Every Traitor worldwide must be exposed prior to the election, or it will be called Retribution by President Trump.
If you want to own a home, I would be happy to explain how we did it in the past.
Is Polio even a thing. Hasn't been for decades even without a vaccine.
Now Trump is coming after them for their Crimes Against Humanity and Election Interference.
Look right below the header and you see 15 Awards and 22 Nominations but if you go further down the Wins are not accurate. Hollywood hates that this was the most successful series in history in terms of financial return.
I see that a Pfizer employee is in the chat down dooting those who speak openly about Big Parma murderers.
Ask her to tell you the exact number of people she knows who have gotten Shingles. Now ask her the exact number of those who had gotten the vaccine. Now do the math for her. Remember that the sample size is 330 million and the control size is only a few million. Shingles will appear in a huge percentage of those who got the shot and almost non-existent in those who did not.
Russian Roulette is a stupid game to play.
Excuse me stewardess, I speak Jive.
Wow, this is a must-see video. One of the best talks I have seen with President Trump. I hope to see this shared everywhere.
Looks like they lowered the minimum so Patriots from Commie states can enter.
Eyepatch McCain and Kinzinger too.
I don't know a single person who would shed a tear if all these CIA operatives were arrested by many foreign countries and buried under the deepest dungeons forever.
I just saw that both things happened within about a minute of each other. A patriot with a banner and a Commie getting hurled out.
The war isn't killing nearly enough kids, so they go with the Bill Gates murder injection to get back on track.
They are going to have to speed up the release of these bogus diseases if they want to get one to catch on.
We need a Sticky on this.
Valley Vet 500ml liquid is $75 and equals 500 12mg tablets. I use a 6ml syringe with a 16ga needle to measure doses. Full dose is 1ml per 110 pounds. Squirt it into a couple ounces of juice and drink it.
The cameras did not pan to the banner or the monitors, but Trump explained what was going on and called for his team to put the original photo on the monitors.
I would bet their personal devices are filled with illegal Kiddie Diddling.
No, it was a Patriot holding up a banner of the flags twisted into an angel during the assassination attempt. President Trump told security to allow the person to continue then had his team put the original photo up on the screens to show the crowd how the flags twisted together.
We are going to repopulate the Patriot population of the US.
President Trump states that we will get toxic chemicals out of our food supply and OUT OF OUR BODIES very soon.
President Trump is taking the stage now.
I used an 9.75% FHA 15 year fixed in 1986 to get a rate lower than 10% since the conventional 15 year was 10.25% and conventional 30 year was 12%.