ChiefWoody2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

The timing of this meme couldn't be more perfect. I just blasted a liberal with it less than a minute after she/he/it/whateverthefuck tried to trash me on FB. The only reason I'm on FB is to fuck with the enemies minds. Being as I'm a retired Navy Chief and I was the Top Gun Flight Engineer for the entire EP3 fleet, I'm really good at abusing the enemy.

ChiefWoody2021 19 points ago +19 / -0

The movie plot just changed dramatically for Fani Willis. All those she fucked over in court will walk away free one day, then they will all her fat ass and let avalanche of the lawsuits and criminal charges begin ASAP.

ChiefWoody2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope Newsom is their candidate. He will be easily shown to be a traitor due to the red carpet treatment he gave Xi when he cleaned up skid row right before Xi showed up, then kicked the druggies and homeless off the streets and put up China's flag all over the place for Xi to see while driving in San Francisco last year. Not one American flag was there that day.

ChiefWoody2021 15 points ago +15 / -0

The Dems and RINOs have absolutely lost control of the narrative. Now comes the pain. Nothing can stop what is coming.

ChiefWoody2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anybody notice that shortly after the 58min mark the burned cars look exactly like the burned cars in Lahaina, Hawaii last year when that whole town burned to a crisp? Looks like this technology has been around for a long time.

ChiefWoody2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anybody notice that shortly after the 58min mark the burned cars look exactly like the burned cars in Lahaina, Hawaii last year when that whole town burned to a crisp? Looks like this technology has been around for a long time.

ChiefWoody2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read this meme.

ChiefWoody2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are the drip drip drip videos to prepare the general public for what is coming when a FLOOD of video information pours out. Then all involved in this sick mess world wide will be exposed all at once. Trump said they have it all. And he meant it. The Light is coming, and It is wearing orange hair. NCSWIC!

ChiefWoody2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

One day when you go Home to the Light you will have a Life review. And only then will you fully understand the importance of what you did. God bless you for what you did for her.


ChiefWoody2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

After more than six years of delays and denials, it is time for the FBI to come clean. A Presidential election is fast approaching, and voters have the right to know (1) whether the FBI knowingly framed one of the frontrunners, i.e., former President Trump, and (2) whether the FBI is still trying to cover up its partisan political activities”.


ChiefWoody2021 6 points ago +6 / -0

I tried to post that on FB and got factchecked and blocked from posting and was told the Rothschilds does not own Reuters. Anybody know how to verify who does own Reuters please let me know.

ChiefWoody2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's the real patch. https://squadronnostalgia.com/product/vpu-2-wizards-squadron-patch-plastic-backing/

I used to fly in the P3 Orion as the flight engineer for over 20 years in the Navy and I logged over 10K flight hours. I also was the EP3 Senior Instructor FE.

God I miss being in the flight station

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