Begin copy / paste
Taken together, Trump, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, essentially played the same role Patton did with the ghost army units
and Operation Fortitude.
They certainly tied down a lot of deep state forces and supporters while Engelbrecht (True the Vote), Phillips OPSEC GROUP quietly and without notice planned and executed.
In the movie we are now watching the House 6 January Committee appears hyper-focused on
Sorry about that false rabbit trail, once it gets in your blood its hard to shake old habits...
Quick recap...
6 Jun 1944 Normandy Invasion
6 Jan 2021 Washington D.C. Trump Rally and Confrontation at Congress
6 Jun 2022 (17 months since 6 Jan 2021)
6 Jun 2022 (
Now these two plot lines are starting to make a whole lot more sense.
NFD appears to have been spot on.
End copy / paste
Link to two OPs with threads containing more detail on breakout of Q themed connections to above. Look for CONDOR / MAGAdeburger / v8power and CHAOS_ACTUAL usernames in threads. Lots of interesting Q material.
To paraphrase a former president...
"That depends on what your definition of Q is."
Begin copy / paste
Below is a compilation (links will take you to transcripts and link to interviews the statements are from) of Gregg Phillips own statements about himself and about his past "work" from his interviews and Truth Social posts that, taken together are indicative of just what MSG_Jack_Dona_RET / @MSG_Jack_Dona_RET imples (below) about Gregg Phillips.
"The beard is what we used to call back in the day, "A Longhair" other words, a black-ops agency man." (see link just below)
[Open new tab w/ in browser, then click on link below]
End copy / paste
Link below to excerpts from Gregg Phillips interviews that would infer he at least talks the talk...
Scroll down until you see the comment starting with the copy paste above.
"The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition...
And plays their Trump card just after they play theirs."
Things Q...
Something old,
Something new.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes / Prequel to Hunger Games Trilogy
6 June, 2022 Trailer released
17 November, 2023 Movie release.
1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 17
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes / Novel
19 May 2020 Novel released
page 4
From deep in the apartment he heard the recording of the Capitol anthem, "Gem of Panem," kick on. His grandmother's tremulous soprano voice joined in, bouncing off the walls.
Gem of Panem
Mighty city,
Through the ages, you shine anew.
As always, she was painfully off-key, and slightly behind tempo. The first year of the war, she'd played the recording on national holidays for five-year-old Coriolanus and eight-year old Tigris in order to build their sense of patriotism. The daily recital hadn't begun until that black day when the district rebels had surround the Capitol, cutting it off from supplies for the remaining two years of the war "Remember children," she'd say, "we are but besieged - we have not surrendered!" Then she would warble the anthem out of the penthouse window as the bombs rained down. Her small act of defiance.
We humbly kneel
To your ideal,
And the notes she could never quite hit...
And pledge our love to you!
Coriolanus winced a little. For a decade now, though the rebels had been silent, his grandmother had not. There were still two verses to go.
Gem of Panem
Heart of Justice,
Wisdom crowns your marble brow.
Cardinal numbers only...
5 + 8 + 2 + 2 = 17
More along this line...
[Hat tip to v8power for heads up on trailer release and 11/17/2023 date decode.]
What are the chances?
No Desi, No Barney...
Initial Day Of The Kraken movie release date corrected.
There is a part in the D'Souza / Powell interview where he asks her a question about what her response is to all the critics that said her and Rudy's legal moves were ham-handed and bordered on negligent (poor briefs), lots of table banging, over-the-top drama school performances.
Here's the famous Giuliani "Four Seasons" garden party.
Taken together, Trump, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, essentially played the same role Patton did with the ghost army units
and Operation Fortitude.
They certainly tied down a lot of deep state forces and supporters while Engelbrecht (True the Vote), Phillips OPSEC GROUP quietly and without notice planned and executed.
In the movie we are now watching the House 6 January Committee appears hyper-focused on
Sorry about that false rabbit trail, once it gets in your blood its hard to shake old habits...
Quick recap...
6 Jun 1944
6 Jan 2021
6 Jun 2022 (17 months since 6 Jan 2021)
6 Jun 2022 (
Now these two plot lines are starting to make a whole lot more sense.
NFD appears to have been spot on.
Have you seen u/CHAOS_ACTUAL popped back up?
Was not expecting him back until August.
He's certainly got The Bee in his Bonnet.
