Darkly 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I'm ok with Robert Horton and the Karen Hudes lady. I've seen that video before. Is this argument still valid considering BREXIT happened? Is it valid when Texas + 19 states are looking at the possibility of secession? What solutions are they offering that you believe in?

Darkly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of the things she says seem to be correct but her solutions are batshit crazy. Like I think she wants to get people killed type of crazy. lol.

Read the comments, someone wrote a book on how garbage she is.

Darkly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, but also think OP posted a fair response. their core-point is that god frowns every time you curse even if you're being truthful. bad for character and spirit. only antagonizes. division/manipulation in religion is the enemy agenda, bad news for all religions.

Darkly 1 point ago +5 / -4

forgive us for not practicing to your liking. ?

Darkly 14 points ago +17 / -3

kind of an over-reaction...

Darkly 11 points ago +11 / -0

Half Ruski here, can confirm. Putin is Russia, lots of respect from my family. But places like Ukraine and Latvia(EU) and anywhere under EU influence is taught to hate him.

Darkly 2 points ago +2 / -0

ikr? the witch is floating and has no shadow. :p

Darkly 7 points ago +7 / -0

If he's reading a teleprompter, and he's so senile that all he can do is focus on the teleprompter.. Did he slip up, or did the teleprompter tell him to say this? :o

It's getting to be a lot of slip ups....

Darkly 2 points ago +2 / -0

No shooting, everything is fine. All the weapons and man-power in the world wouldn't fix the problems we got. But I'm optimistic that the problems are being addressed.

On a side-note, you know the Feds would love to radicalize all you gun owners. So don't give them that.

Darkly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone able to find a list or a few company names that were affected? Are these organizations/firms important to Microsoft?

by Evspra
Darkly 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thinking about it like free speech. If we allow GNEWS posts here, we find many opportunities to educate people who might fall in again. But if there's a hard ban, when will the topic come up again? Will newbies know?

Think about it further down the line. IDK.

Darkly 1 point ago +2 / -1

AI regulated quantum based economy sounds good to me if it became globally accepted and open source/reviewable in every country. Something like that would make me less concerned about the Feds interest in QFS. They would also have to accept all crypto in at their existing value I believe - or lose a lot of trust in its establishment. or eliminate existing cryptos without leaving a trail... It's interesting stuff.. to say the least. Maybe with a big enough crash they won't need to?

by robbo
Darkly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Credit cards are usually valid up to 72 hours. Transactions carry out once online connection is established. If a transaction doesn't go through and a product was purchased (taken) it's up to your government to handle it locally. Paper wallets exist for bitcoin but they're kind of inefficient at the moment. (maybe crypto people will argue this)

At the end of the day, if a government accepts bitcoin they also accept the duty to monitor transactions, enforce their validity and even print crypto physical.