Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Case or document name

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m down to research if you reply with any case of document name, citation etc.
I hate watching videos

Dabigcasina 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. Where was the corporation formed? Are you saying it is a foreign corporation formed under the laws of Great Britain? Or the Vatican (not even sure if the Vatican has laws for formation of business entities)?

  2. Does it have provisions for the ceo to be appointed by the board of directors based on the US election results?

  3. When it was formed, how was ownership the land and other government assets (buildings etc) in DC transferred to the corporation?

  4. in what court was the bankruptcy filed?

Dabigcasina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sooooo. I am certainly open minded enough to believe that politicians are generally scoundrels. I am also open minded enough to believe politicians would sell their nAtions capital. But I also know a little bit about business law so this confuses the fuck out of me. I will make certain assumptions in this request for clarification:

  1. what is the actual juridical acts that we are saying occurred? Is the theory that somebody mortgaged, pledged, or sold the physical land to the Vatican via a promissory note of sorts from bank of London?

  2. where is the US code article, court opinion, or official references to customary practice that allow a nation state to be converted (I guess) into a corporation.

  3. what corporate law applies? I assume it’s a c-corp, so who all is on the board of directors and where are the articles of incorporation and bylaws located?

  4. how did the transformation from a nation state to a juridical entity help secure a loan from the Vatican and/or Bank of England?

  5. what is the mechanism by which the corporation’s assets (the physical land and buildings in dc) became a foreign territory?

Can someone point me towards documents that illustrate and/or analyze this phenomenon.

Not saying that it’s nonsense, but I have not seen anything to explain the creation of this corporation step by step. That’s generally the start of the article or story: “so in 19th century the USA was made into a corporation” And then all of these thing resulted from that...etc.

Dabigcasina 0 points ago +1 / -1

Things like: “chicks with dicks are still dudes?”

Dabigcasina 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’ll throw down some $$$ for your cellmate to get a djt wig!

Dabigcasina 0 points ago +1 / -1

More likely a hair salon/ dollar store. Do you often fantasize about Trump? Let Biden know, you might catch a cabinet post.

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn right

Dabigcasina 4 points ago +4 / -0

One comment. Imo as ex prosecuting atty., asset seizures under these executive orders (this and foreign elec interference one) would be so devastating in part because the executive order allows asset seizure without a court order. It’s akin to the drug asset forfeiture laws....state or feds seize all your money and property and basically put the burden of proof on YOU to prove that the assets are not ill-gotten. The law doesn’t say that, but effectively that’s how it works. Example: Authorities seize a drug distributors assets and put them in jail. Defendant then has limited resources to fight charges and attempt to prove assets weren’t procured with illegal funds. Typically some sort of deal is cut for less prison time along with asset forfeiture.

Once they seize your shit it’s really hard to get it back!

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +3 / -1

Brother, God is love. God is life. God is good. God is the light. God is the creator. God created man in His own image. This means that God created man to inquire, to seek life, to love, to reach for what is good, to reach for the light and to create that which is beautiful.

Our Lord did not create us to simply walk a straight line robotically. He created us in his image, to inquire, to question, to love and to create.

God is the light and the life; the absence of light and life is not God.
Your soul and spirit know these truths although your mind may not. Follow the light brother; it will lead you where you need to go.

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s an insult to the God fearing Muslims. Say what you may about Islam, they’re not down for chicks w dicks.

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

I prefer “ long legged mack daddy “ Y’all ever see that preacher back in the day ?

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is old. From 1/7/2021. It’s good but nothing new

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not dni report. Letter about reluctance of intelligence to call out China in dni report

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are absolutely correct. Before i ever found this site, I said that if Biden were the legit winner of the election than so be it. One thing I always thought about pence’s role is that he was legitimately screwed either way. Not advocating for whether he wears a white or black hat, only stating that it was an untenable position. The msm and rinos buried all of the election fraud and interference. If pence had thrown out the Biden votes some military action still would have been required. No chance that it would’ve gone down without riots bc of the msm bullshit

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again, all speculation since I have neither seen nor spoken with anything or anyone to directly verify anything.

Perhaps: A) just a misunderstanding about the Trump portion of the equation on the part of the AF1 soldier.

B) the order just has statements about a change of plans (ie that soldier will remain on AF1 for 4 months) and the soldier surmised the remainder of it from surrounding patriots and assumed it to be true because he doesn’t want to serve a CCP asset.

C) the second hand information was seen and understood through the glasses of a patriot.

D) somebody in the chain is deliberately spreading disinformation

All of those scenarios are possible. I am quite certain that this is not direct classified info as there would be no reason for that information to be disseminated to the parties involved at this point.

I would think of it as if you were fishing in a cove in a lake on a small boat. If you hear an engine in the distance and notice small ripples or waves in the water, you may conclude that a boat has passed by out of your line of sight. However, it may be just as likely that the wind has shifted to move the water in the cove.

Unless the wind picks up or the larger boat circles back, you may never know.

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