[Hat tip to v8power for HG/TBoSaS 6 June 2022 catch / see link just above]
Currently analyzing 6 June 2022 Truth Social drops for 6 June 2022. All in all categories... some very interesting drops that day...
[Open tab w/ click on link below]{D+06%2F06%2F2022}
What do you see of interest?
This one caught my eye right off...
"Secondly, we're in a situation where, we have put together, and you did it for our... President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive... extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
Watch the video carefully.
He is reading a script.
Not a speech.
stalk·ing horse | \ ˈstȯ-kiŋ-
1 : a horse or a figure like a horse behind which a hunter stalks game
2 : something used to mask a purpose
3 : a candidate put forward to divide the opposition or to conceal someone's real candidacy
CHUM noun
chum | ˈchəm
Definition (Entry 3 of 5):
animal or vegetable matter (such as chopped fish or corn) thrown overboard to attract fish
one that is doomed
Think this is the chronology this subject:
- 13 November 2020 / 5:00 PM ET Lou Dobbs /Sidney Powell Interview
- 19 November 2020 / A.M Press Conference
Rudy Giuliani ,Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis (speaking)
Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Boris Epshteyn (other lawyers present)
- 03 April 2021 / Dinesh D'Souza / Sidney Powell Interview (remote)
In this interview D'Souza never asks Powell about the "Kraken" remark, however, this is a great interview that I missed when it took place. / Parts 1,2,3,4.
There is one other appearance by Sidney Powell where she repeats the Kraken remark... will poke around a bit to see if I can find it.
Can't express how informative it has been to watch the videos once again from the early days, weeks and months after the election. Knowing what we know now from 2000 Mules and from Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium back in August 2021, I am more confident than ever that there is a plan and it is being executed with surgeon-like precision.
Hat tip to DQDQ for piquing my interest to jump down this rabbit hole. It has been very beneficial.
Still checking on when Sydney Powell first came out with the "I'm gonna release the Kraken" line. I, like you, remembered it coming at a joint press conference with Rudy Giuliani. Youtube video below was the one I could have sworn she made the comment at. So far, the rumble clip from D'Souza site still seems to be when she first made the comment.
Even after seeing the Fox interview, I have a solid memory of Powell in that leopard print sweater stating she was going to "release the Kraken."
(19 Nov 2020)
Opening remarks of Rudy Giuliani:
Well, this is representative of our legal team. We’re representing President Trump and we’re representing the Trump campaign. When I finish, Sidney Powell and then Jenna Ellis will follow me. And we will present in brief the evidence that we’ve collected over the last, I guess it is two weeks. Also, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing are here with me. There are a lot more lawyers working on this, but I guess, we’re the senior lawyers. And Boris Epshteyn.
19 November, 2020 / Dinesh D'Souza / Rumble
Here is something of a primer Q posted 02/24/20 on counterinsurgency operations that is 1/3 psyops, 1/3 information warefare, and 1/3 hearts and minds.
A companion document to others above (with Q Good Gaslighting Seal of Approval.) : )
By the by, check out the date delta on the Q drop above with the COIN Guide and info this link:
Q / OPSEC GROUP / Gregg Phillips:
DELTA 17 September 2020
Company Name: OPSEC GROUP, LLC
File Number: 649-217
Filing State: Alabama (AL)
Filing Status: Active
Filing Date: September 17, 2020
Company Age: 1 Year 8 Months
Registered Agent:
Map IconspacerPhillips, Gregg A
23104 Hilbun Way
Birmingham, AL 35242
Governing Agency: Alabama Secretary of State
OPSEC GROUP registered by Philips and works as sub-contractor to Catherine Engelbrecht and True The Vote conducting the analysis of geofencing data of drop boxes used in the 2020 election and special senate election in Georgia in early 2021.
03 Sept 2021 0600 - 1000 AM ET John Fredericks interviews Heather Mullins
Fredericks - "And Heather, what is the organization that is doing this?"
Mullins - "They're True The Vote, kinda like the Election Integrity Group that kind of spearhead it but the lead contractor is a group called OPSEC. So, its like, Operations Security Group".
Full transcript of Fredericks / Mullins interview from 03 September 2021 in link below, The first reporting of the drop box monitoring operation was a short video interview by Fredericks of Mullins on 02 September 2021, now deleted from youtube. Fredericks show, Outside The Beltway on RealAmerica's Voice, is followed by Steve Bannon / Warroom, Fredericks was first guest on Warroom that day (02 September 2021) and broke the story there, Mike Lindell was the last guest on that day and Bannon told him about Mullins story and Lindell mentioned it that night on his show, The Lindell Report on It was like watching people playing telephone...). Fredericks had Mullins on his morning live radio program on the morning of 03 September 2021 for a longer more detailed interview (see transcript link below.).
