Blurpy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is this the white hats showing the normies that it doesn't work?

Yes, I think two purposes are served: The first one you mentioned, and the second, it is a convenient way to remove another prominent person from the chessboard without raising suspicion.

I think we are seeing arrests, and most don't realize it. Time will tell if I am guessing correctly.

Blurpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is the same event, just a different source. I believe we are about to learn the truth of the Clinton Foundation's crimes in Haiti.

Blurpy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Part of Q drop 68 (Nov 3rd, 2017): https://qposts.online/post/68

Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden?

Were deals made w/ select D's?

Can we expose every crooked politician?

70%. .......................................................................................

Deals have been being made for resignations since near the beginning of Trump's first term. We have seen a massive turnover in Congress in the last 4 years. I suspect they started with the small fish, politicians who were just "a little dirty", and told them to resign and never run again, or go to prison.

We couldn't send off 70% of Congress all at the same time. We are now seeing the final chess pieces being knocked over in this game.


Blurpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is all part of the show. The news story will bring attention to the Haiti/Clinton Foundation - crimes against children scandal.

"Let's see what happens." DJT

Blurpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just read the first chapter preview online, and then went to ebay and bought a hard copy.

It looks like a really fun, great read. The story starts with the General in high school, and then his college ROTC years. He progresses in chapter 1 through Infantry school, Ranger School, Jump School, and Jump Master School. Chapter 1 ends with his appointment to 101st Airborne Division, and heading off to Vietnam.

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

We all can understand and agree on one thing: Trump knows more of the plan than we do.

Since he is saying this - there is a reason for it.

To Quote President Trump (Q+): "Let's see what happens."

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0


You'll want to read this that just came out☝

The summary is that GME has an intrinsic valuation of $769 per share, right now, with no squeeze, no NFT, nothing. FOMO (FearOfMissingOut) should begin now. FOMO = Buying pressure = Gamma = margin calls = liquidation = MOASS.

Blurpy 8 points ago +8 / -0

It makes a LOT of sense.


Unity is our strength.

Welcome them, help them understand. That is our job.

Blurpy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Clues for a good up day tomorrow are:

  1. The buckle up tweet came 1 year ago today, 4 minutes before midnight (the start of tomorrow).

  2. Jerome Powell was exposed today as inside trading.

  3. The Harambe Gorilla statue showed up today on Wall St., with 10,000 bananas surrounding the Bull statute.

  4. The long-awaited GME report from the SEC was delivered today, in it - was noted that GME was the only stock shorted in excess of 100% in January.

To me, it adds up to a BIG up day for us, and a BAD DAY for the Bankers.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0


Your post shows clearly that you have not done that... otherwise, you'd understand what has ACTUALLY been happening since 2016.

You are clearly still reading the news as a consumer... which means you don't realize what is actually happening.

The answers to your frustration and misunderstanding are all here:


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