Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will do! You provide an incredible service for this community, I'm just honored to have the opportunity to contribute.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure thing. While I don't have an end-all-be-all article on the subject (this topic is actively suppressed IMO), I found some material that at least make for a good conversation starter.

"The END of MEN - Why Is Testosterone So Low In Men Now?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHRUDByO90

I can't vouch for this guy's other videos, but I thought he did a good job here of explaining the issue along with providing possible solutions. He cites mostly mainstream science, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're trying to expose a major crisis to people who are skeptical of the problem's existence in the first place.

For anyone who wants to dive deeper into this rabbit hole, I recommend looking at this Reuters article from 2007. It summarizes the findings of a prominent study on the T levels of American men - the big takeaway here is that average testosterone levels appear to be dropping by up to 1% per year:

Men's testosterone levels declined in last 20 years https://www.reuters.com/article/health-testosterone-levels-dc/mens-testosterone-levels-declined-in-last-20-years-idUKKIM16976320061031

Finally, here's a direct link to a large-scale study from 2021 corroborating my claims. It only analyzes the testosterone levels of Israeli men but cites other studies which found declining levels in Nordic and North American males. This, disturbingly, suggests a global trend.

Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7063751/

Personally, I've drawn a lot of my conclusions on this subject based on research and analysis from MGTOW ("Men Going Their Own Way") message boards, but people have conflicting views on MGTOW as a whole (they are anti-marriage) - if interested, I do recommend perusing goingyourownway.com for more information on the controlled demolition of both men and women. You can also check out MGTOW content creators on BitChute like Sandman, although I don't have a specific video to recommend at this time:


I hope some of that was helpful!

Bye_Reddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good article, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately I feel like a lot of young women will dismiss its message until they too end up in a position of regret. The programming runs deep.

There is clearly an ongoing project to dismantle femininity and masculinity both, albeit in different ways. From a male perspective, one of the big concerns is the dramatic fall of testosterone in recent decades. Data shows that the average male has anywhere between 25%-75% less T than a guy from the 1980s - almost no one acknowledges this for the crisis it is. Same thing goes for sexual promiscuity as it relates to the destruction of the feminine.

Bye_Reddit 29 points ago +30 / -1

Were you there to confirm that the visit took place?

How much do you trust this friend?

Is it possible that he is fucking with you?

I ask because I have been through the experience of finding out that a close childhood friend was, let's say, not who I thought he was.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha, great scene. Didn't realize The Office covered such topics. I especially like the "NESA" in the background... nice not-so-subtle touch.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not being sarcastic here: it sounds like you might be further along in your spiritual development than I am. I'm aware, to an extent, of the propaganda techniques they employ in film, but I keep coming back to the well so to speak.

Part of the reason I make a point of calling out the dark nature of television "programming" (they love putting it in plain sight, don't they?) is because I need to convince myself to replace it with a healthier habit.

I don't know if it's possible to live a completely vice-free life, but the things they hide in movies are much more sinister than people realize. It's certainly a contributing factor to the ongoing mental health crisis in the US. Film addiction is the kind of vice where you can't know precisely the amount of damage you're doing to yourself - at best, you get a vague sensation that you're messing up your neural pathways.

Movies are perfectly designed for people like myself who view the world in patterns, narrative structures, moral analyses. Complex fiction tickles the brain in a way rarely offered by the real world.

That's all well and good, until you stop to consider the intentions of the storytellers.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fascinating example on the power of language, thanks for sharing.

There's something about Milton's delivery--maybe it's the cadence or the way he structure his sentences--that reminds me of filmmaker David Lynch. Are you familiar with his work? He often speaks in symbols, and even when giving simple interviews I get the sensation that there's a narrative format to his answers.

There's also something to be said on the power of repetition:

"As sure as God made little green apples..." "As sure as God made little green apples..." "As sure as God made little green apples..."

At a point, it starts to feel like "little green apples" serve as a trigger (as in, for sleeper agents) or as a codephrase/comms for something else entirely. It's not necessarily malicious, but in the case of Hollywood movies and certainly Sam Harris videos, it likely is.

A parting thought on this subject:

I have been revisiting a Canadian movie from 2008 called Pontypool. I don't want to give too much away, but the core themes have to do with language and brainwashing. Repetition comes into play as well. Here's the first scene... Milton Erickson vibes for sure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQauJW09qRs

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, that was spot on!

I was also introduced to Harris through his talks on spirituality, and had exactly the same takeaway: he draws people in with the promise of spiritual/intellectual enlightenment--people who are genuinely in pursuit of the truth--but he leads them astray with Orwellian newspeak. His messages are made to appear deep, but if you take the time to unpack his language you'll only find a mess of contradictory claims.

