DemonDMT 1 point ago +2 / -1

You know why kids are sick? They're stuck inside not getting any sun (vitamin D) because their fear-pilled parents are so damn scared and don't know jack shit about how viruses or the immune system works... they just sit their dumb asses next to the TV to get their information, but all the TV is there for is to sell you snake-oil (mrna vaccines). Pathetic idiots.

DemonDMT 0 points ago +1 / -1

but you're still exposing other people to the flu.. stay tf home. your kid isn't going to die. People are so damn scared.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +2 / -1

WTF ever happened to just giving kids some chicken noodle soup, some over the counter meds like nyquil, a few crackers, and a day binge watching Barney. Kids have the best immune systems (if unvaxxed).. you don't need to rush them to urgent care and get others sick anyways. But i agree about the testing bullshit, healthy people shouldnt have to and there are tests that you can buy at CVS for $10 that do the same shit.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Liberalism is the new mental illness, much like Communism and Fascism. They get their lockstep orders of procedure, they assimilate and conform to the procedure, and they expect those around them to conform to the procedure as well. This is where propaganda comes in; those who do not follow procedure are demonized, this is what ALL cults do to the members.. fear is branded into them psychologically, and are told that anyone who does not follow procedure are the problem/evil/terrorists/etc.

When I say liberalism is a disease, I mean it, it is a psychological disease where mental trauma is utilized. It could be from terrible imagery, the constant bombardment of terrible news, especially imagery. The use of restrictions and symbolism also triggers a feeling of fear on a constant basis.. further deepening the programming to a permanent level.

The media is the most fantastic brainwashing tool, they do use crisis actors to show the terrible "pandemic" images, but also they have and are murdering people in the hospital for that "real world" fear, because yes, people are dying in hospitals.. but it isn't from the virus, it's from the COVID protocol that has been mandated throughout the U.S. and the world to use euthanization drugs like Remdesivir and Midazolam to kill people, to use the deaths as COVID statistics.

This new fascist propaganda tool, using bodies, real bodies to catapult the fear and propaganda, because it works fantastically. It drives a sense of reality, and anyone who questions ANYTHING about COVID is automatically a crazy conspiracy theorist.

That is the situation we are all in. I truly relate to this post as I'm in the same position as your family. But my entire family has been fully indoctrinated in this cult. My dad, brother, and sister in law. All three denied and refused my presence at their gatherings.. they told me I could not come if I was vaccinated, even if I tested negative. So no presents for them... But afterwards they were so insulted, because every year I go crazy with gifts for them, but this year I refused. They were so insulted, as was I, so it all blew up and we're not talking anymore.

It's truly a sad state of affairs, on twitter they call it a "National Divorce", but it was all planned this way from the beginning.. divide and conquer. 2 camps, fighting eachother, while the elite sit back and watch and further twist the levers upon all of our lives until we all cannot escape this prison.

This is indeed a world prison, to castrate, stagnate the nations into fear and degression towards a New World Order. Where everyone is separated, everyone is miserable, and unable to unite for humankind. It is a Satanic Order that is in control.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what that is! SCORE

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously, thats why im leaving california. Everyone seems to have a superiority complex, yet theyre the ones getting sick! Fuck outta here

DemonDMT -2 points ago +1 / -3

People still support Donald "the vaccines are good!" Trump? Yikes.

DemonDMT 6 points ago +7 / -1

Even ben garrison is turning on trump the turncoat

DemonDMT 0 points ago +2 / -2

You're lucky your vaxxed family even talks to you, mind dont even talk to me anymore, I havent seen them in weeks and we live close by it's fucking sad bro. My brother treats me like a leper (goes inside whenever he sees me) and my dad well, basically stopped talking to me and only replies with one word responses.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +4 / -1

Same here fren, im 1 out of 42… still working thank god, but if the time comes and they fire me so be it, ill still have my health.

DemonDMT 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh shit really? Sure it wont last long, theyll probably hide it in another piece of legislation and sneak it in.

DemonDMT 0 points ago +1 / -1

All liberal mayors are falling in line introducing vaccine passports, California, boston, chicago, new york. Prison camps are next.

DemonDMT -3 points ago +1 / -4

Are people realizing Trump is just controlled-opposition? Well, he is. Time to evolve. He has proven to be one of them by supporting the bio weapons. We need a new leader not some empty suit lining his pockets with big pharma money. We need D E S A N T I S.

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