Come -2 points ago +2 / -4

You have not been following political news events about "unaccompanied minor refugees" the Democrats are flooding into the USA.

You need to read more political news

For the scam to work the african kids all pretend to be 17 or younger.

= = = =

Side note: sucking out humor memes from this forum, makes it stuffy , dry, and less popular. I made that meme to try and bring some smiles to some people but whatever.

original reference image propaganda ad for parents of refugee kids : https://ostrich-s3.raccoons.space/2023/01/07/dd281ced4296223159304595bb788f66.jpg

I swapped both heads, and penned a post title. I spent over 20 minutes constructing this meme.

by Come
Come -2 points ago +2 / -4

original reference image propaganda ad for parents of refugee kids : https://ostrich-s3.raccoons.space/2023/01/07/dd281ced4296223159304595bb788f66.jpg

Come -1 points ago +3 / -4

Prior to 15 years ago you could still use a CREDIT CARD and a BANK ACCOUNT tied to visa corporate card from a few special banks in USA in Nevada.

no SSN at all of ANYONE AT ALL, just a taxpayer code for the account, but it cost 400 dollars a year for that privacy and of course ZERO PERCENT interest.

KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER BANK LAWS by democrats mainly, now make USA credit cards a pain.

USE MONERO crypto for privacy in 2023.


Come 0 points ago +3 / -3

thanks for info.
HIPAA Law USED to prevent physicians from divulging info , but in 2023 over 90% of hospital patients are OPTED INTO waving their HIPAA rights for a wide range of recipients including almost anything with an official interest. you have to sign a form to opt yourself back out.


Doctor probably was informed that the NFL LAWYERS opted the patient out of all possible HIPAA privacy wavers... the way the law USED to be years ago.

Come 6 points ago +9 / -3

HE WAS PAID OFF to never ever answer this question to the press :

"Have you had COVID-19 shots and boosters?"

He will NEVER answer that.

his later death spiral of blood clots , lung damage, heart issues will all be blamed on new excuses.


Come 1 point ago +4 / -3

GOOD FACIAL RECOGNITION in the last 2 years works VERY well on Black faces, from SOME A.I. companies.

Democrats want it ILLEGAL to use at all by stores and police, and got it banned in some large Black cities like Detroit.

  • CAMERAS are racist (state supreme court of California agrees)
  • A.I. Software is racist
  • Shoplifting laws are racist
  • cops are racist
  • courts are racist
  • prison is racist


Come -1 points ago +2 / -3

bad math.
voting "present" creates a THIRD CANDIDATE type of vote at 50% , two "present" votes are equal to one vote for "anyone else"

All Democrats are expected to vote for incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) for Speaker in initial full vote participation by Democrats, not "present"

in 1849 and 1856, the House agreed to a resolution that allowed a Speaker to be elected by a plurality. That move was something of a last resort, though, and came after 59 and 129 failed ballots. A majority of the whole House would need to agree to that resolution, and NO PROXY REMOTE VOTING is allowed , even under "covid emergency newly epired house rules". Voting for this one thing will have to be in person, and fleeing and hiding (like Democrats do sometimes in recent years toi break quorum) results in physical arrest and forced attendance.

They need to drain the swamp of these RINOS. Especially all the RINO female politicians.

Come 2 points ago +5 / -3

I made a ton of less subtle ones of the sickening Leftist child groomers and abusers.

Here is one meme : https://files.catbox.moe/zcosul.jpg

Come 4 points ago +7 / -3

Me too! Soros pays for lots of attacks on c/GreatAwakening and Patriots.win and is mobilizing against Elon Musk.

ShareBlue (Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media)...

Billions of dollars are used to combat conservatives online. 18 billion MORE added to open all formerly White nations by just ONE of many jewish billionaires that Fund "ShareBlue" army of contractors.

George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation: https://www.wsj.com/articles/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-foundation-creating-an-instant-giant-1508252926


George Soros transfers $18 billion to his liberal philanthropic foundation: https://www.foxnews.com/world/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-liberal-philanthropic-foundation


billions to subvert USA (read up on 100 jewish leftist political organizations his money funds). Millions of it is used specifically to attack free speech web sites, and is proven. Some say nearly ALL 600 of these Leftist groups in this archive got funds from Soros to provoke riots prior to 2020 election : https://archive.ph/ettYh , wow!

ShareBlue paid jew leftists are real. ShareBlue (funded by jew billionaires) changes its name every couple years, : Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media.

They infest all sites where White conservative people might congregate :




Read all of that link : https://shareblueastroturf.netlify.app/

That well funded group is what took over "The_Donald" (patriots.win) a second time.

