Brent75 1 point ago +1 / -0

You silly lady! 😂😂 You know I love ya.

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

In my own opinion, Article 17 is questionable. It caught me as sad until I read who funds the journalists. As it admits “social-justice donors”. So I’m not sure the data in that article is official vs left-wing media-emotional spiked data. Yes I know the damage in Gaza is bad, but I’m still not convinced the IDF were just blindly slaughtering civilians knowing that Hamas likes to use human shields.

But the rest of the articles are pretty good my friend. Keep it up as always.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve seen several plans of what Israel’s Elites would like to do. But in the last they won’t get to follow through.

Brent75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly yes Anon. History must always repeat itself, using violence in ignorance to crush defenseless people related to one’s they feared at one point. Just repeating a circle instead of breaking it.

Brent75 [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ll be of use to you when ever you need me, so you don’t have to look to “nutz” haha once it comes down to it Anon. Let me be your brunt when ready. 😉

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

You should post our “General” conversation here too. The Anons may enjoy it as well, since it is exactly on this subject. And our job of “planting seeds”.

Brent75 1 point ago +2 / -1

At one time all large scale religions started as peaceful. But then those in power/leaders that followed the initial people and initial prophets decided to twist what they could to gain more power. Religion isn’t the problem. Greed and control are at the heart of all starting problems.

Brent75 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sounds a little fishy. I get crime rewards but this seems a little too “KGB-Rewards Program” to me. 😂😂

Brent75 4 points ago +5 / -1

They should wait to say this stuff until the voting is all over. DemoLib operatives see this stuff too and are too obliged to mess up a White Hat Op if they can.

Brent75 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep, here we are having more Christians brutally slaughtered again in a defunct Syria where the UN could easily help uphold their military action standards and engage to save people per the Nuremberg Codes! Instead besides the US, Russia, and Israel, the rest of the UN members and their media is silent on helping. 😡 All while truly innocent civilians are being massacred openly by the current Syrian regime! And these other nations are prepping to hand over funds to repair their country! Adding no known stipulations to stop the killing so far! Just sickening!

Brent75 [M] 13 points ago +15 / -2

Sticky for NYC Eyes On. Let’s see if these idiots are all dragged out for trespassing. Of course even if they are, I have no faith in the DA there even upholding trespassing charges, due to it being a Trump property. But we’ll see what happens.

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh okay. Still odd that someone that just moved back there and doesn’t have much local political experience (per the given info) would be voted in as PM over other senior Canadian Reps.

Everyone at the prior vote meeting must’ve all look at each other and said, “Fuck that job! I don’t want that much political heat! Give it to the FNG and let him phuck this Country up further. Yep that’s the ticket!” 😂😂

Brent75 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wait wait, so they’re fighting to not get shut down and so in turn now shredding public records they’re supposed to keep for up to 5 years? Wouldn’t they want to keep those records to prove they were doing something vs nothing? And putting out an obvious warning like this seems like a grift or challenge of some kind to actually have the authorities act to freeze and maintain all documents! And why would the “doorstop” Secretary order this when the last was fired by Trump and this person brought in to hold a spot for the new hire? Doesn’t make sense the “doorstop” Secretary would care about these people enough to risk his/her own neck going to jail shredding records! Unless it was a current emotionally and dirt tied employee moved up, and is “saving” his/her fellow employees?

Yeah, either these people are this stupid or this article is MSM click-bait BS.

Brent75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m going to assume Hollywood must lead to politicians to Epstein/Diddy, and then politicians must lead to Hollywood and Epstein/Diddy, depending on introduction route. Because the Trump Team is hesitant on releasing Epstein’s files without Diddy’s being finished with court. Because one case shouldn’t be tied to the other hence not needing the other’s release to bust one swathe of sickos. But it seems these cases Are Possibly, Perhaps tied to many of the same people, victims, and even actual traffickers that got the children to both Diddy and Epstein.

And I’ll assume there is just more than Diddy or Epstein being the main sex contacts/play-houses. I bet there are a few more high profile people involved in just the kid procurement side.

Wonder what DOGE will term up with Department of Children’s Services too, that they haven’t got to yet. Could this be another piece of the “wait we need that data” puzzle to make connected cases bullet proof?

I’m all for waiting a tad bit longer to get this whole thing as close to 100% solid convictions as well.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its Cali y’all! I’m sure she already has a new plea deal after said article writing, giving her a misdemeanor Vandalism and some community service if she has no priors, and pleads guilty. Just like NY, Cali has weak enforcement of laws in more liberal/Democrat areas of the State.

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