Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its all pretty fake and gay. At the onset of it all i said that the best outcome is a blitzkrieg victory for Russia so that there are as few deaths as possible. I still think thats true but Jewtin (Putin lol) has done a terrible job at it. His, or his officers strategies are not working, and probably intentionally. Jewtin is surround by jewish oligarchs and synagogue leaders. Hes very possibly jewish himself, and his orphan story is almost certainly a cover, and the woman who claimed to be his mother is jewish.

Same thing for Jewlensky, except he was always a gay jew (literally) from the beginning. Surrounded by jewish ologarchs from Russia and Ukraine, he got his start in the ukrainian hollywood industry. He quite literally played a character that "miraculously" became president for several years before actually being elected - talk about subliminal conditioning. The jewish oligarchs he works with have direct ties to the beaurocratic state of Israel and one of them actually funded the AZOV battalion as his own paramilitary gang, and I have the receipts to prove it, such as Israeli Tavor rifles being used extensively by AZOV and pictures of jewish men with black and red flags bearing the Star of Remphan (aka "Star of David"). Safe to say alot of good guys got caught up in that honeypot, alot of good Christian nationalist men, who of course were the first to fight and die for their country.

I made a post a while ago about the AtomWaffen Division (at first it was a "good" group even if i disagree with their methods) being subverted very early on by a charismatic cult leader satanist apart of an organization he founded called "The Temple of Blood", which was directly funded by the FBI, CIA, and Mossad, which is tied to the AZOV Battalion (Which i like to call AZOG, ZOG coming from "[Global] Zionist Occupation Government") by means of his social interactions at AZOV-influenced death metal concerts in Ukraine, where he met with FBI, CIA and Mossad agents. This "temple of blood" was also found to be directly connected to the Montenegran Orthodox Church through slush-funds made by Church-goers laundered tithe money... The Montenegran Orthodox Church has been almost completely overtaken by satan's Synagogue and his jews. Same with the Ukranian OC.

It all sounds extremely schizo but it is entirely 100% true.

Essentially, i believe both are very jewed, except NATO and Ukraine have TERRIBLE OPSEC on their operations whereas Putin/the Russians are much better at hiding it.

The only organizations I trust today are the Russian, Greek and Ethiopian Orthodox Churches. Also the few Christian Identity churches spread out around the U.S.. And I guess I'll add wikileaks to the list too.

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the nazis I know are Christian. I am essentially a nazi and I am a Christian. Not many are pagans and the non-4chan ones that claim to be that ive interacted with respect Christianity and have very similar values, basically they are Christian without knowing it or without liking that fact.

It really is all jews, the rare exceptions prove the rule. I suppose thats a reality you're trying not to come to. Also I really hope you dont think Stalin was somehow against the jews... He hired Yagoda to write and carry out the purge quotas of Christians which he approved, then shat the bed and went to hell...

If we find ourselves in a trench together fighting for our hometowns, against Feds, Cartel spics or any other idiots, I hope flying a swastika wont be a problem for you because we'd be fighting for the exact same things. The same things your average nazi fought for in WWII

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are still maintaining that Hitler came to power with no powerful funding and that NSDAP did not get subverted by the Satanists (and hence I have no qualms calling them Nazis) especially after watching the replay of the same unfold in Ukraine last 2 years, I sincerely wish you good luck as we approach the precipice.

Would any of this matter when almost all nazis today are Christians? IMO, no. Also Ukraine and AZOV is run and funded by jews (satanists). But I would suppose that would be your point? Then to connect that meaningfully in any way, youd have to prove that those who allegedly funded Hitler and the NSDAP were jewish. Because thats really what it all comes down to.

Captain_Raamsley 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it was both a critique of the statements and also the general philosophy of "both sides are grey" which i believe is in particular inextricably linked to the "both sides were funded" point of view. IMO, analagous to "as above so below" at the most fundamental level, strictly speaking.

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you dig into the truth, you will learn that the reality lies somewhere in between.

This is incorrect both objectively and philosophically. By standing on this kind of hill you are upholding trains of thought that are fundamentally similar to gnostic heresies of the “no objective correctness/good” type.

