Agree! Plenty of hate and falsehoods being spread here. I am positive many are coming from shills. People are twisting themselves in to pretzels to explain why Trump supports the vax. The vax is harmless.
It just shows that in our circle of patriots, we sometimes take in Neanderthals (sometimes too many), and they are leading the conversation (where they shouldn’t and aren’t qualified to) in an evidence-free crusade against the one thing bringing the world economy, communities and families back together without worrying grandma or grandpa will get severely ill and die alone in a hospital or nursing home.
Distrust in big Pharma didn’t help the situation either.
I agree with you, I think Bitcoin has a lot of similarities to current stocks that can be manipulated, however with that said, for every person that got rich with it there are 10 people who want to follow suit, thus replenishing the equity in the overall market now worth we’ll over 1 Trillion.
I like DOGE, VTHO, SHIB, ELON, TEL, NANO, MATIC, VET, RUNE, XCH, XLM, TRX, XRP. In my opinion, these will all EXPONENTIALLY grow.
I am not giving financial advice whatsoever, but as I told my spouse, we say good bye to this money and let it ride the rollercoaster, high ups and downs, and wait to cash out some of it in 4-5 years when it’s worth (hopefully) 10 X.. or more!
Every year more people buy in, and every year of course, if the world economy recovers back stronger from Covid then It will drive another crypto boom. It will be cyclical like any other market - real estate, stock market etc.
Also, people ask will it go away? Nope. Once wallstreet has sunk their greedy teeth into, it will find a way to continue- they have opened crypto trading desks for crying out loud- it’s not going away despite China’s best efforts to force CCP-preservation policies that are anti-citizen and anti-freedom.
Crypto represents freedom. It represents sticking it to the man. And by man I mean wealthy banking families/cabal that run the world at the top of the pyramid?. Let’s get rich while shifting the financial structure!
I always felt like moving away from Fiat currency to crypto currency would bring power back to the people. Elon’s tweets in late 2020 and early 2021 about Dogecoin sparked my interest in crypto. I think it’s a long play, but I do believe that it’s a way of removing the central banking families and replacing them with the people. I’m not convinced it still can’t be manipulated, as we have seen massive peaks and valleys Just look at CCP China whining about their crypto market and trying to gain control, these people think they run the world. But overall, the awakening is not just financial, it’s about power, control over thinking... much more...
This is false.[THEY] stole our election. Doesn’t surprise me people have become so paranoid, victims of low IQ, or perhaps some have high IQ but apply “0” critical thinking.
Where is Q or Trump, we need people to stop this absolute garbage non-sense. All of these edited videos and deceptive posts make patriots’ posts on Jan 6 and election fraud less meaningful. There was no insurrection! We have video proof and plenty of critical thinking when it is applied. Enter the dystopian angry basement dwellers, or as I like to call them millennials and newer recently red-pilled. These types don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and promote absolute non-sense b/c it is mixed in with the truth. 99 truths and 1 poison. well, the poison is designed for them and it works every time. Think Mossad/Alex Jones connection.
The fact that someone brought up “Alex said the vaccines would kill us months ago. “ tells me all I need to know.
For the love of God, I am tired of having to weed out shills and fake patriots or newly formed patriots who think they know more than anyone b/c they read it on a thread. Here’s an advanced GFYO to all you ass clowns.
For the rest of us America loving Trump patriots, I challenge you to call out the disinformation assholes, and when they troll farm comment attack you, get each other’s backs. B/c I have seen the power and strength of this movement and I believe our enemy has infiltrated us. Not only have they infilatrated us directly, but also through controlling some of our very own and how we think.
Do yourself a favor and research shit yourself. Q always said this, research it yourselves. Stop the bullshit microchipping were all gonna die dooming, stop the animals are dying muhhhb garbage. You have a first amendment right, but you don’t have a right not to be called out for stupidity.
mRNA Vaccines are safe, prove me wrong. If they weren’t, military/Trump would have stepped in. They’re not “letting it be released early so only half of us die (5 B people?!?)” do the fucking research or shut up.
? wow, based. I already had the vaccine...
Respect each other or you should be permanently kicked off of here. Admin????
