DeadLivesMatter 3 points ago +3 / -0

They didn’t touch Hunter’s harddrive according to his son. They left that in his apartment so go figure.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ok I’ll try keto again and if not extremely low Amount of carbs. I do 3 day fasting quite a bit and it’s easy. Thx for the info.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have my friend who has two PhDs can’t wait to get the Pfizer one. My son and brother got the moderna. Maybe if I use reverse psychology it might work. I don’t know how people have been so brainwashed. I have to but I can see clearly now.

DeadLivesMatter 6 points ago +7 / -1

Not sure about him in particular but too smart isn’t always desirable.

The average human wallows in extreme ignorance of the esoteric; the worst case is to be “educated” and overconfident, as you are in the exoteric “knowledge elite”.


DeadLivesMatter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well said, however, when they claim all 328 million vaccinated the new strain we will only have like 25 million vaccinated for that and then rinse and repeat.

Why don’t they just fly through neighbors in helicopters shooting down citizens and just censor and video footage or mention of it on the news or social media? Seems like a quicker way to achieve their desired result.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tonight there won’t be any local weather manipulation so don’t worry. In other wreathed news Gates got the electric chair with 6 lightning bolts so the weather will be much more predictable from now on.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I no longer believe is scarcity. We could easily have 100 billion living now this problem with more than enough for everyone. Once the truth is revealed. There is no water shortage or food shortage.

DeadLivesMatter 0 points ago +1 / -1

DUMBs are named that for a reason. They were created by the military. Our taxpayers hard at work in child trafficking.

DeadLivesMatter 4 points ago +6 / -2

I’ve watched about 10 hours of flat earth documentaries. Once I hit about 50 hours worth then I’ll come to a conclusion. Level (2021) comes out tomorrow. So far I’m leaning towards a flat earth.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

sounds good. Curious if you come up with anything. . I’m convinced based all how many dumbs I’ve heard and podcasts I’ve listened to.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +3 / -1

It has nothing to do with Trump but just using his office building. The real question to ask is when did those fuckers move into Ttump Tower before or after he got elected?

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I’m real life I can’t even get any of my family members to even consider this might be true. How the plan will prevent masssive suicides I’m very curious about. This truth reveal is gonna have to be little by little over years.

DeadLivesMatter 0 points ago +1 / -1

Great detective work. Yea from their FAQ seems you can’t amend or cancel until after the first six months. Hmm I wonder why. Vampire addicts I tell ya.

Auto-ship is a privilege granted to customer committed to their quality of life. It comes with substantial savings. This privilege should not be abused for the mere sake of a one-time saving. In this regards customers cannot suspend their auto-ship privilege before six consecutive months. Within this period they can upgrade at any time. After the six month period they can cancel, amend or suspend the original auto-ship understanding. Thank you for your understanding.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Dirk I have problems at work and almost got caught printing everything. I have to be careful. I do not understand why no one helps the children, is everything for nothing? One knows yet now all perpetrators!!!!! The faces are to be seen in the net! In the papers is a list with names for 2021. I think they should still be kidnapped. Can no one warn the parents. I don't think there is much more on the stick. I copied it and put it away. If something happens to me then it goes to the Russian embassy in Berlin! Stay healthy and above all have success!

There that’s all three cover letters from pDF documents 1,2 and 4 translated from German to English.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Dirk (I'll just say that) Here is what I already wrote, lists with name and so, and also sheets with photos of ???? maybe the criminals I can not sooooo good English. This is so much I have to print it secretly at work because at home I am immediately asked what I am printing so much and so. Does anyone from "Q" care in the meantime, I watch news every night and also onRT but they don't bring anything. The last list is so sad that are probably children who have already been murdered in 2019. Have still very much and must bißehen watch out as said always only a swing I do not want to take home what I have printed, sorry!!!! If this takes too long. Wish them strength and thank you very much

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dear Mr. Schäfer, I send you the photocopies +printouts because I am afraid!l! I have ordered usb sticks via Amazon and received last week. One stick was opened package and were also data on it (PDF texts). I wanted to send the stick back but thought no "look first" exactly what it is. I can't read English very well but what I understand is that it is a list of abducted children! They must be caught and exploited, it is terribly sad. A company CYM runs camps and evaluates children. They offer that, the adrenochrome and sell that!!! Diposal means dispose of! There are many hundreds of pages and I can only print them a few. There are also lists with names and photos of adults! I think these are the people where the children are held captive. I don't find anyone here who believes me, they all say you are crazy. But that's true, that's what "Q" says. So I come then on you Mr. Schäfer on your side you represent yes the truth of Q: Would also like to write to Mr. Trump but the mail is controlled. Think times within Germany is not yet so. Can not send mail because I am now honestly afraid that are bad murderers who torture small children as Qja also writes. I read for a long time what Qangeht. Please find ways to address this publicly on your blog or a website. I have looked at the names etc etc a few times (not all!!!) and the companies are so reputable. Can you give Mr Trump the list, hopefully he will put them out of their misery! !! I am really afraid and in case the letter is intercepted my name must not be found because my son is also as old as these poor children. Wish them strength and thank you very much Steffi (if you want me to send more then I have to be careful! Write on your hominibus website about Steffi get in touch, then I see that and can answer! !!)

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