Hjalmar Schaacht source 1

Not a valid source, this is a slideshow of “trust me bro”, and it points to no sources of the period.

source 2

Using an abstract as a source is laughable.

source 3

Not only are there no citations of paper documents of the period on this page, but also the content is edited by a Jew, Levi Bookin, and the content is a part of “European History, Jewish Studies”. Furthermore, the logo at the bottom of the page, depicting a clownish and ugly man in the shape of a swastika is indicative of extreme anti-NSDAP bias.

Other industrialists who funded Hitler and pushed him to power: Fritz von Thyssen

The third citation within your link directly contradicts what you cite afterwards; that many industrialists funded Hitler. In this paragraph below, Thyssen says that only Himself, “...Herr Bruckmann, the well-known printer; and in Berlin there was Carl Bechstein, the world-renowned piano manufacturer, who also contributed large sums. Aside from this, Hitler did not receive many subsidies from individual industrialists…”

(3) Fritz Thyssen, I Paid Hitler (1941) I have personally given altogether one million marks to the National Socialist Party. Not more. My contributions have been very much overestimated, because I have always been one of the richest men in Germany. But after all, what does it mean to own factories? It does not follow that a man has a lot of cash to spare. In any case, Hitler had other sources of money besides me. In Munich, for instance, there was Herr Bruckmann, the well-known printer; and in Berlin there was Carl Bechstein, the world-renowned piano manufacturer, who also contributed large sums. Aside from this, Hitler did not receive many subsidies from individual industrialists. Alfred Krupp Not only does this particular page disclaim “Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate”, but also there are zero paper documents of the period to be found, and there is a litany of advertisements on the page, so there is not any real reason to place confidence in this as the conflict of interest (incentivization of maximum publicity for advertisement revenue) is extremely clear. and many other industrialists, including IG Farben. The page linked here, clearly is an excerpt of a book, authored by David de Jong, which I do not have access to, and whatever citations of actual contemporary documents which he may (or may not) include, I cannot comment on, however I do find it interesting that David de Jong lives in Tel Aviv currently.


https://lithub.com/author/daviddejong/ “David de Jong is a journalist who previously covered European banking and finance from Amsterdam and hidden wealth and billionaire fortunes from New York for Bloomberg News. His work has also appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek, the Wall Street Journal, and the Dutch Financial Daily. A native of the Netherlands, de Jong currently lives in Tel Aviv. He spent four years researching and writing Nazi Billionaires from Berlin.”

Perhaps there is a cultural conflict of interest here? Or perhaps I am simply too cynical. Nonetheless it is my personal opinion that this excerpt reads, essentially, exactly as fiction.

He was also funded by Union Banking Corporation

This is a very interesting read, and I have not read it all but I do intend to. However when looking for the documentation acquired by Buchanan, sadly the images of the documents did not load, both using DuckDuckGo and Google Chrome. I will surely give the benefit of the doubt that this is not intentional by the hosts/adminstrators, but is unhelpful nonetheless and so does not sway me.

I will say, that this is a very interesting excerpt, especially considering the truth about the alleged “death camps”

In 1943, after press reports that the Polish mining interest was employing forced labor by using prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp, we are informed that “Prescott Bush distanced himself from UBC and had even engaged in the collection of funds for the victims of the war in his role as president of the National War Fund.” He had, in fact, taken over as head of the United Service Organizations soon after Pearl Harbor, raising “millions for the National War Fund,” according to Mickey Herskowitz, Prescott’s recent biographer. *The declassified papers confirm questionable transactions in violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act, but, as with all examinations of corporate malfeasance, more is needed to establish individual responsibility. * Buchanan himself, when pressed for more details about Auschwitz, was uncharacteristically hesitant. Consolidated Silesian was the only direct link to the notorious death camp. A file in the Library of Congress confirms the business part of the relationship, but does not give any financial details.

Very interesting that Buchanan was not, as he is usually described, being very enthusiastic about telling “the truth”.

which is how Prescott Bush fronted the US funding of Hitler.

This link has no citations of contemporary documents, and the nature of the content is really quite similar to a blog post. Further, surely you do not believe the BBC to be a trustworthy source? As we know, all legacy mass media today is chock-full of outright lies, half-truths and intentional deception.

