It had to be done this way…..a second Trump term would not have had the same results in 2020 that it will this time around. There were not enough people who were awakened in 2020. As Flynn says, the rot had to be exposed……
It’s your money paying for their new cars, real estate deals, and luxury yachts. And your elected officials, while paying off their own misdeeds and sexual endeavors with your money, keep sending your money to Ukraine to keep the fraud cycle going. No wonder the USA is 36 Trillion in the hole…….. The common denominator is that it’s YOUR money!
Very true. NATO would not be able to control anything without the US, and it appears that the US is about to change the dynamics overseas. Trump is tired of the military industrial complex and their forever wars. Look for big changes soon in the eastern theater, especially Ukraine.
If you start connecting dots, Mel may be onto something. With the re-zoning that is being discussed, this may have been the plan all along.