13 May 2022 Roman Balmakov Interview Catherine Engelbrecht / Gregg Phillips
@ 10:50 mark...
Phillips: "If I came to you and said we actually have 17,000 people who met our our initial criteria, or phones that met our initial criteria... in Atlanta..."
Not Gregg Phillips first rodeo.
Below is a compilation (links will take you to transcripts and link to interviews the statements are from) of Gregg Phillips own statements about himself and about his past "work" from his interviews and Truth Social posts that, taken together are indicative of just what MSG_Jack_Dona_RET / @MSG_Jack_Dona_RET imples (below) about Gregg Phillips.
"The beard is what we used to call back in the day, "A Longhair" other words, a black-ops agency man." (see link just below)
[Open new tab w/ in browser, then click on link below]
Phillips' statements have become consistently more detailed since his early interviews that only hinted and what MSG Jack Dona flat out states...
For now, I lean in this direction...
In date ascending chronological order (earliest to latest). Time hacks are not always accurate, they mark the beginning of segment, from which many of the extracted quotes were taken. All links to the OP threads contain full transcripts of the segments and a couple fully transcribed interviews.
24 March 2022 / Wisconsin State Capital
Assembly Committee On Campaigns and Elections / Information Hearing
00:09:18 / Gregg Phillips
"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit with you. A point of personal privilege. I just got back from Ukraine and so I'm a little... edgy. If I miss something I'll go back and pick it up."
00:19:41 / Greg Phillips
So, the whole idea behind all of this is that we go in and we geo-fence, if you will, draw a geo-coded polygon around a particular location. So it might one of the NGO's, it might be the drop boxes, or all of the above. And then we compile the cell phone signal data and build a pattern of life in such a way that we are able to then determine when certain phones pass withing certain areas. So a good way to look at it might be my phone (picks up phone from desk), right now, since I still have it on, is pinging in here in this room or even around this desk, they would certainly have knowledge that I was in this location at this time. And when I leave they presumably would follow me wherever my next location is... probably back to Ukraine."
13 May 2022 Roman Balmakov Interview Catherine Engelbrecht / Gregg Phillips
@ 10:50 mark...
Phillips: "If I came to you and said we actually have 17,000 people who met our our initial criteria, or phones that met our initial criteria... in Atlanta..."
@ 23:35
Phillips: "But when you see this stuff in real life and its not like a, you know, some supposed gunfight with the CIA in Frankfurt or satellites in Rome or any of this kind of nonsense, but its real and its in front of your face, you can see it and you can feel it and you recognize that data isn't where it belongs and there are things that we know that are going to stun America that aren't even in this movie (2000 Mules). [? Misdirection ?]
2 May 2022 / 2000 Mules / Documentary
Gregg Phillips
"I've been in and around election integrity for about forty years. We've done investigations literally all over the world. Its a combination of data acquisition, data analysis, occasionally some in-depth data mining. Our ability to draw meaningful conclusions that link the who to the when to the where is significant in this space." [ ? Investigations or Ops ?]
3 June 2022 Red Pill News - Zak Paine Interview Gregg Phillips
Gregg Phillips:
"Yeah. I've got a couple of projects going on in Ukraine. One of them I do... we do extraction work. We brought a bunch of old folks out. We do the same kind of work in Afghanistan. In fact just in the last 24 hours we brought a couple of high profile female folks that Biden left to be killed by the Taliban. We brought them out.
And so we do that type of work. In Afghanistan... excuse me, in Ukraine in particular on that particular trip..
The other thing that we have, we have a pretty significant comms project going on right now in Ukraine. Some of our researchers came up with 156 million device ID's and some other things that we would need. So not only can we get these signals from the mules but once we have these device ID's, whether its the MEIDs or the I M I E's (see link below) or the other types of unique ID's that are on the phone, we can communicate with them too. So, if I... its one thing to get the signal and know where ZAK is... its a whole other thing for me to be able to send ZAK a note saying "Hey! While your on your show tonight your girlfriend is off doing, you know, whatever." Its a full on project and we're having a great time with it and I think leaving a mark, leaving an impact. [ ? Psy Ops ?]