You know, I watch a lot of movies (probably too many for my own good) and I've noticed that they often partake in a similar scrambling of language. I think I know why: it's a delivery mechanism for propaganda. A movie's not going to tell its audience outright, "you know, I think you should kill yourself. It would be very noble if you committed suicide." But through scrambled narratives, encrypted symbols and the like, they can get the viewer to digest themes of self-sacrifice.

Once you become aware of this technique, you see it everywhere, and to this day I find it quite shocking what you can discover embedded in the newspeak.

Bye_Reddit 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's a really keen point - no matter how ludicrous the message, even I have to admit Sam Harris is disturbingly easy to listen to on some level.

It's a specific combination of his delivery with careful video and audio production. This sort of hypnotic suggestion is certainly one of the techniques that the government likes to use in MK ULTRA-type programs. I don't believe for a second that Sam is working independently here.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that's precisely the term for it!

It feels like the rise of social media and celebrity culture have given the sophist types more power than ever - certainly they have easy ways now of influencing feeble minds. But they also present a real danger outside of the internet, as we've come to see from the COVID situation. These idiot sophists and their proclivity to "speak from authority" are a big reason why so many were duped into taking the jab.

Bye_Reddit 10 points ago +10 / -0

lol, this guy is so intellectually bankrupt. I thought they hated "whataboutism?" Oh, they only pretend to hate it when they accuse conservatives of doing it.

Here's the thing about people like Sam Harris: they have a background in oration. They're good at speaking. For some reason, the ability to string a sentence together is often conflated with having something meaningful to say. It's not the same thing, and Sammy is a perfect example of that.

Bye_Reddit 9 points ago +9 / -0

Weird, I thought CNN enjoyed losing money.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my favorite meme templates. 😂

The right panel applies to so many people who want the world to believe they are "professionals." When you get a deep look at different industries, you realize how much of the workforce is just posturing. Peacocking. Despite rigorous education, even the medical field is full of imposters - it's very hard to find a skilled doctor, let alone one who has a healthy moral compass.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can only imagine. It's horrible what they're doing to people. Hard to believe this is really where we're at in society until it affects you personally or someone you care about.

Bye_Reddit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ah, Dr. Baffled strikes again.

If this person requires open heart surgery, she is possibly at a point where simple, at home medical intervention may have limited effect, sorry to say. Nevertheless, here's the first document I show people who are asking for advice on dealing with "vaccine" injury:


I hope she is able to find a path to recovery and now understands the risk of trusting so-called medical experts with her health. I wish her the best.

Bye_Reddit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Chapelle has made some, let's say, questionable claims over the years (with regard to MAGA for example) but I get the feeling he might be a white hat. He conditioned liberals to like him with lowbrow humor and black victim status, and now whenever he pulls the curtain back on politics, the leftists recoil in anger and confusion. It's fun to watch.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's about 90 minutes - standard movie length. Most of it takes place in a radio booth (which justifies the oscilloscope visual at the beginning, in my opinion) and it dives deep into the subject of brainwashing.

I mean, it's possible that the movie has ulterior motives. Most Hollywood films do. But this is a relatively low-budget film out of Canada and it's free from all the usual propaganda... there are no trannies, diversity quotas being met, stupid messages of self-sacrifice or any of the other garbage out of Hollywood. It's just a really good, deep, philosophical film as far as I can tell.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vocal/background synth are mixed well to my ears, although the clip itself is fairly quiet. Maybe Windows is EQ-ing your audio differently?

As far as the script, I would see your point about subliminal messaging if the clip ended after 1 minute, but the second half explains in detail what the purpose was. Actual spoiler here: the movie is explicitly about the weaponization of language, so in a way you're not far off the mark.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video isn't 2 minutes and 4 seconds long. I'm just going to post the second half of the transcript because I feel like you might be trying to dissuade people from looking at it. Not sure why.

What does it mean? Well, Norman Mailer - he had an interesting theory that he used to explain the strange coincidences in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. In the wake of huge events after them and before them, physical details - they spasm for a moment. They sort of unlock and when they come back into focus, they suddenly coincide in a weird way. Street names and birth dates and middle names, all kinds of superfluous things appear related to each other. It's a ripple effect.

So, what does it mean?

Well, it means something's going to happen.

Something big.

But then, something's always about to happen.

Bye_Reddit 11 points ago +11 / -0

In that thread:

  • Feds
  • Lefties
  • Weak-ass RINOs projecting their own inaction regarding the 2020 election as "Qanon's fault." Darn those Q people for not doing anything!

Very cringe to see how far the site has fallen from its high energy TD.win days.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

For working out, it's hard to beat Mick Gordon's work on DOOM and the upcoming Atomic Heart:



This stuff will really put you in the mindset of being a Christian marine with a gun on Mars in the middle of a demonic uprising. What could be more empowering than that?

As far as symbolic stuff goes, I've been jamming out to the Wolf's Rain soundtrack lately. Check out the thread I posted about it yesterday:


It would be horrible for working out to though, lol.

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