I have to base my reaction on data. If the data is wrong or untrustworthy (CDC), then please do not blame me. But assuming it is correct, the vaccines are super safe.
Also consider this, If you had a vaccine and then died in a car accident, that absolutely needs to be reported to VAERS and yes it counts towards the vax related deaths. So basically, thus far, from data, it appears the vaccines are safe, very effective too. ? See below from cdc:
“Over 259 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 10, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 4,434 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. “
Only question I have is, do we need to give the jab to children ? I’m not sure. Adults, yes.. makes sense, but children, I dunno, what is the hospitalization rate.. if it’s negligible then why jab them?
Once again these are my opinions. Do I think vaccines can kill some people or hurt them? Yes. Overall though the numbers are extremely low.
For perspective there were 2.8 M total all-cause deaths in the US in 2020.... if we dip below that, we are In good shape.
Do we really need to have in-fighting amongst us? You think the vaccine is deadly and are “glad” I got it ? Well I hope you are safe with or without the vaccine my fellow patriot(s).
Have an opinion but don’t be mean or ignorant to each other. Agreed? In a year when no one dies remember all of the doom and gloom. And obviously we all hope this is the case.
The timing of this bio weapon was to remove Trump.
The timing of the vaccine approval was miraculous in a sense, b/c they were being studied to treat cancer.... and you know capitalism never fails to show its greedy side.
Trump backed the vaccine. End of argument. He’s a genius and I highly doubt that people were tricked into getting killed. That would spark a civil war, anarchy, total chaos. It makes no sense and no one is offering any hard facts just really hardcore cynical thoughts...
I hope I’m right though!
Pray my fellow patriots. Just don’t start cannibalizing each other. Remember who the enemy is!
Sounds fancy but it really just teaches your body to make the China virus spike protein. It is my opinion that many diseases will be cured with new technologies and they will be even safer... as for now, it’s a horrible thing to look at it this way, but it truly is a math equation. Do you save more people vs hurt people.. that’s the shitty part of the situation.
Unfortunately there’s no perfect solution.
The man is an ex employee and this video is old... Nov 2020 was long before there were various mutations of the virus.... what is he saying now regarding places like India?
There’s no doubt people are having adverse reactions but relative to the vaccine’s reduction of hospitalization/death , I think most people would take their chances with a vaccine vs a bio-weapon, like the Wuhan China Virus...
Understandably, the adverse events of some of these vaccines need to be reported to VAERS, and we need to ensure it remains beneficial. As of now, the rates of severe reaction remain pretty rare, although you can find them easily on the internet does not make them pervasive. What am I missing?
Die fast enough ? You really think they couldn’t kill us faster ? False flag event, blame on Russia.. or Iran etc....mercury filling ? ? I always opt for ceramic, they don’t use methylmercury in fillings, which is harmful. They use a different, elemental Mercury, poses low risk? I doubt dentists would use it if it was dangerous, there are plenty of patriots who would ring the alarm bell..majority of dentists offer it...
Provide proof. I’d like to see this evidence. And don’t make it an anonymous sourced article from an ex employee who left the company a decade ago. Thanks
I keep seeing outrageous claims on this site. First, we need more context, what vax were they talking about and what was the study based on? Was it a toxicity study and they gave the animals 10, 000% at based dosing vs humans ? Which animals specifically were tested ? So those animals dying mean humans will die too?
Pfizer gave the vaccine to friends and family... so by this article, you peddlers of this garbage are trying to insinuate Pfizer will tank itself, purposefully implode itself by killing off its employees, who quite arguably run the most successful, if not the top, pharmaceutical company in the world ?
Use logic. Could this fear tactic be driven by false information or misinformation ?
So they want to kill of 50% of the population and vaccines is how it’s achieved ? ? why not poison the water or air over specific areas... or use energy weapons or nukes or rods of lightning? Does anyone still use critical thinking ?
This is such bullshit. We haven’t evolved much from the same people who burned heretics, god forbid they said things such as “the earth revolves around the sun.” They must be pure evil!
