Bonnieric 14 points ago +14 / -0

Thanks for this post. What a very good analogy about what kind of lawyer is most effective. Trump is our agent who goes to bat for us.

Has anyone watched Team America? It has a line in it that is too crass to say here, but it makes this same point. Ok. Well, maybe I will type it and leave out letters, cuz it is clever and important.

"Sometimes you need a d... to f... the a..holes because the rest of them are p...ies."

I don't cuss (out loud, anyway). Haha. So, this was uncomfortable to post, but worth it because it is so true.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tyranny, for sure. We must look out for ourselves and each other. I need to buy more filters to fit my Berkey and keep stocked with MMS.

Bonnieric 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dear Lord. Please grant this woman comfort and safety during this time. Please guide the surgeons and give wisdom to the doctors and nurses caring for her. We pray that she will see a bright future for herself and be able to live with hope, faith, and joy so that you can do a work in others through her. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Bonnieric 10 points ago +10 / -0

Couldn't the first three shots have been from the window directly behind crooks...same line of sight? They sounded way different than the next 5 shots.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

During his press conference at his home he mentioned three debates in September with Fox and two other news stations. He is offering them, but she hasn't accepted, yet.

Edit...added this link. https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1821612617557012901?s=19

Bonnieric 4 points ago +4 / -0

So true. I would tell him to explain how the masked rioters breaking windows on Jan 6th were not the protesters (for the most part). They were paid rioters who were not even arrested. He always lumps us in with them. He could even add that a capitol policeman was caught on video slicing the tarp under the bleachers. That video was shown by the defense atty right after the officer accused Thomas of slicing it. At least atrump mentions how officers opened doors.

Bonnieric 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump said he has 3 dates set aside for debates. She most likely won't debate him. Here is my idea:

Since Kamala will probably refuse the 3 debates Trump scheduled, he ought to represent her opinion by playing videos of her past comments and showing screenshots of her voting record, the bills Biden signed, and the executive orders Biden wrote.

After he shows those for each topic, he can explain his policy and even show screenshots of his bills and executive orders.

I would love to see this! If he did this on the first debate night, she might change her mind and show up for the other two. Haha.

Bonnieric 9 points ago +9 / -0

A Hollywood production, fake campaign so that when they cheat, people will believe the results.

Conservatives definitely are not changing their opinion about her radical policies, but that won't stop the dems from cheating. Maybe there is a plan in place to stop them this time.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need tech specialists to analyze this then post their results everywhere.

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree!

In America, liberal policies have already begun destroying energy and food independence... next will be our water supply. There was already a speaker for the UN talking about using water to gain compliance.

Dependency (for food, energy, and water) and chaos (using open borders, division, paid rioters, etc) are how the globalists to disassemble America and integrate it into the new world order. They cant do that if we are sovereign and independent.

I tell ny liberal friends who ask "To what time do you want to return? To the time of slavery? Or to the time when women cannot vote?" I tell them "MAGA means a return to independence and sovereignty. What is bad about that? It doesnt mean we cant be cooperative and generous. It means we dont give our stability and sovereignty away."

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

Taxing animal farmers to a level that makes it impossible to survive, while importing food from Ukraine at lower prices is being done on purpose to ruin agriculture.

Throughout history, power has been gained by controlling food sources. It is no different now.

No leader who is looking out for his or her own citizens would do this. A MAGA-type nationist leader would never do this. Which leaders would make decisiins that damage their own citizens? The answer is leaders who bow down to globalists. They trade national interests for gloabalist interests.

Dems have a talking point that they "dont want to go back". Well, this is a skewed message. No one wants to go backward or relive certain time frames that were not as socially or technologically evolved. MAGA means to go back to policies that care for the citizens...rather than giving away our financial stability, physical safety, sovereignty, cinstitutiinal rights, freedoms, and opportunity to sustain ourselves a global wanna-be power.

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have 6 years of texts between my liberal friend and myself. I think I will put them verbatum into a book. The only tricky part will be providing the content to which my links led. This could be a good book for future readers, right?

Bonnieric 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't they out of session until October? Hopefully, they will rule early in October, but what about early voting?

Bonnieric 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are very much appreciated!

Bonnieric 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hi Ashlanddog. You are so good at compiling research. Have you run across any articles or podcasts describing the law that would have determined who would have been the GOP candidate had he not turned his head at the right time? Would it have automatically been Nikki Haley since she had some delegates? But now, since it didn't happen, and Trump chose Vance, would JD Vance automatically be the candidate if there is a successful assasination? (God forbid.) If so, that would explain why their assassination had to happen before the convention.

Same question...but about Kamala. If the deepstate chooses her VP pick, then assassinates her after their convention, does her VP pick become the candidate automatically? I could see them doing that in order to gain sympathy and momentum, as well as being able to hand pick their candidate...and throw in some blame and prosecution against Trump voters. Evil.

I know the GOP and DNC have different rules, but I don't know what they are.

No need to waste your time answering this question, but if you already know, any info would be appreciated.


Bonnieric 2 points ago +3 / -1

About #1. Ugh! "(iii) insect-based technology, using insect larvae to convert discarded food to proteins; (iv) cell-cultivated meat technology leveraging stem cells, bioprocess and tissue-engineering principles to produce animal muscle cells without rearing an animal."

Bonnieric 1 point ago +1 / -0

1:15:13 timestamp? Thanks for posting Very good clip.

Bonnieric 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dr Peter McCullough Wellness Company sells a product that comes from Bison liver, kidney, and heart. Might be good in his case. "Eat a kidney to heal a kidney. Eat a liver to heal a liver."

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