Trump will not be arrested.
Yeah it’s not the hardware…
Nah proceeds do not go to him or his PAC. It’s a licensing deal that is all.
Yeah he’s disgusting
Pulte is a real good one as far as I can tell.
Came here to say this! Pulte is an APE!!
Looks like the logo from the banner for Red Side.
Ten righteous people would have been enough to save Soddom & Gomorrah. How many good and faithful here in the US?
It’s all building to crescendo. Be patient a little longer.
Q has 5 different distinct linguistic styles = 5 different voices.
Just leave the nicknaming to GEOTUS. He’s far better at it. When you hear ‘Watermelon Head’ you just know who it is. Let’s not fix what ain’t broken.
Don't you think gold and silver though will be a valuable medium for "off-market" (read non CBDC) exchange between those of us who will NOT be willing to participate?
I know I’m right. I want others to see that I’m right… 😂 too much ego. Sorry frens. I’ll do better.
Plenty of birds showing for me. I hit “U” then zoomed out.
I like him, it just left a bad taste in my mouth… him bashing GEOTUS this morning with his final paragraph.
You can add James Howard Kuntsler
Linguistically there are four separate and distinct “Q” voices in the drips. This is the fifth voice. Maybe this “voice” is for the normies. Maybe this “voice” signals that there is no longer any need for obfuscation and misdirection. Maybe they no longer need to speak to us in code because the war is almost over? Or the new “voice” is getting more main stream coverage and needs to be clearer and more direct for the masses… time will tell.
Unbelievable how many on here don’t read Q. Deep cover double agents on BOTH sides.
I think we will lose because the economy is going to crash and it will be democrats in charge across the board!
I’m so sick of responding to this, but here goes again. Q said there were SLEEPERS on both sides, DOUBLE AGENTS, are an actual thing. So do you trust Q or not, wtf people?
There’s a big difference between being “perfect” and being good. There are lots of good men. Good leaders, good mentors, and friends.
Bwaaaaaahaaaaaahaa *inhales deeply * bwaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaasaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s not going to be arrested.