Borntoquestion17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Again don’t think the Bible is wrong. I actually take it more literally than most do. But I don’t think it’s the end all be all of humanity’s knowledge. And we know that it has been edited by man so I’m just saying it isn’t the pure unadulterated word of God on earth anymore.

Interestingly it actually fits very well with the theory in question where they are mostly describing interactions with ET. Most of what they described as magic or miracles were technology we couldn’t understand. A great book to read if you’re interested is the Book of Enoch (Noah’s great grandfather) which was part of the Bible until it was removed in the Constantine convention around the year 1000 if I’m not mistaken. He talks about being taken into a crystal temple and walking to a table of flashing crystals before the whole temple lifted off the hill and flew into the heavens (sounds like flashing buttons on a control panel of a ship). Then he describes the moon orbiting the earth, the earth orbiting the sun and the sun in its own orbit of the galaxy (well over 1000 years before Galileo).

But long story short is the theory that a group of aliens crash landed on earth and salvaged their ships to make a highly technologically advanced society which we dubbed Atlantis (in Antarctica). They needed slave labor so they found the species closest to them and spliced some of their DNA into us (similar to modern Crispr) and made us much smarter in a generation (hence the missing link and us being made in their image). They also brought war and suffering which is the proverbial fall from grace/the garden of Eden. Flash forward several thousand years and Antarctica freezes due to pole shifts (west side used to be where Australia currently is) hence lost to the sea. They subtlety control humanity and create hybrids to rule over us (Devine right to rule) and they only interbreed to keep the bloodline pure (why royalty intermarried). The Nazi’s discovered a lot of this truth (hitlers obsession with the occult, trips into Egypt and India for old technology and artifacts) via the Vril society. They focused on this tech instead of the nuke which is why we beat them to it. They knew they were going to lose so they went to Antarctica (New Schwabenland) to hide their tech and we followed in operation high jump. We got our asses handed to us and within the year operation paper clip was in full swing. We shot down a craft expecting to capture Nazi’s in Roswell but instead shot down actual aliens. Eisenhower met with them but decided humanity wasn’t ready for the truth so he started Majestic 12 to keep the truth from humanity. They hatched a 80+ year plan to get humanity ready for awakening including the Hollywood symbolism and more. Q is a recent part of that effort as we reach the climax.

The elite aren’t just evil for no reason, they serve these alien groups who feed off loosh (negative energy caused by suffering). The cabal creates war, disease, famine, poverty and more all to create loosh for their ET rulers. The thing is, now there’s a good ET group (confederation of light) to fight the bad ETs (Orion group).

Trump even said in one of his Corona press conferences “I was talking to someone not of this earth the other day and they were surprised how many countries we have.” Q has said aliens are real “Are we alone in the universe? No. Consider the vastness of space. Highest classification”. This is what he means when he said “the end won’t be for everyone. The choice to know will be yours”

Borntoquestion17 3 points ago +4 / -1

I do, I just believe in a God much greater than most people do. I don’t use God to say life couldn’t exist anywhere else in the near infinite cosmos. Actually this whole thing brought me back to god and made me read all kinds of religious documents and books from around the world and through history (not just the ones I was raised to believe were true).

I actually believe God (source) is the sum of all consciousness in the universe, and we are all just infinitesimally small parts of that consciousness. “He who knows himself shall know god”. The universe wished to know itself and that’s what we’re here to do. But no I don’t believe in any institutions or faiths that put themselves between you and God.

But yeah not shitting on the idea of God at all, please don’t take it that way. Just saying using a faith to blindly follow can be dangerous (just look at the Vatican).

Borntoquestion17 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s fair. But I’ve personally talked to people in the top levels of US DoD (Sec Def, Joint Chiefs), higher ups at NASA, people who work at Area 51, top tier special operators (then on-acknowledged ones) and more. Have had it confirmed to me by many sources with top secret security clearances. I can’t go into more details in order to protect them who risked their careers to share with me, so I get if you don’t believe it. But even Q has said in no uncertain words that we aren’t alone in the universe.

I don’t mean to be rude or counter to your faith (actually love the unadulterated Christian faith) but just saying the whole message of this movement is do your own research before you dismiss things on a sniff test. Most people would say that Q doesn’t pass the sniff test without doing their own research. Don’t do the same things we get upset when the normies do them.

If you do get interested, read into Robert Byrd’s 1947 journal from operation high jump. That’s where our knowledge of them started

Borntoquestion17 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cabal loves to convert the most loving institutions to ones of evil (look at what they did to the Catholic Church). As much as Jesus loves you, a lot of the churches equally hate you below the surface.

Borntoquestion17 0 points ago +1 / -1

Cause that wasn’t selectively edited during the Constantine convention (was part of the cabal) to muddy the true word of God. Like the institutions of the church are being revealed to be followers of satan and your idea is just to double down on their edited teachings?

May I recommend you pick up a history book?

Borntoquestion17 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do they have to be one or the other?

Like all the beings (angels and demons) being described as coming down from the heavens sounds a lot like a culturally relevant way at the time to say they came from outer space...

Also how have you not learned to keep an open mind after all the Q stuff? Like really... even Q has said aliens are real. So you think you’re smarter and more in the know than Q?

Borntoquestion17 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should definitely look into Majestic 12. Supposedly the group made after Roswell to protect the public from this truth until they were ready (aka the plan). Q has linked to their Twitter account before.

Supposedly several members of the MJ12 team are on the Q team. Split them up so it wasn’t too big a pill to swallow and get labeled conspiracy by people who would be open to just the Q truth. Q is the gateway to 4D reality. Majestic 12 is the gateway to 5D.