Please stop spreading this anti-Vax garbage. Be grateful the US has the scientific kno-how to be agile and innovative- and be grateful to the science that is saving people from dying like my 60 yr old cousin did from Covid.
This is hyperbole at best and fact-less garbage at worst.
What dangers have come about the mRNA Vax? That’s what I thought, you have ZERO credibility and part of me thinks that this site is attracting deep state players to coerce the population not to get vaccinated. B/C putting an end to Covid & its unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates would be a huge upset to their plans. The continuation of Covid is their plan. How blinded are we to not realize this. Speaking of batches of Covid with differing ingredients.. this is some sick shit ... and you just think thousands of patriots working in this industry (high Trump supporters) are going to just roll over and take orders and mass produce something dangerous?... if anything, the CIA would be able to do a switch here and there but nothing on the mass scale of vaccinations.
Everyone calm down with this pseudoscience bullshit. Please.
Imagine being the scientists who dedicated their lives to this cause, decades of research, and how do you treat them? Like Galileo (for those of you who know history)... we are going to make HERETICS of those that desire to save humanity? Shame on us as a society. And btw I am a hardcore Trump supporter and I believe this anti-Vax shit is completely apolitical- there’s too much distrust, thanks to the media. But please research and don’t spread misinformation and garbage like many of the posts I’ve seen on here.
MODERATORS, are you on vacation????
I don’t know why you got upvoted. It’s ridiculous we are looking at this guys diction... we missed the point entirely. Just b/c many distrust the vaccine (even though Trump specifically said to take it and it’s going to be a miracle, and yes he’s right), and unfortunately thousands of died taken it? But tens of thousands saved I presume of the numbers add up.. my point is not about the vaccine.. are we that far left that even conservative pages like this one laugh at the dismantling of capitalism, the fucking incentive to be free and produce ingenuity the likes of which the world has never seen and amass vast wealth ? Is there no incentive in work work or ingenuity... what in the hell...’if we cant invent or protect our patents.. then fuck science too. Fuck manufacturing and technology and everything we were ever great at. Seriously, WAKE UP. Let’s get mad.. don’t just get mad, take action (make sure it is peaceful!!!!) but stand up, we all have a voice. LET IT BE HEARD. TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES WHAT YOU THINK. The implications of us paying for the world to be vaccinated by simply giving them our technology,‘it’s mind boggling. The analysis shows it serves ZERO purpose, in fact it shows that the record manufacturing capacity would be disrupted by the various ingredients that other nations would then fight for to get... yeah that would lead to massive halts, fighting and a geo political disaster .. exactly what Biden intends to achieve. A complete halt to stopping COVID. Come on man! Son of a bitch.
This is AMERICA LAST. China and India copying America’s IP. I don’t care if you believe in the vaccine or not, WHERE DOES THIS STOP? Open up Apple and Tesla’s and Ubers IP rights, let China India and the entire globe just steal our shit, better yet, let’s give them the recipe, so they can then sell the same shit they stole from us to us, sending our economy into a downward spiral. Does anyone not see how dangerous this is ?????????? It’s a shit show- we went from America First to America Last in the span of one BIG fat LIE 2020 stolen election. And the dems love it, the more they destroy our nation to China’s orders, the more they pocket wealth.
This is a war of billionaires against the upper middle and lower middle classes. Billionaires through various techniques have fucking recruited the poor class through mass manipulation, they actually believe in the polarizing divisive causes for which they stand.
We have to unite on an AMERICA FIRST front, doesn’t matter your background, wealth color, race, gender whatever.... we NEED TRUMP BACK!!!!!!!!
Amen amen!! Beautiful words!... I’d like to use this prayer for my child’s communion, to who shall I give credit?
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
I hear your point, and in this world of various bad actors it’s understandable, maybe plausible, however their are serious holes in the argument. I haven’t read those books, but thanks for the the suggestion I will check out. For now, I’d like to focus on the topic you brought up, the infertility as well as blood clot adverse events. Are we talking rates of .00001% or are we talking 10%? It’s important to lay these facts so they can be judged.
