Protect the free speech? And fair elections?
Score 1 for the goodguys!! Niceeeee.
what a creepy photo
Tis debunked, its the symbol on the sign, saw a video a few weeks ago about bad proofs, sad, i liked this one.
Havent they been there for awhile now?
Ok can we get a fuckin answer on this? I thought the callsign only changed for them, not on the actual site? Is there a screenshot with trump on and it switches to AF1?
true story. It is only a matter of time with how they are acting, I mean they killed people parents for covid numbers. Only a matter of time before the wrong persons
i found the video, got it thanks.
Do i fill out the part at the bottom? for the "circulator" ?
Things take time. People have reached there limit. Why you think the NG is still there. They are scared, they know what they did, and one or the other someone will do something about it.
is there a 5min explantion of this? I cant watch this shit for 50 minutes.
Well, wtf did she say?
Where can i send mine too? I thought i did it online but people say you cant do it online?
hmmmmmmmmmm, i wonder what those cities have in commmon.
Yeah ive heard those stories, I know exactly where they are talking about. Up waterman canyon. There is supposed to be some place where they drain bodies n shit, I always thought they were just stories.
Where?> Im in San Bernardino.
Isnt Xi in charge of the CCP? Or is that not how it works over there?
You have to be mostly good at not killing people, pretty good doesn't count.
Someone has got to run up to him and pull on that face.
this makes me sad.
Do you feel like murdering? If so, you too can be rich!
Now THAT is a good idea. But all they have to do is make it legal, ill do it for ffree
whatd they do?