Soros gave MORE than 18 billion so far to topple free speech and control nations and open borders to Europe and USA to invasion.

Come -2 points ago +3 / -5

Damn White supremacists again !!!

Come 0 points ago +5 / -5

FUN FACT #628: The criminal system now is a BLACK UTOPIA that never holds Blacks accountable for crimes!

But its far far worse in 2023.
Since 2021 they refuse to investigate or solve serious crimes by Blacks.


The progression of "sentencing Reform" for Blacks TODAY:

โ€ข- No detective investigations of Black crimes!
โ€ข- No arrest!
โ€ข- if arrested, NO CHARGES!
โ€ข- And if charged "UNDER-charged" if black.
โ€ข- And if charged and held, no bail needed if black, or negligible bail.
โ€ข- And if UNDER-charged, plead out and tossed out of court before given a court docket, if black
โ€ข- Court? If Black, the Judge ensures the Black goes free or "probation"
โ€ข- Court does not grant probation?, then court UNDER-SENTENCES BLACKS in 2023 Really!
โ€ข- UNDER-SENTENCES and goes to prison?... then LET OUT EARLY under many new state "sentencing reform laws"

โ€ข- Federal prison? Blacks now under new 2020 federal law get out in 50% time served if
good behavior" stacked on top of normal good behavior. 1/4 time served for RAPE, MURDER, KIDNAPPING, CARJACKING, DRUG LORDs, everything if black felon


  • in New York it is ILLEGAL to arrest Black people for more than 24 hours in 2021, unless Murder or Rape, or multiple GPS tether cutoffs. All felons, even manslaughter, even bank robbers, non-negligent Homicide, Child Sex Crimes, merely get a ankle monitor GPS tether in New York if black.


  • in New York - Jan 2022: Armed Robbery Charge Reduced to MISDEMEANOR under New Black Manhattan DA's Reform Policies! One Black keeps robbing stores with knives and never going to jail!:


  • Just 10 Black career criminals racked up nearly 500 arrests since NY bail reform began (nypost.com)


  • in San Francisco it is ILLEGAL to arrest Black car smash-and-grab thieves, only a "ticket".

  • In Philadelphia all Bulletproof safety glass has to be removed from all gas stations and all food stores by LAW if any gum or candy sold. It hurt Negros feelings of respect. Already some asian shopkeepers have been killed now.

Philadelphia City Council approves bill to remove bulletproof glass from storefronts:


Outrage as Philly pushes through ban on bulletproof glass in crime-plagued neighborhood shops


Philly's proposed Bulletproof Glass ban could get someone shot:


Dat's Raycissst!

  • Atlanta too! :

POLICE CANNOT respond in Atlanta to Black Shoplifting NOR Store Trespassing!

Last year, in 3/4th of atlanta region store larceny is NOT permitted a police response if the crook is Black.



  • Boston too! :

In Boston and its entire white suburb region, starting Jan 1 2019, stores cannot BAN repeat shoplifters EVER and no shoplifter will ever be prosecuted per daily theft visit if the items total less than $250 dollars, if the thief is Black.

$250 dollars ! Per visit! No way to ban the Blacks after caught (no trespassing laws honored).

Proof ? Read the Boston county Attorney General claiming it so on her own web page ! :



  • State of Illinois : Now nearly Illegal to Give Blacks a Ticket! :

State of Illinois Reinstates 55,000 Suspended Licenses for Unpaid Parking Tickets Because They Disproportionately Impacted Black People

(archived because Patriots.win bans unz reporters)


Not only are Blacks barely ever arrested or charged, now ILLEGAL ALIENS too! Illegal Aliens cannot ever be arrested for illegally driving :


  • Philidelphia too! : Blacks barely ever arrested or charged, but starting in March 2020 NO BLACK CAN EVER BE CHARGED for any crime at all, unless a hurt black victim! You think I am joking. It's true essentially, any Black can take anything they want from any White persons body, home, or business ! Read !:


  • Baltimore too! :

2021 : Baltimore Ends Prosecution of Low-Level Crimes Such As Prostitution, Drug Possession, Traffic Offenses. Too many Blacks. :


2021: Washington State Democrats want to cancel enhanced penalty for drive-by murders because only Blacks do it


In Chicago NO BLACKS UNDER AGE 22 are prosecuted for armed carjacking unless a white person actually dies! Really! The feds have to intervene on the white victims behalf. Some blacks carjacked white people two times in 10 days knowing they can never be charged or held more than an hour or so.