While it’s devastating to have side effects, we wouldn’t have eradicated diseases like polio without vaccines- so yeah, I do believe they can cause some really fucked up AEs, but overall they help to obliterate really bad diseases. The majority of doctors agree. Generally speaking, right? Take w a grain of salt. There are always outlier vaccines that have long-term issues, but weren’t necessarily nefariously designed as lawyers would have us all believe...
So if we are going to use factoids about blood clots & JnJ vax, let’s talk about the real facts. Do you remember the original story on JnJ Vax? it was 6 in 6 million (don’t quote me on this but it was something similar)... all the anti-vax people saying why do I need a vaccine if Covid has a survival rate of 99.99% (25 year old rate) are now the same statistical experts who say I’m not touching something with a .000001 chance of getting a blood clot? The death rate for 85 year olds is pretty high (as high as 15%? I think), so imagine them weighing that decision vs the 25 year old. Add distrust for pharma industry and general distrust of gov’t (for right reasons), and we have a shitshow: people who won’t take the vaccine and a continuation of Covid (reduced herd immunity)... This leads to yearly vaccines, which leads to more profit. If everyone got the jab, I’m not sure there would be anything left to fight off...
And here lies the issue. The 60,70,and 80 year olds don’t really have an option... their hand is forced by the data, death rates assoc. w Covid. Math tells us the risk of the blood clot for them is lower than the risk of dying from Covid. Those who claim” I had Covid last year or earlier this year and have antibodies” typically aren’t medical doctors- they feel safe but do we don’t know for sure if antibodies are indefinitely? Think Spanish flu, 1st wave light, people had antibodies, second wave was really much more severe.
So when we talk about rare side effects, we have to look at the big picture and not just assume they are trying to poison us. B/c for every tragedy of an infertility there are tens of thousands of people not on respirators and not dying a terrible lonely death in a hospital.
To be fair, I do like the points of bringing people to justice for the PCR faulty tests, the nursing home scandals also for mandating every death to be a “Covid” related death. This should be top priority. CDC/WHO /MSM all should be held liable for their lies.
My long comment below was b/c I support the Covid vaccines b/c I believe Covid was cabal engineered but I believe the vaccines were white hat engineered.
I find it hard to distrust scientists, in a time where we needed them most, for their great achievements. Why are we persecuting them?
I don’t wear a mask outside and I roll my eyes when I see the dozens of secluded ppl (likely Biden supporters) 100-1000 ft from others wearing a mask outside.
I’m tired of brainless laziness research and convoluted facts like anti-Covid vaccine posts. These actually harm, not help society. If I may rant a bit, I shall explain..
There is so much disinformation by the enemy (MSM/cabal) and I jump on this site for some hopium only to be disappointed with the constant teenager shit posts that make us all look like unscientific goons. Seriously, I can imagine these folks talking like Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemont High w the surfer dude voice) when posting garbage like “we’re all gonna die from vaccine gene manipulation”... STFU, unless you have a PHD or MD just STFU already! ?
In case you think I’m trolling, here’s where I stand:
Election fraud took place- Trump should be our president and he will soon be victorious, as America will ????.
Been following Q posts since inception. Daily! I know the ins and outs of the comms, not an autist, but proofs are statistically impossible unless it’s true and my gut tells me this moment in history really is biblical!
China released (or perhaps black hats?) the virus from the wuhan lab. Any points to the contrary are complete bullshit. Their intent was to kill many more (opinion), and lock the world down for control (Trump was a HUGE threat) and this was the best shadow war method they could think of. Lucky for us their plan was shit as this virus wasn’t as deadly as it needed and other viruses probably would be too deadly. Media scare tactics used 24/7, this should be brought to court for sure, not the good guys who invented a vaccine for it nor the front line people treating Covid, fighting daily.
