I finally got the chance to follow up. I think you have some good ideas but yes, the business plan needs some work. Unless you are independently wealthy you will need to fund raise. In order to do so you will need a good business plan to present to investors or financial supporters of your ministry.
My wife and I feel the call from the Lord to do something similar. We call it a place of refuge as we too believe that the tribulation is near and believers will not be able to buy, sell, or trade with the rest of the world unless we take the mark of the beast. Therefore, we need to create a separate economy and functioning society.
In the beginning there will be a lot of estimates used to create a budget. For example, get an idea of how much land costs. Here in SC midlands it goes for around $6k per acre. How many acres do you need?
Next, how many buildings do you need? How much do those cost per square foot? How much does each cabin cost? Will you build them yourself or with help from the community? Or professionally built?
And so on. I imagine starting small and as others catch the vision more will jump on board. I think buying a large chunk of land and then selling at very cheap to like minded people will help the project get off the ground. Once you have community the group can work together on building infrastructure, pooling time and resources. The important part is getting a quality leadership team that has the same vision. Raising funds shouldn't be that difficult once you have a solid plan. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills not to mention all the silver and gold in the earth. He's just looking for the faithful whom He can trust to build his kingdom. I have witnessed God's great provision in my own life.
I would be willing to discuss more details and pray about partnering together in this project. Is there a way to direct message on this site? I don't want to give out my contact info on a public site.
No worry. He is burning in hell forever.
They also saying blood clot is a kind of symptoms of covid.
Where are you planning on starting the camp?
Drink pine needle tea to protect yourself from the vaxxxxed.
I miss you so much Trump.
Leave it to the Catholics to stab us in the back. I wonder if the Vatican had anything to do with this?
I recently moved to naperville from humboldt park and burbs are better. Of course it’s still bad but not as bad as the city.
I'm a little confused. Why would the world bank help India attack China?
maybe he just had bad intel. it's ok, we lost the battle but we will win the war! We know the end of the story. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus is Lord!
The Bible has never changed. We were praying the grace of God to be extended and the tribulation to be pushed back for longer. God is in control even when we don't get our way.
Trump rarely used this account anyways.
So is Biden going to get sworn in tomorrow?
The question is, who isn't a deep state asset?
just the way barry likes it
Live feed of big mike dancing
no. false prophet is the pedophile dressed up as a christian king that speaks basphemes and prepares the way for the antichrist which is barack obama.
I'm afraid you're right
the false prophet.
I think the donald is the red pill and once one takes the red pill you realize atheism is the opioid of the masses, not religion.
Good timeline. I think the cross should go the the right of t_d because most people there aren’t saved, but there are enough to lead a person to the cross. Once they come to the cross the logical next step is Q.
I'm sure the broadcase would be cut before the ceremony even began.
I think you are missing the months following where antifags and BLM riot and go crazy until the Soros money is frozen and his assets seized. Once the money runs out the paid agitators will stop for the most part. It depends how many reporters are arrested for sedition. There will still be unpaid leftists that riot on their own accord causing trouble. I imagine marshal law and curfews will help to restore peace.
do you have a link?
I came here to make this suggestion. In the short to medium term crypto is a great opportunity to accumulate wealth. Obviously when there is a complete societal collapse digital currency is of no value so assets are needed.