He's just a thief.
The movie Pirates of Silicon Valley pretty closely details the true story. Really good movie, worth a watch.
I never would have believed you if you told me that in 2021 I was dying for our government to do this to us...
Have you not seen the military protecting Biden?
Using MIL resources to protect traitors amounts to "aiding and abetting" IMHO.
I miss EVSPRA.
This site has noticably gone down in quality since his departure. Stickies staying up for days at a time, and getting posts like this stickied...
I don't know a single leftist who is actually upset yet....
Not hearing about mean tweets is exactly what they voted for, and they are getting it.
Thank you for putting in the time. This misinformation has been driving me insane.
People are really reaching now, just confirmation bias everywhere.
I personally have seen the AF1 callsign on ADSB when it was going to CO last month...
Mods here are telling people it's legit
NESARA would be like being reborn.
Certainly biblical.
It isn't really meant as a comedy but I thought the video was damn funny
Alright, so you made me do some digging to get this figured out and now I just have more questions.
I personally have student loans, and I received emails saying that I don't need to pay.
Screensnip of the first one I received in December - https://i.maga.host/CgCBo49.png Screensnip of the second on I received end of January - https://i.maga.host/mgbRTsr.png
Reading through Biden EOs, I can't find anything saying he extended the payments either. So, since Betsy Devos is gone, did acting Sec. of Education Phil Rosenfelt extend them and just keep his mouth shut about it?
Adding to that, doesn't having a federal register of Biden's EOs give evidence that Biden is the president? Why play pretend on some fronts yet not others? None of this makes any damn sense to me since the 20th...
I'm a silver guy, I get it, but here is something that bothers me about this whole thing.
If the dollar is going to crash, markets are toast, and retirement accounts are thereby gone. Considering the things Trump has said, "The best is yet to come," etc, how can they crash the dollar and peoples livelihoods without having a system already thought up that would allow those slower moving people to transfer their lifetimes worth of work into something tangible as well?
I can't wrap my head around the trillions of dollars that are going to disappear, and retired people are going to be ok with it, or at least find a way to keep living their lives as they had planned for.
I live in Idaho, and we never have trouble. Hydroelectric is great too, although people complain about the Salmon because of the dams
I would love for the "pretend presidency" to be true, but the EOs Biden signed have already taken effect.
Student loan payments are postponed until September.
So if his EOs are having effects, doesn't that make him the President, regardless of what the future brings?
"It's had to be this way." I'm having a really hard time accepting that right now. I'm getting bitter.
It's not official until the verify the signatures because we all know they are going to reject masses of ballots to avoid this recall.
like a fart knocker only a warnocker
Where do you want to stay? At Trump's hotel right?
Do you have as much desire to stay at any of the other hotels in DC?
It's probably just simple supply and demand.
I've seen multiple posters on GAW say that they had reserved their rooms for March.
If there are a large amount of people across the country who believe that something is going to happen at the beginning of March and those rooms started to sell out, why wouldn't the hotels increase their prices?
You would be surprised how often people ask for remote access when they have no use for it.
"It would sure make it easier to do my work." Yea, that goes for hackers too, dumbass...
Of all the research I have done, what convinced me that George news is at least something legit was their YouTube page.
They have lots of high quality video and pictures of military and Trump I haven't seen anywhere else. I have a hard time believing anyone from MSM could get videos of the stealth bombers like George news has, etc.
Just my 2 cents. I'm also maintaining skepticism FWIW.
I don't listen to modern music or watch T.V. I clicked on that first video you linked and muted it so I could just watch watch she did.
Holy Fuck. What has happened to our culture. To think that young children see this, practically worship it. It's hard not to feel like we already lost sometimes.
Student loan payments were postponed until September by Biden. And many of the sheep just get their news from the MSM. So how does this redpill normies? Regardless of what's actually being done, they believe things are going well because they are told things are going well.
Because of brainwashing, many people actually want the Paris agreement (less jobs). They want to stop terrorism (war). They want open borders (destruction of culture). How can you redpill the remaining leftists when they are being given what they desire?
Those who are going to wake up are ALREADY there, IMHO. This waiting is doing nothing but hurting our country. It's nice to think that Biden is playing games and the military is in control, but that seems to be false from my observations. EOs that Biden has signed have had real effects across the country already. Many people have lost their jobs, as I mentioned earlier, the student loan payments have been postponed, and our taxes all went up because they didn't renew the Trump tax cuts. This is real evidence in my life that Biden IS the President, because his policies have already had effect. And if that's the case, then the Military has already committed treason by allowing a Chinese puppet to take control, regardless of their future plans.
I honestly don't care if "it had to be this way," at this point. Many people have had to make life altering choices based on the future we see in front of us. I have been busting my ass to get some land, build a home, and start my family. My wife is reaching an age, it's now or never with our dreams of having children. Do I get my wife pregnant seeing physical evidence that Biden is president and trust that Trump will prevail, or do I wait, because I can't risk having children grow up in a socialist hellhole. And that is just my one small perspective.
Yea, to me this just seems like some top tier marketing.
I'm not investing any time into it, but I will glance over the other connections people have made to see if anything sticks. If it turns out I'm wrong, I haven't missed out on much, IMHO.
I think this board gets alot of "fresh talent" that haven't been taught the intricacies of the research, etc.
So honestly, why get a rooster? They are so mean, and they don't do anything but get laid and eat. I'm very near starting my coop and have been so curious about this.