Does he also have evidence of WMDs? The same evidence bush jr had?
One pope spot left. The next pope is the last.
Only one pope left until the end of the Vatican.
Wait until they learn that the hurricanes in north Carolina were seeded.
Easy solution. Keep paying them for now. Their salaries are a drop in the bucket. Then once the agency is completely gone, stop paying.
I have 2 kids and the court told us to alternate each year for claiming on taxes. I told them they were stupid because that would trigger an audit each year, and that we would just split them and maintain consistancy. First year, the irs said I couldn't claim my kid because I was a single father. That was a two year battle and now they leave me alone.
Did anyone ask her to post where she heard that? It should be easy to find if he actually said that.
I predict zero on all. How do I get my winnings?
Not smartest. Just rode the wave the furthest. I wonder how many road blocks she screwed out of the way.
Meh. I'm a contractor and I tell customers before I leave the same thing. If anything goes wrong call me. I don't think anything will go wrong but I want you to know what to do if it does. This sounds the same to me.
I'll reserve my excitement until I see more than just talk.
Most of it isn't even printed. Check out the ratio of real dollars to digital dollars.
But digital dollars for banks tho.....
Is this a betting site?
Now I feel like the guy was under so much pressure at work that when he let let his hair down and had a couple of drinks his frustrations came out and he expressed them badly. But then I remember he's an eagles fan.
Wasn't he in charge of stopping that from happening?
He'll be ghaddafi'd before that happens.