16 June 2022 Man In America Seth HoleHouse Interviews Gregg Phillips
@ 32:00
"I can't answer that question directly, other than to say that there are people from all walks of life, from all levels of government, from, you know, there's just an incredible number of people that are stepping forward with information that is so shocking and some of them are in important positions and if they're able, willing and able to move forward or not, its a little bit above my pay grade.
17 June 2022 / MG Show / Jeffery Pedersen & Shady Interview Gregg Phillips
@ 20:23
Gregg Phillips:
A friend of mine, Eli Crane, who's running for Congress out in Arizona, he's a Navy Seal, and he's actually some of the reason that we have even gotten in to this because he was telling me the story about... they were running an op over in Iraq and a CIA operative came into the room and gave them a briefing on how they were going to start using something that was particularly evil for good. This was a couple of years ago and it really got my brain cranking and I went back to Eli after we finished our first go round with this and told him, "Dude, something you said to me about that op you guys were running over there as a team guy with The Agency is the reason that I did this. [Whole segment speaks for itself]
@ 23:34
Gregg Phillips:
"Can I make a selfless plug here real quick. I'm going to be starting up a show of my own called Patriot Games. What we are going to do is we are going to expose some of these technologies that the Intelligence Community and DoD and a lot of other folks use and really give some insight into them. But not just give them insight but we are going to actually do ops with them (the technologies). We are going to let folks listen into to some of our calls with our analysts and listen in to some of the things going on whether its helping us get a female judge out of Afghanistan with some advance tech or some things that are going on here in the States, really all over the world.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades...
and this a damn close delta.
The Official Youtube Channel for 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne). 4th PSYOP Group Soldiers are experts in all functional aspects of tactical, operational and strategic level inform and influence operations.
Stats Joined Nov 16, 2021 670,476 views
Its worse than when we were attacked by The Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
"... she had no idea she was going to be pushed on television (during the Rudy interview I believe, where he melted) and she was unprepared and startled and just thought of something to say."
13 November 2020
Sidney Powell: "I'm going to release the Kraken." / time stamp.) / no time stamp
Think this is the first time Powell said "Kraken", may be wrong.
So much stuff happened so fast at that time it all becomes a blur, plus...
... we've taken evil and turned it for good.
Eli Crane
1 June 2022 Greg Phillips endorsement Eli Crane:
"My name is Gregg Phillips. You may recognize me, and my beard, from the recent smash election integrity movie, 2000 Mules. I endorse Eli Crane for Congress in Arizona's 2nd district. The story Eli shared with me from his time fighting in Iraq as a U.S. Navy SEAL was part of my inspiration for my work on the movie. The SEALs work with the CIA to find unique ways to turns the tools of evil into good. Eli has no fear about telling the truth, like about the 2020 election being stolen. He doesn't care how the nay sayers will react when he tells the truth and he will do this because he loves America. When I needed him the most he pushed me the hardest to stay in the fight. I was facing some dark times personally facing some health issues... Eli helped pray me through it. Eli is a family man, a loving husband to Jennifer and his two amazing daughters. He is a Christian, a successful business man and a patriot I proudly call my friend. In a day in America when people need fighters and leaders in Congress Eli Crane is that man. I support Eli Crane for Congress and I hope that you will too."
U.S. Navy SEALs
The Agency
"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA /ˌsiː.aɪˈeɪ/), known informally as the Agency and historically as the Company...
Ron Wyden
Patriot Games
"What we are going to do is we are going to expose some of these technologies that the Intelligence Community and DoD and a lot of other folks use and really give some insight into them."
3 June 2022 Red Pill News / Zak Paine Interview Gregg Phillips
@ 1:19:00
"The other thing that we have [going on in Ukraine right now], we have a pretty significant comms project going on right now in Ukraine. Some of our researchers came up with 156 million device ID's and some other things that we would need. So not only can we get these signals from the mules but once we have these device ID's, whether its the MEIDs or the I M I E's (see link below) or the other types of unique ID's that are on the phone, we can communicate with them too.
So, if I... its one thing to get the signal and know where ZAK is... its a whole other thing for me to be able to send ZAK a note saying "Hey! While you're on your show tonight your girlfriend is off doing, you know, whatever." Its a full on project and we're having a great time with it and I think leaving a mark, leaving an impact. But is the big project we have going on right now."
Gregg Phillips?
Beat the Christmas rush...
