Bren1972 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am so glad that you all are medical "experts". I am dealing with facts based on that every hospitalized COVID patient is surveyed regarding their vaccination status and this is where the real raw data comes from. I have first hand knowledge of the struggles the clinicians have regarding the management of these very sick patients with their unusual symptoms. I hear the multiple rapid response codes being called all day on the COVID floor where the medical teams fight to keep these patients off of ventilators. Yes, I said COVID floor, not unit. I have multiple friends who have had COVID includingnone who had 2 heart attacks because of the clotting that it causes not to mention thatI she still can't taste and has the smell of burning paper in her nose a year later. I have firsthand knowledge unlike most people on these message boards who get their "facts" from the opinions of others. I am neither for or against the vaccine. What I am for is the right for a person to make their own decision about it. Before you pretend to know what you are talking about, you should do some real research instead of sitting in front of your computer eating Cheetos all day and reading message board posts. When you have firsthand knowledge why don't you circle back to me.

Bren1972 0 points ago +3 / -3

Also just for your info, for any hospitalized patient no matter the diagnosis, daily medical updates have to be given to insurance companies for each patient and each day has to be approved by insurance. You dont get to occupy a room in a hospital without it being medically necessary.

Bren1972 -2 points ago +2 / -4

I was on a call with our corporate office yesterday where I was updated. The average age of patients this time around is 50. 90% of our hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. There has not been one death attributed to COVID for a patient who is vaccinated to date during this surge in our hospital system. Currently we have approximately 2000 patients diagnosed with COVID in our hospital system. Today I spoke with a nurse case manager in our hospital and she covers ICU where 11 COVID patients are on vents of the 41 currently hospitalized. There are patients who are in there 30's to 50's in this group. My friend's daughter just spent 30 days in a hospital for COVID where she was on a vent for 2 weeks. She is in her 30's but is overweight and diabetic.

Bren1972 0 points ago +3 / -3

I have worked in hospitals for over 40 years. I have never seen a patient with just a cold on a vent. This most recent group of patients is younger with fewer comorbidities. I audit patient charts and I see the documentation so I know what I am talking about. Where does your expertise come from?

Bren1972 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Out hospital system is not running "normal" and we are overrun with COVID patients who are very sick. Where we live it is not business as usual in Central Florida.

Bren1972 2 points ago +5 / -3

You might not want to hear this but I work for a small 175 bed hospital in Florida and we have 42 COVID patients today and they are really sick. Our entire hospital system is at peak with these patients. It is no joke. As if our clinicians arent already burnt out from this past year, they are now enduring another surge. The average age of these patients is 50.

Bren1972 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, um, that is completely contradictory to the Bible. I am guessing that most people on the GA did not listen to your ending as closely as I did by pausing it every few seconds. Most people on the GA are Chriatians and would not agree with the ending of your video. Correct me if I am wrong. Unless you have some proof of what you say, I will stick with the Bible. Thank you for your efforts.

Bren1972 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Thank you for explaining but the end of your video is still not thorough enough for the average person to understand. People who are being introduced to a theory need a background, and how the theory is arrived at in order to comprehend. So are you saying that there will never be a second coming, or that we are not there yet and this is a process known as a great awakening?. I get all of your video except the last part that is somewhat convoluted and not fully explained.

Bren1972 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I am pretty well up to speed as I watched the entire "What on Earth" series months ago, and many other videos. Because of this I only watched your 3rd video. The problem I had is with understanding your explanation of the pods arriving with beings and your interpretation of that section as it pertains to the 2nd coming, etc. It did not make sense to me. I talk fast and listen fast and learn fast, but that last part didnt make sense to me. Also, you talk too fast and with your dialect it was difficult for me to make out every word.

Bren1972 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I can offer some constructive criticism. It went too fast for me to understand. I stopped it like 50 times to rewind to listen again. I also had to stop many times to read it. I didnt fully understand what you were saying about the beings, the second coming, vibrations, etc. It all went too fast. If you could slow it down and elaborate more on that part, Iwould listen, as I am open minded and seeking truth.

Bren1972 1 point ago +3 / -2

At the end of Part 3 he says that Q is the biggest psy op ever, that DJT is the antiChrist paid by the Cabal to lure people into following him so they get the vaccines which will kill us.

by Greydle
Bren1972 3 points ago +4 / -1

I know I am at my personal.precipice. The only thing I know to trust right now is God. The world is not a good place to be right now.

Bren1972 3 points ago +4 / -1

I realize that a lot of things are happening behind the scenes, but I am with you on this. The scary thing is that the evil has been going on for so long that I wonder how much longer this world have to endure it.

Bren1972 1 point ago +3 / -2

That looks worse than my lawn. No way would it be that shabby looking for the residence of the most powerful man in the world.

Bren1972 4 points ago +5 / -1

Right on time!

Bren1972 7 points ago +8 / -1

I stopped watching the daily news after the election because it is propaganda. The polls are fake. The news is slanted. I chose not to be a sheeple any more.

Bren1972 0 points ago +1 / -1

That is the one thing that keeps me thinking he is in control. They want him out of the picture so badly that they would have certainly put him in jail.

Bren1972 15 points ago +16 / -1

What makes him an expert on . . . EVERYTHING? So he is a software designer. Does that make him a physician, biochemist, environmentalist, engineer ? . . . and the list goes on.

Bren1972 88 points ago +89 / -1

25 recipients. 25th amendment?

Bren1972 13 points ago +14 / -1

Love it!

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