DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s a valid question. They came from a German guy who accidentally got himself in possession of these I think on a usb drive. They delivered to the wrong address. Because you asked I will translate the three cover letters he wrote in German with a translator. Hold tight.

DeadLivesMatter 0 points ago +5 / -5

If nothing happens this month April Showers or Three Gorges dam flooding then I might have to sue Q for emotional distress. Anyone have an address or name of Q?

DeadLivesMatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

When it broke out in China initially they were just xraying their lungs and basing it off of that. Chinese are wonderful people (not the CCP) but they don’t need to scare them into being compliant anymore than they already are. That’s why if they did wipe out the population with 500 million left it would be the Chinese since they’re non rebellious nature.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason they’re flooding DC is not to clean them out. They already have been. It’s to detect the location of a nuclear bomb if any.

DeadLivesMatter 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yea I think when I saw it before I dismissed it as too unbelievable. For parents I think check PDF document 9. That one shows the hunting schedule and which states and how many little children they have kidnapped this year.

Source: https://archive.org/download/cym-corp-1

DeadLivesMatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Orange Castle (House of Orange) is in The Netherlands. Head of them all.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +4 / -2

Think Q people we must move to conspiracies.win it’s sad but true.

DeadLivesMatter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cinco De Mayo Mexican Independence Day = Free carne asada burrito / torta day

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep I’m eating an Apple currently and enjoying the flavor.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

It means when they poison our water don’t be drinking it or you die.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough. Keep this thread in the back of your mind a year or two from now. That’s all I ask.

DeadLivesMatter 0 points ago +1 / -1

The astronauts killed weren’t actually killed. The ones roasted on ground were killed. Entire NASA will be brought down and anyone involved. Not sure when but it’s coming.

DeadLivesMatter 3 points ago +3 / -0

You said it well. Their proganda machine is outta control. Pretending we have a choice when in less than a year we wouldn’t have a choice in damn near anything.

Their 100 year experiment on humans psychological, trauma, sexual abuse, murder had gone on long enough. We are at our breaking point and they knew it would come to this. They had their endgame planned since the. 1954 Bilderburg meeting. The writing was on the wall so to speak. It’s the final countdown. We are getting a small preview of what kinda even bigger hell hole would’ve been like had we not fought back.

DeadLivesMatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

I concur. Always tech can be used for good or bad. However, the marketing message is nothing but confusing an individual’s soul. Making them feel worthless without fake tits or whatever. They can never steal or take your soul. But if you surrender your soul they gotcha.

So in a convoluted way I guess I’m arguing against them being able to push this agenda through movies, univerties, government grands. Hell Elon’s entire companies are built on government tax subsidies. He ain’t no genius at all. He’s just a better actor than Tom Cruise.

DeadLivesMatter 0 points ago +1 / -1

What you think is up is down. Space is down.

DeadLivesMatter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Who are you is the precisely the correct question to ask as you do. We each should have sovereignty over our body and choices and what we believe. Problem is the last few centuries its been anything but. This transhumanism is an attempt to dehumanize your individuality.

Think how charismatic the Clintons were. We sheep are so gullible yet we think we our so intelligent with our egos. It’s our downfall. Symbology is their downfall.

I love how iPhone’s spelling checker doesn’t recognize transhumanism and adrenochrome. Hiding something Apple?

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +2 / -1

I can only speak for myself. I know people involved in NASA, JPL and some other space related agencies. When I say space is inverted I mean that in the literal sense.

DeadLivesMatter 2 points ago +2 / -0

No we need to learn to trust our intuition even if our family or friends go against us. We all our on different time lines and phases to recognize satanic lies.

DeadLivesMatter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea but it’s still not clear for most. Musk will be viewed as good I believe until they are shown. His satanic wife just raises the oh so what and that he’s involved with NASA, JPL and crytpo doesn’t raise any flags. Blinded by the light.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

So far I’ve watched about 8 flat earth videos. I don’t think people can even look into more than 30 seconds unless they are satisfied with why on earth would they lie to us about the globe.

So until that question is answered investigation will never even start. Unfortunately requires a lot of untaught secret society history most people just don’t have.

Anyway I respect your opinion. Pretty much mirrors what all my family and friends say too.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe frankspeech.com and 107daily.com will make it easy to do your podcast.

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I think the podcast is still bigger than video interviews by a huge number. Not only due to bandwidth just the convenience factor alone. Spotify, Apple podcast, stitcher, etc. reach way more than bitchute, brighteon, libry.tv, odyesee, youtube,

DeadLivesMatter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Use audacity (free) to record your podcast perhaps. 32kbps aac or opus should suffice. I use ‘sodes app (free) on iPhone for playing podcasts. Networking is the biggest challenge as far as attracting guests. Start with friends and family and once it’s semi ok then delete those ones and start for real.

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