No, Jehovah's witnesses an offshoot of Christianity much like Mormonism that claims to be Christian but this says the Bible was corrupted and relies on private revelation. There are multiple salvific issues that are in the very definition of Christian beliefs that they reject or distort.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not considered Christians for salvific issues:
Denial of the Trinity: Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the doctrine of the Trinity, which is central to mainstream Christianity. They view Jesus as a created being (Michael the Archangel) and the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force, not co-equal with God the Father.
Jesus’ Divinity: They do not believe Jesus is fully divine or co-eternal with God the Father, which contradicts traditional Christian creeds like the Nicene Creed.
Salvation by Works: Jehovah’s Witnesses emphasize the necessity of works (e.g., door-to-door evangelism, adherence to Watchtower teachings) for salvation, which contrasts with the mainstream Christian belief in salvation by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Rejection of the Cross: They believe Jesus was executed on a stake, not a cross, and deny the symbolic and theological significance of the cross in Christianity.
Exclusive Salvation: They teach that only 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses will go to heaven, while others will live on a paradise Earth, which differs from the Christian belief in heaven as the ultimate destination for all believers.
Authority of the Watchtower: They prioritize the teachings of the Watchtower Society over the Bible, which many Christians view as undermining the sole authority of Scripture.
Denial of the Resurrection of Christ: They believe Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, not in bodily form, which conflicts with the traditional Christian belief in the physical resurrection of Jesus.
He was 100% a Jehovah's witness. This is verifiable fact.
Jehovah's witnesses aren't Christians. They are a non-Christian sect like Mormonism that claims to be the only true Christians.
Librarians and especially interns of frequently do shelf by shelf organization and occasional inventories. Books get moved around all the time and are found and put back into the proper place.... Just like a grocery store or any retail store.
Well in the case of the clergy that was the Catholic Church. That was a control issue. They were also executing people for translating the Bible into common languages like English.
Thank God for the invention of the printing press by Christian which led to the enlightenment.
Pro-tio: There's nothing stopping you or your kids from throwing these books in the trash at any school or public library.
Obviously don't check them out first or you'll be responsible if they are not returned. Just grab them off the shelf and stick them in a trash or recycling bin under some other rubbish.
The janitorial staff isn't exactly looking through the trash typically.
These places have limited budgets. They won't keep reordering books that it could take them months to even notice aren't there. All it takes is a few people doing this to make a change.
I recommend you checking out Dr James White. He's one of the leading authorities in the world on textural transmission. He's done countless debates, written multiple books, and has one of the oldest running Christian radio shows which is now a podcast called "The dividing line" on the channel alpha and Omega ministries.
If you want somebody younger in a little less long-winded Wes Huff is great.
There's a scientific practice called textual transmission.
Lots of people, mostly atheist, would say that the Bible had been rewritten and changed significantly since biblical times but we have so many fragments and manuscripts dating back thousands of years that that is easily refuted.
The only thing that was somewhat debatable for a while was some of the New testament accounts but after the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls that was completely put to bed.
They didn't rewrite scripture but they did push for a completely different understanding of what certain difficult passages meant in order to establish a view that Israel has an important place in the future.
Lol You addressed virtually nothing I said.
The Jews were told their Messiah would come before the destruction of the second temple in the Old testament. God's people would follow him and does that did not would be cut off and become a synagogue of Satan.
Well the second temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
Also it's not replacement theology. It's choosing to follow God or rejecting him. Many Jews chose to follow Jesus. We call them Christians now.
What part of God cutting them off didn't you understand in the Bible?
What part of they've become a synagogue of Satan didn't you understand in the Bible?
The Jews have hijacked modern evangelical Christianity and introduced you to pre-millennial dispensationalism also known as darbyism to make you believe that Israel holds some important place in in times prophecy. They did this about 200 years ago with the publication of the Schofield reference Bible which was the first Bible that had eschatological footnotes in it that was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries.
God wins. The belief in a tribulation and a rapture is all a very very new theological position. All that destruction language in Daniel and Revelation was about the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem by Rome which happened in 70 AD.
They've tricked you into supporting and protecting them.
Our founding fathers didn't give a flying fuck about Israel.
There was also no COVID in the US. It's only covid if it comes from Corona hills of France.
In the US it should have been called sparkling COVID.
Awesome thank you. I'll check it out
"The protesters couldn't help themselves. Look at this place, it's beautiful! Who wants to get arrested on the dirty streets of New York? Nobody. People are saying Trump Tower is the best place to be arrested. I'm sure even these losers feel like winners when they're getting arrested here. Do we have any gold handcuffs we can bring out? I think that would be appropriate."
Trump (Probably)
What's the source of this video and when is it from?
I'm seeing a lot of old videos be regurgitated as new developments.
That top link is a video of His earlier demands for the terms of a ceasefires from 2024. It's not current
He was also involved In the Las Vegas mass shooting at Mandalay Bay
Track here -
Good write up about it
X link dead already? 👀
You don't need to. You just start putting liens on everything they own in your state. Also any bank accounts can be garnished.
It's just paperwork. The court is in your favor.
Not only great news but also could be a move to get to the obama documents sealed inside
I don't GAF about any poor since there is no role of Pope in the Bible and he doesn't even meet the biblical requirements to be a pastor or elder as layer out in scripture.
Correct. The air capabilities are ALWAYS first targets to establish air superiority so that's totally normal.
What's odd is targeting non-military targets in the first 72 hours.... IF they were no threat as Ukraine and the West claimed.
It showed that destroying those labs were indeed the top objective of this conflict.
What part of "for personal use" did you find confusing?
I've been singing the song of blackmail since before Isaac Kappy so I'm not sure who "you guys" is addressing bud.
It was probably some faggot that downvoted me. They are always doing gay shit like that.
Prince was a Jehovah's witness. While he was a very kind and wonderful man He was not a Christian. Jehovah's witnesses are not Christians for a number of reasons.....
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not considered Christians for salvific issues:
Denial of the Trinity: Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the doctrine of the Trinity, which is central to mainstream Christianity. They view Jesus as a created being (Michael the Archangel) and the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force, not co-equal with God the Father.
Jesus’ Divinity: They do not believe Jesus is fully divine or co-eternal with God the Father, which contradicts traditional Christian creeds like the Nicene Creed.
Salvation by Works: Jehovah’s Witnesses emphasize the necessity of works (e.g., door-to-door evangelism, adherence to Watchtower teachings) for salvation, which contrasts with the mainstream Christian belief in salvation by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Rejection of the Cross: They believe Jesus was executed on a stake, not a cross, and deny the symbolic and theological significance of the cross in Christianity.
Exclusive Salvation: They teach that only 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses will go to heaven, while others will live on a paradise Earth, which differs from the Christian belief in heaven as the ultimate destination for all believers.
Authority of the Watchtower: They prioritize the teachings of the Watchtower Society over the Bible, which many Christians view as undermining the sole authority of Scripture.
Denial of the Resurrection of Christ: They believe Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, not in bodily form, which conflicts with the traditional Christian belief in the physical resurrection of Jesus.