“The end won’t be for everyone. The choice to know is yours”

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

“The end won’t be for everyone, the choice to know will be yours”

This goes far beyond 4D Q cabal thinking. Need to get to 5D majestic 12 level to see the solar flares are actually the crux of this whole thing

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aren’t the white hats their own secret society? Like I get what you means in terms of all the stuff we’re learning but the only reason we’re learning of it is because of the good secret societies (Q, MJ12, Wizards and Warlocks, etc)

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly I’d start around the Q stuff as it will be the most familiar. The string I think got me hooked was admiral Robert Byrd’s account of operation high jump in 1947. His daughter released his journal after his death and it talks about the mission actually being to track down advanced Nazi UFO tech in Antarctica before getting defeated and meeting with ET’s in a subterranean base similar to the DUMBs

Borntoquestion17 0 points ago +2 / -2

Glad you learned from the Q experience to not dismiss things without your own research. Actually have talked to multiple people in DoD from advance black projects, top tier special operators and joint chiefs. At least the space stuff and SSP is real. Confirmed by multiple higher ups personally after developing a relationship. Research admiral Robert Byrd and operation high jump (his journal version not official reports)

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was another post today about vaccines that could spread themselves in the same way a natural virus could. Wouldn’t have given this much weight until then but seems readonable

Borntoquestion17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have the strong feeling it will be Fauci. Q said it would lead to mass population awakening. How better to wake people up than to see the person they’ve deified during the pandemic turn out to have knowingly played a part in making it worse so that it could be used for political gains. Two birds with one stone: first you show people that their idols are not who they seem and are actually evil; secondly it will show that the pandemic is actually a farce that was always about power at the expense of the people.

That being said, I certainly wouldn’t mind it being Kerry. It’d be a good headline and show the undermining by the deep state but I don’t think has the same shock value. Like I feel many would give the excuse that it was warranted to save the world from Trump’s policies, Logan act be damned.

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone know a rough timeline for when the audit results are supposed to be released? I know it depends on how long it takes but are we talking days, weeks or months?

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I’ll try to go back and find it but don’t have the computer I had all my old research documents on with me. He is also a member of the Bohemian grove

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yessir, I have and I’m honestly split on the blue beam stuff. I think it actually makes for a good plan I’m theory and the fact that the timing of releases about aliens have seemed like a distraction from things much like their normal false flag routine. And I think most of these devices in the videos are TR3B HAUC from the 80s or so. If you’re really interested, I would look into Admiral Robert Byrd’s journal from his time in operation high jump (officially to establish research bases but according his account it was to chase Nazi alien tech to Antarctica where they found live aliens living in tunnel bases under the ice).

I personally took my research less directly into what Q days trusting others will be interested enough to do that research. I mostly focused on reading ancient religious and historical texts. I’ll summarize several years of work but I found they all tell a very similar story and set of morals but from different view points focusing on different prophets. It laid out a very interesting model of 7 densities (realities) that was interesting given the focus on 7 chakras in the East and the number 7 in the Bible. Basically the theory is a soul is born, starting life as a plant for thousands of lifetimes, then as animals, then as people, then as ET, then light beings like angels or ghosts and so on.

But the interesting thing was it did so in such a way it actually didn’t go Afro t to most religions (including Christianity) but just kinda expanded on the framework.

Also I have been incredibly luck to know many people in the DoD, US special operations, met with higher ups at NASA, talked to people who work out of different dark bases such as Area 51 and more. Obviously I can’t really prove that but I have had it personally confirmed to me that humanity is in constant contact with ET beings and has been since the 40s.

Lastly, I don’t have the link but will try to find it. My girlfriend actually noticed it watching one of Trump’s press conferences and told me to watch it. No one really notices but trump said “I was talking to someone not of this earth the other day and he was really surprised with how many countries we have.”

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah you’re totally right... but I think us wildly guessing what is and isn’t isn’t super helpful. Maybe necessary but you could say literally anything Q said is disinformation using that, including Trump being a white hat or anything no matter how central to the view. I do agree we have to be skeptical but denying something Q said and labeling it as disinformation without anything to back it up seems dishonest.

And yeah, on the sheet it talks about source. “Source” is a name for God because He is the source of all things. They even take it further and believe we are all part of god, trillions of tiny slivers of Him experiencing the universe from every perspective. It’s not on the sheet but they say that was even part of Christianity, even more so before it was edited by Constantine (“he who knows himself shall know god”); but yeah the sheet completely agrees with an infinite God of which everything (us, earth, the cosmos) is all an infinitely small part.

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q post 2222:

“ Q

Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q”

So you don’t believe Q?

And God is mentioned but is called Source because He is believed to be the source of all things

Borntoquestion17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q has only said aliens do exist if you have read all his posts, confirming multiple times.

He mentioned the first time in his 4chan Q&A in post 2222:


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q”

I am not trying to berate anyone, but when people are the same level of dismissive to other non-shills here as normies are to us it’s kinda disheartening. After all we learned are we not going to keep open minds?

And you’re right it’s not a Q post but I think the whole point was it’s a jumping off point for us to do our own research outside of Q posts directly just like our normal research

Borntoquestion17 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wow, we started as a movement willing to research anything and dig through endless material to find the truth. Now we struggle to read through an image before we give up because it’s too much work. I know you were being sarcastic but really?

And the whole document is about it, but the theory is best summed up in the law of one materials or the book of Ra

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