CurtKobain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe you and my down-voters are ASSUMING that I am talking about CO2 based anthropogenic climate change. I am not. I was warned (fairly) by a Mod, not to talk about what I was referring to, and I will head that warning. But, either way, just as a scam, scams are man made. Psychological warfare is man-made. Fakenews is man-made, scientific fraud is man-made. Co2 theory (the fraud that it is) is man-made. See what I'm saying? So, the low IQ artificial intelligence that generated this scientific paper didn't account for these things, I'm willing to bet. Nor, did it likely account for 'other' man made causes of changes to weather patterns around the world. Sorry for the confusion.

CurtKobain 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no difference, but I wont push it.

CurtKobain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't talk about weather modz, tardo. You really believe anything AI says, lol

CurtKobain -3 points ago +1 / -4

It is man-made, but we aren't allowed to talk about it on this highly censored website. AI is retarded, tho.

CurtKobain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why don't people know what words mean? 'Conspiracy' means more than one person being involved in a thing. 'Theory' means a substantiated hypothesis. 'Conspiracy theory' does not mean "something that is widely believed, but is incorrect." That is what the term 'myth' is for. People often confuse 'myth' with 'conspiracy theory.'

We should all be proud to be conspiracy theorists and embrace the term.

CurtKobain 12 points ago +18 / -6

Clandestine is a narcissist and has waayyy too much exposure for his worth. I'm not much of a fan.

"I was the first one who..."

No, you weren't. He can eat my shorts!

CurtKobain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm highly skepticle due to it being a photograpgh and the way it was photo'd at an angle. Seems very unofficial. Most of the files released have not been handled by the public to be photographed.

CurtKobain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was looking for a joke in there somewhere, heh

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