White hats helped us to uncover the bullshit spewed by Rinos and 100% of DEMs, especially HCQ advocates Dr Zelenko and Dr Simone Gold. Nonetheless, I believe that good scientists and researchers exist and that the vaccines are a force of good against an evil virus. Explain why else Trump would support them EVERY SINGLE TIME when asked ? What pissed off Trump was not the miracle vaccines but the disinformation/deception by the media on HCQ, which would have saved countless more lives in the critical junction leading up to the vaccine approvals . Side note, I think it’s bullshit they got approved after the election, but did you really think the FDA was pro Trump? Now, the pharma industry was def anti-Trump, but that doesn’t mean they are anti humanity or anti-profits. Any dangers to a vaccine and entire company goes belly up. Huge risk. They are not immune to law suits nor penalties and history has shown they have paid billions upon billions in fines in the past. But remember good American patriots work in pharma too and they are majority republican / Trump supporters. Workers and Middle Leadership 75% republican, top leadership 75% Democrat. They give an illusion of being democrat, like the rest of our country. We are the majority.
This was an all hands on deck needed moment- we needed hcq, vaccines, ventilators etc. I have known several people severely sickened or who died by Covid. This was a more contagious and powerful version of a “flu” I believe it’s real, and know that most are safe from it, but for those who aren’t safe- we need some type of resolution and HCQ isn’t it, the vaccines were the only way out. The hospitals having ICU filled were real. I KNOW family and friends that are MD/nurses in ICU and that was real. The vaccine creators are White hats and I’m sure it pissed off whoever unleashed this shit to see 95% efficacy. It’s these same motherfuckers who are spreading shit posts about 5G and how it will kill us if we are vaccinated. I’ve got news dumbasses, if anyone wanted us dead their are far better more efficient ways, including energy weapons nuclear and other... and finally if we don’t reach herd immunity then what the hell does everyone expect to happen? By spreading vaccine related garbage and connecting it to the cabal, we are aiding them in more control. Newsflash: The cabal doesn’t want Covid to end. If people don’t believe in the vaccines, then guess what, our future will look like India today. And you adolescents who don’t give a shit b/c you are young, your parents and grandparents could be at risk and eventually we all get old, so that’s the real risk - forever Covid- so stop bashing vaccines w zero evidence you are only helping the cabal.
This is a video from 2009, ok, let me expand on this topic. The industry is purged by the gov’t every couple of years, just look up the fines other pharma companies have made. I’m not saying that it makes it right to do off label promotion or any shady transaction, what I am saying is the gov’t frequently taps into the coffers, to the tune of “billions” in fines. Where does the money go? Oh where does it go, we will never know!
Secondly, everyone needs to be grateful for the honest people in the pharmaceutical industry that have changed the lives of millions of patients. From penicillin to allergy meds and biologics, people are living better and with a better quality of life. No one forces anyone to take medications, the patients need them, and yes sometimes the doctors prescribe them for the wrong reasons, but in the end, what matters is that we don’t sell out the US’s treasure trove of drug discovery and science. We must keep it here at home, as it provides good paying jobs and new discoveries.
This industry has grown and has cost us more money, the one caveat is the costs are hard to control. If you ask me, the answer is simple. Too many middle men. Reward the science and let the patient get the product at a better cost. The industry that controls this are the pharmacies and payer plans, which basically take compensation back from pharma manufactures as a form of “rebate”. This is disgraceful!! We should ELIMINATE the payers from having this power and secondly limit the gouging that occurs post-manufacturing. A pharmacy shouldn’t be able to make 300% profit margin, it shouldn’t be severely limited, b/c I believe in free market, but it should be such that the playing field is level for mom and pop shops and gouging CANNOT occur.
Also, do you know much older worse medications are forced by the gov’t to patients? All b/c they are cheaper, newer and safer and even sometimes more efficacious drugs are last on formularies. Explain that one. It’s a mess and it doesn’t look like it will be fixed anytime soon.
Pray for justice to prevail in America, but pray also for mercy, mercy for our civilization that we see peace and unity after all are awakened. In Jesus’ name amen.
“If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Amen, let’s pray for the best outcome.
? there’s a crypto for that.. is it Elon or Shibu...supposedly the next doge coin...
I honestly thing the crypto thing is like the gold rush. Some will get rich in the short run (maybe years from now) and many will go bust...Elon definitely sees something there.. I wondered how the cabal felt about crypto, and then about a week or so ago, China tried to unilaterally obliterate crypto. So very totalitarian of them... they cited financial fraud as a reason, but we all know they feel threatened when people have power. Crypo-fighting is the new book burning for their elite.