Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

What choice would they have. Lol Luckily for them no one is kicking their door in to tell them. If your interested we are a product of genetic hybridization by many higher advanced extraterrestrial species. But predominantly, the Pleiadians are our predecessors. Now you know.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

The galaxy is essentially a toroidal sphere governed by a supermassive black hole within the center. From this center emanates highly charged gamma rays which bubble out engulfing it’s solar systems within. We live in a vast interconnected electromagnetic universe through which a cosmic web of filaments bridge everything together. Through this connection, energy from the center of our galaxy can cause shifts like a micro-nova within our own solar system. We are getting ready to experience the next cosmic shift. Can you imagine the effects of a quasar on human consciousness?

Bigneckedmanjr 6 points ago +7 / -1

Here’s the former central intelligence director at the council on foreign relations admitting to geoengineering.


Chemtrails are used for various reasons. The military disperse heavy metal particulates into the atmosphere to create what they call chaff. This is to serve as an electronic barrier to prevent sigint interceptions.

I believe they are spraying everything from neurotoxic agents to engineered bioweapons on host populations. This has many applications, some of which I believe coincide with other technologies such as HAARP etc. for the use of weather warfare. Aluminum, barium and sulfuric acid have been named at times but I believe there are even more insidious agents potentially being used such as nanotechnology- smart dust, theragrippers etc.

I believe we are already being intentionally infected with genetic altering viruses. Do some research into Epstein-Bar virus creating autoimmune diseases like lupus. It’s interesting how they are being to reverse MS through gene therapy. It’s as if something is being introduced into the human body that is switching genetic codons, turning the body’s immune system against the body???

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah just biblical end times prophecy level mark of the beast shit. No big deal. Lol

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

?? ?? ?? 100% Rip off the fucking bandaid. Even if they perish. The choice to know was always theirs. I’m over it. Do it. Even if we have to take arms against our neighbors. Live free or die.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are largely two divergent camps of satanists. One group believe in otherworldly entities such as demons and such. They practice occult rituals in attempt to bridge the gap between worlds etc. The other group does not believe in such beings. They laugh at how ridiculous it all seems. They believe in science. This group does not believe there is a God and therefore any being named Satan either. Their lack of belief in any of this is largely what encourages their philosophy of embracing mans carnal desires. They believe man is still part animal, and therefore it is only the natural order to in a sense ‘Do what thou wilt.’

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, the real question is will we rise to the occasion. Oneness is the foundation of unconditional love. I AM

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is true some human vessels do not have a soul contracted incarnation. Not every sexual act has to be fulfilled in spiritual obligation. That being said, is a very small minority. And it most certainly is not justification for enslavement. Many truths have been passed down from ancient mystery schools to secrets societies only to be perverted as means for control and justification for that control. The real quest, where did the ancient knowledge originate from...

The term soulless is often attributed to an individual exhibiting psycho/sociopathic tendencies, but one does not mean the other. In fact, most beings without a soul are people who tend to not marry or have kids. They are people who show a lack of engagement with the rest of society as a whole and tend to show little aspirations. That is because the aspect of being within that seeks spiritual growth through largely karmic entanglement does not exist.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, unless the the psychopaths are... aliens. ?

I am hearing a lot of dangerously ignorant ideas on this feed. If we are not willing to be honest with ourselves we have learned nothing, gained nothing from the all collective human experiences incurred and are destined to continuously play them out.

Many people can argue many things, but IMO one infallible truth is, consciousness breeds free will. If we are conscious beings we have the ability to choose who we are and what we do. And when we encounter the next sentient life form, so will they. This of course allows for a spectrum beings in which we will judge as good/bad, light/dark. That is the game of polarity we are playing. The only way to ascend beyond is the embrace of spiritual oneness. If God is the all that is, we and they are made in its ‘image’. There are many people here on earth yet to understand that.