Bushes are literal Nazis.

I sincerely wish they were.

The rest of your post is quite shallow and pedantic, as surely you do know that the simple exchange rate of a currency alone has essentially no indication of an economy's actual wellbeing. The economy WAS NOT “fixed” or “recovered” before Hitler came to power, as the German employment rate was one of the most abysmal of the period, and you should know these things. If you don't, respectfully you should not be talking on the subject.

Let's dive further and look at the employment rate during that time


Here, the University of Oregon shows with appropriate citation that the employment rate in Germany had skyrocketed to over 30% in 1933. Then, the data shows a very quick fall in the unemployment rate after 1933, due to NSDAP policies imposed under Hitlers leadership.

To imply that anything was “fixed” simply due to exchange rates is enormously ignorant at best, and totally disingenuous at worst. The implementation of a revalued German Mark under the Weimar Republic had absolutely negligible effects on the wider economy, and that is obvious. I find it hilarious that (((Dan P. Silverman))) does his damnedest to downplay the extreme success of these policies, as though even if they did cook the books to “employ” 600,000 people, it somehow ruins the other 9,400,000 jobs created by the NSDAP regime.


On the other hand in the U.S., you can see from this data (appropriately sourced), that U.S. unemployment did not dip below 10% until 1941, which in comparison to Germany as a “recovery” is abysmally pathetic.

Ok, I gotta go get groceries now. I think you should spend some time analyzing just how large the jewish presence within "history" as a field of study actually is, and how unprecedented this ethnic over-representation is compared to the rest of human history. It's quite alarming, and sadly has forced me to begin scrutinizing the truthfullness of sources from a racial and ethnic standpoint. Obviously this answer to a problem is a problem in and of itself. I like to stick to God's saying of "You will know them by their fruits", so I try to dig into people's personal lives but thats fiarly hard to do.

Good luck in your quest of knowledge.

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +2 / -1

No problem.

People really find it hard to comprehend just how the NatSocs did it, even those who study economics and thats why it is still called to this day "The German Miracle". If there was ever a people who actual pulled themselves up form their bootstraps, it was the Germans. I don't blame them, because fiat currency (printing without restriction) is so destructive and terrible, and in their mind secret jewish gold is required for anything significant, which is true 99.5% of the time.

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +2 / -1

Until Hitler fired Schaacht he was being funded by the Banksters

This is straight up false. You cannot be "funded" by someone when what you're being funded by are the Reichsmark revenues from taxation of the currency of which the state solely decides the terms of its issuance.

There was ZERO "funding" involved within the Third Reich's economic recovery. It quite literally was the same thing as a pioneering family on the frontier building their own homestead from scratch but at the national level.

Hitler WAS NOT FUNDED. Period.


Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw that video and that was 100% podesta's voice...

Captain_Raamsley 1 point ago +1 / -0

The explanation that I saw from someone on a /pol/ thread years ago was that it was Hillary Clinton and that other Hubadein guy, tying a blonde girl with curly hair to an oak tree in the middle of a field, torturing her alive, Hillary cutting off her face and wearing it (literally like Dwight from The Office) while laughing with the girl screaming in the background, and some other generally satanic stuff. That's the only details I remember from reading a random post in a pol thread that I could not possibly dig up... I think he was larping.

Captain_Raamsley 3 points ago +3 / -0

CIA-mandated Intel and AMD zero-day hardware backdoors would like to have a word with you.

Unless you're manufacturing your own chips in your garage (which is doable, search on youtube), nothing you type, click, hover over, redirect to or read/write is unknowable to these sick bastards.

Captain_Raamsley 0 points ago +1 / -1

"They hated him because he spoke the truth"

Not all of them are bad. In fact I'm very good friends with two. But they are Messianic Jews. Real Jews. None of this "Talmud" nonsense. Just read the Talmud and you'll learn alot. Open your mind and realize who is actually you and Christ's enemy.

Captain_Raamsley 0 points ago +1 / -1

What if I told you that 'They' are constituted overwhelmingly by a single small ethnic/religious group?