CrsCrpr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Admiral Richard Byrd has some interesting things to say about Antarctica and the vast lands past it that were full of abundant resources. He was so sure that the next great exploration destination would be Antarctica that he went on talk show back in the 1940's or 50's and told the world about it.

Shortly after that he led Operation Highjump (an "exploration" trip to Antarctica that needed a full battle fleet) and got his ass kicked, lost half his fucking fleet and had to end the exploration early.

CrsCrpr 1 point ago +1 / -0

First and foremost, tell them to kiss your ass and dare them to fire you because they want illegal access to your medical records then sue the shit out of them.

Secondly, go find a better job that pays more. They can't give a good job away in today's economy and reliable workers are highly valued.

Last but not least, grow a sack and stop valuing your security over your freedoms. If you don't, your children and grandchildren will suffer because men like you went along with this fuckery.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +4 / -2

Trump just moved to New Jersey ... Some other country club he owns I believe ... I hadn't put the two together yet but I saw Trump moved yesterday and find this clip today

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've worn one twice, once to take mom to the hospital and once to vote. I've posted many anti-mask post and even a detailed post on how to use religious exemptions to get past an employment mask mandate/temperature check in the state of Virginia that we'll all find out if it works soon because I just entered a lawsuit with a nationwide general contractor because of it.

I've done what would have been the impulse of every single American 50 years ago and I live in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Notoriously liberal with a 54% black population.

What I didn't do was make excuses and value my creature comforts over my dignity and, infinitely more importantly, the lives of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

What have you done?

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's kind of the point.

Learn to stand on your own beliefs and it doesn't matter what others do. There is a comfort in knowing you have not sacrificed your dignity and somehow it turns out okay even if it appears to not be.

CrsCrpr 7 points ago +7 / -0

Once again, I never gave up on God. God is very real. I gave up on the group-think churches and I feel no need to enter a church and try to change the minds of the ignorant that have chosen to believe a preacher over the word of God.

CrsCrpr 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the problem with Christians now. You accuse me of "giving up on Christ" when I've plainly stated that I gave up on Christianity and the church, not Christ.

Does Christ need me? Hell no! I need him, I can't give up on Christ because I can literally do nothing for Christ but somehow you believe Christ is Christianity which the Bible is implicit in saying numerous times that they are two different entities.

The church is an arm of Christ but what does the Bible say about an appendage that offends God?

Cut it the fuck off, that's what God says to do.

So who's the real believer here? Those of us willing to call out the false doctrine laid out in the churches or those of you willing to play along when you know better?

CrsCrpr 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not "following a preacher" it's a comparison of how watered down Christianity has become over the last 15 years by using the preacher of the church I grew up in as compared to (if you must know) a preacher in the exact same church now that chooses to minister to his flock via Facebook and pretends he's doing what God would have him do while the rest of the brainwashed church pretends they don't know better.

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get it. I felt smaller when I had to put it on. I didn't like it at all. People act amazed that I've made it through this by simply not complying but I'm amazed that they have managed to muzzle up with seemingly no negative psychological effects.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +5 / -3

Or maybe believed enough to study the word of God and noticed the differences in what was being preached from the pulpit and what the good book says.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +5 / -3

I realized that a long, long, time ago and blamed it on churches but I quit claiming to be a Christian in 2020 ... there is no longer any difference between modern Christianity and cultist group think now.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never said I go to Walmart, I've been boycotting Walmart since they put the receipt checkers out front. If I did go to Walmart though, I wouldn't avoid it and then say that I was supporting mom and pop stores when in fact I was just avoiding a mask altercation and happened to go the mom and pop store because of it.

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a huge difference between being made to wear one on a handful of occasions (I wore one once when I took my mother to the hospital myself) and wearing one on a daily basis then taking it off once and telling every body you're a hero.

CrsCrpr 0 points ago +10 / -10

I quit claiming to be a "Christian" when the "Christians" of this world allowed their religion to be desecrated by Dr. Fraudci and turned their backs on their fellow brothers and sister in Christ. The pastor of the church I grew up in would have picked up a rifle and defended his God and his flock. He had a sack. These pansy ass preachers now that are embracing this Godless ideology deserve to take a lightning strike from the almighty in the keister.

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think so.

It reminds me of the movie Divergent. They test the population to see what faction they align with but some citizens are free thinkers and don't align with any faction. They see clearly and are hunted because of that.

We are the divergents in America.

CrsCrpr -6 points ago +14 / -20

Because the same person that removed their mask once and then posted on GAW for their participation award will slap that mask right back on.

There has been no real awakening and definitely no "Great Awakening".

They did something and "nobody seemed to care". They are using the reaction of others to gauge their own level of compliance. Because nobody said anything, they feel like they've accomplished something. What they really did was wait out the fight until public opinion changed.

I've been through three jobs this year because I will not comply so to wake up and see multiple, "I finally took my mask off" post from people that chose to live comfortably while patriots suffered is mildly infuriating to those of us that stuck to our guns and refused this unconstitutional mandate.

CrsCrpr 8 points ago +8 / -0

I get it man. Been getting less and less tolerant of people with no clue on the actual efficacy of mask have straw man arguments about why it is important to wear mask or how it’s not that big of a deal.


This is ground zero for the showdown between the NWO and Muricans and 3/4 of GAW is already complying with the NWO while pretending to be patriots.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +7 / -5

Me too brudda ... I have fought against mask for over a year to see people acting like they did something now?

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