Dayzedncunfuzed21 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you looking for?? Chauvin and Floyd are/were criminals. Neither deserve sympathy. They knew each other and worked together doing shady shit. The real story is the reaction and response. That has to be seen fully but had the verdict been opposite it would have popped off immediately. ?

Dayzedncunfuzed21 3 points ago +3 / -0

I could go on all day with this one. He just tried to bring down a mountain of evidence that supporters our movement with 2 weak ass points. Jared Kushner and Israel?? Lmao!!! Saving Israel for last, so what’s his point. Kushner can go down with them. And then some gibberish about Trump = Bernie. Who in their right mind is giving that BS any credibility. All I heard was “I’m right, I didn’t get my data, so it’s fake”. Sounds like an elitist himself. I love X22 and Dave, I listen to 95% of his episodes but he isn’t that “in”. He gives the headlines and his opinion. Never claims to know and just points out things that are “very interesting”. I never take him as gospel but just a soft sound board for things to consider and think about.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is calling for a “bottoms up movement” but aren’t “Trumpers” and “Q” exactly that? Are we not the majority? Isn’t Trump anti-establishment? How can he compare the Bernie movement to the Trump movement? Socialism vs. America First. We have the majority Bernie has never had a majority. He is nothing more then a flash in the pan. And not even that flashy. I’m sorry but he is claiming we need and what he is calling for is exactly what everyone here and across the world are. He is throwing a temper tantrum because he apparently wasn’t included. Maybe he didn’t get the “data” he wanted because they don’t want him to have it. It’s not Dr. Shiva’s timing and apparently he isn’t apart of “the plan”. All I know is I’m 1 hundo on Gen. Flynn and the tree that branches out from there (Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, etc.). How would Flynn not know the truth as MI? Common sense. Lin just put it all on blast yesterday and guess who will be in SC Wednesday campaigning for Lin....Gen. Flynn. He was in the establishment’s sites and eventually in their grasp, don’t tell me he doesn’t know. STFU Dr. Shiva you don’t know shit!!!

Dayzedncunfuzed21 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got ya. Well he surely cleared up any confusion yesterday didn’t he??!!


Dayzedncunfuzed21 2 points ago +2 / -0

Top notch. Between this guy and the Symbolism Decode site - https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com - It doesn’t get much better. Raw and uncut hopium, I’m talking disco shit.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 2 points ago +2 / -0

This maybe the biggest news out of the weekend. The only thing that makes my question my own gut on this is that the whole “divert the Potomac to flush out DC” suggestion came from Juan O’ Savin. Hard to give him much credit with the company he keeps.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 10 points ago +10 / -0

The same old tired playbook. Who really even falls for this shit anymore? I think we are getting down to those who will just never wake up no matter what.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you notice he didn’t “sign” this statement.

by gamepwn
Dayzedncunfuzed21 12 points ago +12 / -0

People will die. That’s all I know. I know a gang of folks hoping to be the first house to set the example.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those COMMS are deep. Hard to argue his decodes.

Dayzedncunfuzed21 4 points ago +4 / -0

That makes me 1 of 25,084

Dayzedncunfuzed21 5 points ago +5 / -0

He cites Robert Steele as the man behind the Steele Dossier but that was Christopher Steele not Robert. All of us on here know who Robert Steele is.

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