Chukna 0 points ago +1 / -1

Union of Finnish Industries: strikes may cause fuel stations to run out of fuel

Some fuel stations are likely to run out of fuel during the strikes, says Turja Lehtonen, Vice President of the Federation of Finnish Industries. Fuel shortages may also occur at airports.


Chukna 0 points ago +1 / -1

Finland has strikes right now caused by a bad economic situation due to Russian trade sanctions. Fuel stations warn that they may run out of fuel and grocery stores are running out of products to sell because they are unable to restock products.

Today I refueled my car and the fuel price for 95oct had already risen 0.30€/l to almost 2€/l.

Chukna -1 points ago +1 / -2

Finland's new president is also involved in child trafficking and the assassination of 3 journalists who were investigating child trafficking.


Chukna 0 points ago +2 / -2

So true. Especially here in frontline the loss of economic war is already very visible, we have already more bankruptcies than during 1990s recession which was caused by the collapse of Soviet Union.

Chukna 1 point ago +3 / -2

What are you implying? Tuomas Malinen is a respected economist in Finland and around the world. We, Finland and NATO are heading to war with Russia because our warmongering government is threatening Russia all the time and respected associate professor Johan Bäckman has said that Finland is seeking false flag attack to launch war against Russia.

Chukna -3 points ago +1 / -4

Russia is able to rally 100,000s of troops on the Finnish border in 24 hours and launch an attack. Finland would not even be able to react in that time, Finland would need at least a month to mobilize its troops and Finland's active duty forces are just too small to stop Russians.

Chukna -4 points ago +1 / -5

Anders Puck Nielsen, a military analyst at the Royal Danish Defense Academy, once again speculates on a possible Russian attack on Finland. He has raised the matter in a recent interview with the Danish Jyllands-Posten .

In an interview with the newspaper, Puck Nielsen estimated that, from a geographical point of view, the northern part of Finland would be the most suitable area for Russia to test the strength of the defense alliance NATO.

  • It's just an example, but I'm referring to Northern Finland, because from Russia's point of view it could be the place where the escalation would be most controllable, he estimated.

According to Puck Nielsen, NATO's unity would be put to the test in Finnish Lapland. He implies that NATO could sacrifice an almost uninhabited area to avoid World War III.

  • Would the NATO countries be willing to take the risk of the third world war in order to take back a few hundred square kilometers of relatively deserted land in Lapland? He asks.
Chukna -2 points ago +1 / -3

Putin is savior of the white race and christian people against satanic globalist elite. I support Putin 100%, I hope he will free my country from satanic globalists.

Chukna -1 points ago +2 / -3

Agree. NATO is nothing but a net loss to the USA and a threat to world peace, it was created to stop Soviet Union and Soviet Union stopped existing so there is no need for NATO anymore.

Chukna -3 points ago +2 / -5

Hopefully Trump becomes president of the USA and kicks Finland and Sweden with other deadbeats out of NATO. Everybody knew what it would be if you let them in... they will immediately start cutting their defense spending because they know Americans are suckers who will pay their defenses.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see anything wrong with my logic.

Chukna 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sanna Marin is the coke sniffing whore whose party video leaked.

Chukna 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, the world is actually less safe with the USA acting as police. If the USA were not in NATO and actually isolated in the America & Russia and maybe even China were in NATO then there would have not been even any reason for Ukraine war.

Chukna 8 points ago +9 / -1

Anybody is better than that coke sniffing whore.

Chukna 3 points ago +4 / -1

When European leader considers Russians and Chinese good... crickets.

When American leader considers Russians and Chinese good... liberals freak out.

Chukna 3 points ago +3 / -0

Russia tried twice to join Nato and has never been threat to Europe.

Chukna 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why they would be in war? If the USA left NATO then there would be no obligations to aid any country.

Chukna 2 points ago +2 / -0

Article 5 doesn't mean the USA has to send troops to aid ally. In fact, if the USA withdrew from NATO, there would be absolutely no obligations to aid anybody.

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