They've done that before via temporarily relaxed standards, waivers, and bonuses. See early Iraq war.
I cannot get an answer or more info on this. Haven't gone to JAG or anyone in the DoD yet, because I want to be armed with more info first.
It is my understanding that they can't issue a lawful order to take an EUA shot. Which means if the shot presented to me isn't from a COMIRNATY vial, they can't order me to take it. Which would mean I haven't disobeyed a lawful order by refusing it.
We (my guard unit) are going to be ordered to take the shot in Feb, where they will have 'the pfizer vaccine' (their words) available. I've been told by some of the medical personnel that it will indeed be the EUA version.
I'm in a leadership position, and in a position where I can leave the guard without any real consequence to my civilian life, so I'm okay being the 'face of the resistance' in this unit, as it were. But I want to be intelligent about it.
I have minimal backing documentation, and have been trying to gather more.
It seems like it should be as simple as asking the medic/provider on shot day to show me which vial they have, then refusing when its not comirnaty. But that almost seems too easy and like more people would be talking about it if that's all there was to it.
This concept is what I'm following relatively closely for now
As far as I know, the Army can't order you to take an EUA drug. In a couple months, they're going to 'have pfizer shot available' and order our unit (nat'l guard) to take them. That would make this not a lawful order, again unless I'm missing something.
I'd really like to see this concept/issue expanded upon, I'm not sure how its not more in the forefront on our forums. Shouldn't this be the current delay tactic / way out for service members? Obviously not a permanent solution, but can certainly buy some time, as much as I don't want to validate the whole 'but now its FDA approved' thing.
It can vary greatly by distro, what you have installed and use, and what you have constantly running
And you could have the most 'locked down' OS, but if you do everything online through logged-in chrome and other g-services, you're still giving out a lot of data
A less invasive OS with open source, trackerless versions of common software (where available), browsing discipline, potentially a vpn depending on what you want to avoid, etc, gets you pretty far
edit: should we 'name' these 'stacks' like how web stacks are named? i.e. LAMP = linux, apache, mysql, php
in that case, i run the FAPS stack
firefox, arch, protonmail, signal
I’m with the other commenters. How is anyone being forced to make concessions or subject to blackmail? Can’t they just not work with Pfizer / not buy any of their product?
I'm sure some part of it is the same line of thinking as:
"people aren't going to [heavily mask-enforced stores/theaters/etc] because they're scared! we need even more protection!"
when really its the opposite
Lol @ “XEROXED (machine copied…)”
I haven’t heard someone say that in a long time
What were they trying to report on?
3 years from retirement. in all likelihood he fulfilled his contractual / statutory obligations years ago, depending on how / when he commissioned and which military schooling he's gone to in the mean time
Is any of that relevant to "can osha require employers to mandate vaccines?"
this shit always comes up when people start talking about the mandates or if people should be forced to be vaccinated. efficacy and instance of infection are irrelevant. especially here where it's "has osha been granted the power to do this". If they can do it for the plague, they can do it for a cold. Even if we put in some sort of metric, they'll just find a way to lower the metric or increase the reported number of potential positives / instances.