Straight from the horse's beard:
[Open new tab w/ in browser, then click on link below]
Gregg Phillips and things Q:
17 September 2021
Company Name: OPSEC GROUP, LLC
File Number: 649-217
Filing State: Alabama (AL)
Filing Status: Active
Filing Date: September 17, 2020
Company Age: 1 Year 8 Months
Registered Agent:
Map IconspacerPhillips, Gregg A
23104 Hilbun Way
Birmingham, AL 35242
Governing Agency: Alabama Secretary of State
Other former U.S. Navy SEALs peripheral to The Storm
17 June 2022 / MG Show / Jeffery Pedersen & Shady Interview Gregg Phillips
@ 20:23
Gregg Phillips:
"They are absolutely afraid of us but even more than that they are afraid of what they don't know. I mean the more that they try to bang on us, the whole technology, we talked about it last time, but its just stupid. They are embarrassing themselves. The very idea that they could write legislation that would somehow ban this from happening... .
First of all it implies that all these apps that exist in the United States and that they would have any control over it anyway. The second thing is the brokers themselves aren't in the United States. And then the final part is, there is a national security component to this that... . You know, you don't see people out denying that, that the intelligence community is using this technology. You don't see people denying that the DoD is using this technology. They can piss and moan and gripe all they want. The reality is this stuff is real. Its beneficial to Americans. But even more than that, what we have done, we've taken evil and turned it for good.
A friend of mine, Eli Crane, who's running for Congress out in Arizona, he's a Navy Seal, and he's actually some of the reason that we have even gotten in to this because he was telling me the story about... they were running an op over in Iraq and a CIA operative came into the room and gave them a briefing on how they were going to start using something that was particularly evil for good. This was a couple of years ago and it really got my brain cranking and I went back to Eli after we finished our first go round with this and told him, "Dude, something you said to me about that op you guys were running over there as a team guy with The Agency is the reason that I did this. He was just blown away by it. But those are the kinds of things now that we are seeing every day. People are talking to somebody, "Well, I've got this idea. I've got this. I've got that."
But the very idea that Ron Wyden and Pocahontas could come up with any, any legislation that might slow us down... . I promise you, they will screw this up. I promise you. There is now way that they are going to stop us."
@ 23:34
Gregg Phillips:
"Can I make a selfless plug here real quick. I'm going to be starting up a show of my own called Patriot Games. What we are going to do is we are going to expose some of these technologies that the Intelligence Community and DoD and a lot of other folks use and really give some insight into them. But not just give them insight but we are going to actually do ops with them (the technologies). We are going to let folks listen into to some of our calls with our analysts and listen in to some of the things going on whether its helping us get a female judge out of Afghanistan with some advance tech or some things that are going on here in the States, really all over the world. We're going to bring experts in each of these technologies in and show people how this stuff works. But we are going to do it with them... and we're going to have some fun with it, but Patriot Games to, ah, ah, haven't quite figured out where we're going to put it yet. But we're going to stick it up. Obviously we would never survive youtube or anything like that. We'll figure it out and we're going to look forward to it."
There are a whole series of these figurative/literal shootings of Joe Biden.
Double tap @ 10:08 / timestamp
Single from the left @ 17:59 / time stamp
Coup de grâce @ 18:03 / time stamp / time stamp
/ / / / / / /
06/16/2021 Biden / Putin Geneva Summit - Biden press conference
watch timestamp start 8:55 to 9:03 (8 seconds)
watch timestamp start 13:13 ti 13:15 (two seconds)
06/16/2021 Biden / Putin Geneva Summit - Biden press conference
watch timestamp start 8:55 to 9:03 (8 seconds)
watch timestamp start 13:13 ti 13:15 (two seconds)
/ / / / / / /
19 September 2020 Trump Rally Fayetteville, North Carolina (... he's shot)
"You know this is a guy... I use to call him One Percent Joe because he ran numerous times and could only get 1%, in fact he actually had 1& with an arrow pointing left. That means less than 1%.
Now he's shot. He's got like half of his head left and he's shot.
Think of it. He's totally shot and ends up getting the nomination. He couldn't get it in prime time.
What the hell is going on with the world today? What's going on in the world, Mark Meadows." (Full rally speech)
Other instances of references to Biden being shot (not all inclusive, just representative)
Here is the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes...
Watch for Biden public speeches with this kind open air back drop that allow for this kind of manipulation of the live video broadcasts. Yes, they can manipulate the live stream of broadcasts... Watch for and watch any live Biden speech and now that you know what kind of set up and action to watch for in the background.
Patriots in (the) Control(room)