CosplayKayleeMac 4 points ago +4 / -0

As far as the camera equipment goes - yes. If Biden were legit he would definitely have access to all the studio equipment he wanted. He probably has a photography team.

CosplayKayleeMac 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whoa! That is crazy for sure! Were you watching live stream of

CosplayKayleeMac 4 points ago +4 / -0

All good observations! And I believe you have seen these things and thanks for offering to share.

I dont have as hard a time with believing the things yall are pointing out but I don't understand the motivation of either the patriots or Biden in this scenario.

Why would Patriots do it? Why would Biden go along with it, if so? Why would Biden do it if he wasn't being forced?

Those types of questions are driving me crazy. Haha! I need to close the logic loop and I can't but like I have been saying...something isn't right. My intuition is usually spot on, too which makes this even worse for me! LOL

CosplayKayleeMac 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you could add that having light reflections is a debunk. I use studio lighting at night for better pictures. That could be all those are.

Also...what is the motivation for Biden? That makes me not buy in more than anything right now.

Things still seem weird but not sure that this is the answer yet.

CosplayKayleeMac 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for putting this together! I keep going back and forth on this theory about a studio. I just can’t reconcile why the Biden regime would fake all of this. To doop whom? But then again something just feels off and has for Biden’s entire campaign.

If for some reason it did mean the HULu TV series here is a heading that caught my eye. “ 'Castle Rock's shocking Season 2 twist meant lying to everyone for a really good reason”

CosplayKayleeMac 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sept. 2020 is last sign of life. I went down this rabbit hole on Monday as I am pretty new to everything.

"Follow Huma" -----> on Twitter

So, I followed her even though she hadn't Tweeted for 2 years.

CosplayKayleeMac 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its a production set. Here is a video of them using it. Definitely worth the watch.

CosplayKayleeMac 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yah. He said he was going to go 6x a day and now nothing.

Monkeywerx came on last night with a good run down and then today said any movement to Gitmo was to imprison patriots. It was weird.

by edman69
CosplayKayleeMac 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is a studio showing a deep fake of Biden they made.

by edman69
CosplayKayleeMac 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nixon (but it was done up like the 70s)

Independence Day, Dave

by edman69
CosplayKayleeMac 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can find 0 pictures of the Castle Rock Studios Oval office which I find weird. Is it just me?

CosplayKayleeMac 1 point ago +1 / -0

It means you think about us when we aren't around. I mean get in on pop culture terms at least. WE are why you come this forum. However, YOU are not why we are here. I should ignore you but sometimes I like having fun, too!

CosplayKayleeMac 0 points ago +1 / -1

None of that describes me but interesting that you put such an emphasis on power.

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