If under 18, such as 17, a Chicago negro can sometimes steal a carjacked car per day with a weapon, and get arrested and let go two times in 48 hours. (friday night and sunday night) : https://zarembalawoffice.com/blogs/chicago-teen-arrested-twice-same-weekend

...each time they are let go almost immediately if only attempted murder of whites, such as in first arrest with attempted murder of a retired Chicago police officer, as per link

ONLY A DEAD white woman victim of a negro carjacking merits an actual arrest for over 6 hours in Chicago if the negroid thug is under 22 years old. Whitey has to actually die to ever arrest a negro because Negros are treasured pets and democrats. This is a fact.

Some armed Black teens in Chicago carjack Whites FOUR TIMES in one year, and Federal laws ignored for Blacks! ...
16-year-old Black Chicago girl charged with 4 separate carjackings of Whites, all at gunpoint, driving off with a young child in back seat :

Thanks, Democrats!

Cleveland, parts of California, and most of New York will be the same way for BLACK CRIMINALS... its called "sentencing reform" but starts at the arrest event! no charges! no arrest! And if arrested, free on tether with NO BAIL!!!

BAIL is only for white males!

Black felons now in 5 more democrat states can vote democrat. THEY CAN VOTE! They be all good boys now! Even Florida now lets FELONS VOTE! In large studies, Felons vote over 80% Democrat, proven by "Primary election participation" studies as well.

Actor Jussie Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in jail. After serving six, let go for good.:


This is step 1 in genocide of Whitey!

Disarming White people is step 2.

Limiting free speech of Whites , calling it Hate Thought Speech, is step 3.

You are reading ILLEGAL HATE THOUGHT SPEECH right now , in 4 EU nations.

Whites are almost BARELY under 50% of population of entire USA, and now the predicted future BLACK UTOPIA is accelerating!

"End Game" socialism via Democrats is next, complete with death spiral to Venezuela example, but with Whitey being the tax beast of burden until whitey cannot even pay for the government jobs in BLACK UTOPIA


New York now has :

  • Black Attorney General
  • Black DA for Manhattan
  • Black DA for Bronx
  • Black female Police Commissioner (Keechant Sewell)
  • Black Deputy Police Commissioner of NYC
  • Black US Attorney for Manhattan
  • Black US Attorney for Brooklyn/Queens
  • Black Mayor of NYC

AND 800,000 non-citizen voters for NYC elections soon.

What could go wrong?

TL/DR: Courts and Jail are Racist

Come 1 point ago +6 / -5

your words are anti-semitic

Come 0 points ago +4 / -4

its called "Zippertits"

Come 3 points ago +6 / -3

I also made some conspiracy memes like that (spicy ones, meant to be over the top) :



Bwah hah hah!

I like making "conspiracy guy" memes

I make thousands of memes for people to laugh at. Half are edgy.

Come 0 points ago +3 / -3

25 years in federal prison for HATE THOUGHT CRIME if you spit on a tranny under new Biden regime laws for sentence enhancements.
Also, its not the actors fault.
Its the producers and funders.
Also The Hard Left pays ANTIFA goons to protect them

Come 6 points ago +8 / -2

Tucker Carlson's guest covering this video clip said almost ZERO fathers were at the show but TONS of single women, and the guest even added an offensive adjective to "women" who brought their little kids.

Come 1 point ago +4 / -3

Every nation has MORE REGULATION on power redistribution for load balancing and payments than USA.

The government is indeed at fault.

Its retarded that the power was deliberately turned off for 20 minutes for 25% of all Americans yesterday.

That is classic SOCIALIST SHIT, when power is cut.

The USA REFUSES to order EMP hardened side spare equipment.

One single north korean EMP weapon can take out 3 weeks of electricity from USA in CURRENT SETUP


TL/DR: The gov is supposed to mandate minimum infrastructure rules for critical utilities, like all nations do.

Come 1 point ago +4 / -3

It's missing his famous last sentence!!!

"And now you know the REST of the Story!"
"I'm Paul Harvey. Good Day!"

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Come 16 points ago +19 / -3

ONE POINT SIX TRILLION DOLLARS spent on EVERYTHING except powergrid infrastructure, and also not one dollar for USA border control.

Socialists want to destroy USA

This is planned.

States with independant powergrids like Texas were molested by obscene Biden policies last winter.

Disgusting Democrats

Democrats cut power to White Suburb zip codes and avoid ever cutting power to large democrat cities in these "rolling blackouts".

Welfare electricity never must stop, no matter what hourly spot price for electricity

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