House Speaker RINO Ben Toma.

The Gateway Pundit reported shortly after the stolen 2022 Election that Runbeck COO Jeff Ellington Chairs the Board of Directors of Precision Aero, formerly Riggins Engineering Inc. & Pinnacle Mfg. Co., Inc., which is owned by Toma’s family.

Toma is also listed in documents provided to the Arizona Senate during yesterday’s hearing as one of the individuals allegedly involved in this scheme.

Oddly, the election fraud-denial media has not picked up on this massive story. One might think they would be all over this news, labeling Breger and Arizona Republicans as “conspiracy theorists” or “election deniers.”

We found one story by ABC15 Arizona, which hardly mentions Breger’s testimony and claims legislators asked for no proof, despite the documents that were provided to the legislators. ABC reports,

Another witness was Jacqueline Breger, who accused election workers by name along with Mesa Mayor John Giles and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer of accepting bribes to alter the outcomes of elections.

Breger offered no proof of claims and none of the lawmakers asked for any. Finally, State Senator Ken Bennett of Prescott District 1 told Breger to stop talking, ending her testimony.

AZ Mirror also published a story, attempting to discredit this testimony after speaking to Senator Ken Bennett. “Bennett told the Arizona Mirror that he felt the people that Breger accused of committing crimes should have gotten a chance to defend themselves, instead of being called out during a public meeting,” reports the far-left dark money source

If this is true, where are the County Sheriffs? Are they involved too?

Watch Breger’s full presentation here.

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on this breaking story and the legitimacy of Breger’s testimony.

BananaBlizzard 9 points ago +9 / -0

Think about this. People have short memories. Crash the markets so people feel the pain prior to November. All the Dem’s goofy policies, excessive spending, etc., ignites and crashes the economy. High probability it will be a very rough in the upcoming weeks/months. How can the Dem’s or fake news debate Trump on the economy? They can’t! KO punch by Trump. 🥊"…………… . https://qalerts.app/?n=2194

BananaBlizzard 8 points ago +9 / -1

Trump’s smile got a lot bigger. The people wake when their pocket book takes a big hit. Next stop recession or depression? Pain from the Punisher. Cheers.

BananaBlizzard 4 points ago +4 / -0

Question I received today about our latest paper (Covid-period in 125 countries)... Q: Besides stress, what caused the surge in bacterial pneumonia? A: Well that is our paper...

👉"Biological stress" is not just psychological stress in the common meaning, it is much more than that

👉"Biological stress" (explained in our paper with many references) is a powerful suppressor of the body's defences

👉We found boosters to also suppress the immune system

👉Lungs = vital organ most immediately susceptible to infections when body is weak (e.g., tuberculosis)

👉So, the EQUATION is: "biological stress" + "repeated injections" - "treatment of the bacterial infection" = mass mortality with respiratory conditions/infections

➡️That is how you make a pandemic

Another link to peruse… https://x.com/denisrancourt/status/1818298978737213574

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