Bigneckedmanjr 0 points ago +1 / -1

OP, clearly you haven’t looked very hard at the subjects you speak of. Now, I want to first say, IMO unequivocally Extraterrestrials exist and have been engaging with humanity for a very long time. That being said the idea that technology has never at any point trickled down to human hands leaves your entire argument in shambles. Have you never seen massive tunnel boring machines? As far as human trafficking just look at the endless busts of human trafficking going on in the last couple years. Look into MILABS. It’s very easy to pick apart a rigid, black and white argument. So I won’t bother humiliating you. Instead I’ll simply put out a few names of people you can begin to explore the subject on that may bring some light to a few questions.

Phil Schneider, Steven Greer, Clifford Stone, David Wilcock, Corey Goode. This of course is just an introduction into the subject. Start with that and see where you stand from there.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe they have been gene altering through vaccinations for some time. Check out the connections between vaccines giving people the Epstein-Barr virus leading to autoimmune diseases like lupus. Is there any wonder hydroxychloroquine is treating both?

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0


by gamepwn
Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. I believe they are acclimating us to the idea of military presence in our communities. How are they going to take down the cabal without it? Prepare for what is going to look like a military coup. The more the sheeple can see this illegitimate ‘presidency’ the easier it is going to be going through this process. People don’t think the military is in control? Just take a look at the vacant yet ‘occupied’ White House.

Bigneckedmanjr 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s the beauty of the internet. We get to witness when June Cleaver meets Beavis, anonymously. This is better than mass arrests. ?

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what Greer is saying as far as consciousness and contact is legit. I began having my own personal contact before I even heard of Greer. I think he’s right about Delongs To the Stars being a false disclosure narrative ran by the deep state. I think he’s a useful idiot. Many within the ufology community would say the same about Greer. They claim his lack of acknowledging negative ETs is a cabal psyop. I believe Greer is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think his intentions are noble in the respect of not letting the national security state have their narrative however I think he knows that’s not the whole truth. Do you tell people what they are willing to believe and remain credible or tell them the truth and become a ‘nut job’? Do you tell people the truth about what’s happening which plays right into the cabals narrative and lose all control over the human drama or tell the half truth to prevent our own destruction? This is a tough position because the ‘light’ remains in the fringes. What I would have to comment would be even beyond Greers position. The Galactic Federation of Light is here. They are not here to kick our door in. We must open up and let them in. This is not easy when your entire live you’ve been told about fallen angels, demons and brain sucking aliens. So do you keep following the same institutions that have lied to you all this time? The same ones who demand your blind obedience? The truth isn’t going to be for everyone. If you think the ‘leftists’ are the only ones who will experience a complete existential crisis you haven’t even considered how big the ‘great awakening’ really is. Prepare for the possibility that everything you thought you ever knew was wrong. That’s how big this is.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The great thing about the shadows is no one even knows they exist. Would you even know if the black nobility bloodlines were already wiped off the face of the earth??? :)

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing I would say I disagree with in OPs title is put yourself first. When you truly understand universal oneness you will understand I AM the other you. ;) lol Oneness is the path towards unconditional love. God truly is the all that is. When you understand what that means for you and all beings, everything will begin to change.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was the ancient knowledge given to man from higher beings which was coveted and occulted into ancient mystery schools and later secret societies. The New Age movement is this truth re-emerging. That is not to say the luciferians aren’t trying to pervert this just the same as all other truths kept from humanity.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crypto is the next fiat. They want to kill the dollar and force everyone to accept an rfid chip linked to a blockchain cryptocurrency so that they can just turn yours off if you dissent. It will be the ultimate form of control. This is the mark of the beast level shit coming. Obey or be exiled from society.

The only way the cabal would now rail against this is that they have lost control of it. I believe they have reversed a lot of what was once their agenda because now in killing the current fiat system they would be usurped by the alliance transition towards asset backed currencies. Everyone has to kind of be all in in order for this to work. No one wants to be the one guy building a house of cards. Lol

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Research Louis Jolyon West who led the MK Ultra operation out of UCLA's department of psychiatry and the Neuropsychiatric Institute. This is a central hub for Hollywood MK Ultra victims. UCLA is where they are always sent to be reprogrammed.




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