DivineTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praying my religious exemption comes through… if not I guess it’s bye bye Heath care. Not the ideal time to restrict nurses from practicing…. Woke goes to shit!

DivineTime 5 points ago +6 / -1

Makes sense. Get project veritas on this one, wake up people.

DivineTime 6 points ago +6 / -0

God teaching us a lesson in patience… waiting lord… your timing is perfect… mans timing not so much… hold the line and pray for our patriots!

DivineTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is sad… I commend you in your thirty years of service. I’ve been a nurse for 10 years and I’ve been on the hunt for a non healthcare job. It makes me so sad to even say that, I love being a nurse. I just can’t believe organizations would put us in this position in the middle of a nursing shortage. I hate to contribute but I won’t get the jab and none of my peers understand why I’m being this way… :(

DivineTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

My employer (33,000 employees) is enforcing the mandate too. I think a lot of support services will refuse it but nurses are caving left and right due to the fear of not being able to find another job in healthcare without the mandate. When I told my director I’m willing to get terminated she told me I was her only direct report out of all leadership not complying. I’m so sad not more people are standing up. Losing your career is hard but risking your life for a job is stupid.

DivineTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a tab for school mask mandates and vaccine passports as well. Not a specific section for general mask mandates but If you look at the specific legislation being introduced in some states address general mask mandates. May not be exactly when this gem was looking for but I found this resource beneficial for navigating what each state is doing in favor/against covid mandates.

DivineTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with this theory… I see how the data the government request the hospitals to report is manipulated to get the results they want to induce fear. But I must say for the last month 95% of ICU admissions were non vaccinated people. Which makes my argument against the vaccine hard to push with my medical peers. But what is not being captured is the number of vaccinated people hospitalized for non-covid diagnosis’s…. This is where we need more data. I have seen so many people admitting with the primary diagnosis of edema or body rash. They tell you they are vaccinated but their doctor ruled out it being correlated to the vaccine and they fully trust that statement.

DivineTime 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s encouraging that people are stopping to open up now that mandates are right around the corner for all major organizations. As a nurse in the hospital setting, the pressure for the jab is real. The decriminalizing against “anti Vaxer’s” is real. So far everyone who has declined the jab has been quit since it is not the popular decision… now I am hearing more discussion and it is encouraging.

DivineTime 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really don’t think it’s about the money for healthcare providers. They are so conditioned to trust regulating bodies. I am a nurse in the hospital and I have no coworkers that are awake. I have tried to redpill a few of them and they still think I’m crazy. They trust the vaccine is safe because our hospital developed a learning module based off the information the state health department, drug companies and CDC provided. In nursing we are taught to not have sacred cows, question everything, and follow the research but yet so many are just blindly following. I know there are other out there it’s just so suppressed in the healthcare field. We have all sorts of training on racial equity and avoiding unconscious bias but I feel discriminated everyday because I do not have the covid-19 “I did my part” sticker like all the sheep.

DivineTime 11 points ago +11 / -0

Any chance you recall where you got your sticker? Since my work policies require me to be “A-political” on social media, I would love a bumper sticker to shout to the world my believe in the plan!

DivineTime 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m in central Illinois and our car lots are very low on vehicles, they look pathetic!

DivineTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took care of a patient at my hospital a couple weeks ago and the exact same thing happened to her. We believed it was due to the fact that she had a steroid injection right after her first covid vaccine.

DivineTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trying to fluff the volume of vaccine deaths to decrease the percentage of vaccine related deaths?

DivineTime 6 points ago +6 / -0

What theories the there as to why the increase?

  • are secret deep state hearings already happening producing new sealed cases?
DivineTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t understand why hospitals aren’t questioning this more... we collect hundreds of data points on every patient. We have so many different regulatory bodies that have different requirements and lock unit Ives that require audit trail... we have had to complete daily audit logs on things like compliance with nurses completing first dose medication education or ensuring there are end dates on care plan goals.l to submit to out state health department or the joint commission... but we aren’t going to track covid in vaccinated patients... bc it is too complicated.... bill shit

DivineTime 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just tried this in google and duck duck go-shocker only one has this predictive text.... no shocker there! I also find it odd that I cannot find a website for this carnival except for on the AZ fair ground website-it has a section with all the carnival information. Unless the AZ fair owns this carnival company shouldn’t they have their own stand alone website? Also in google if you type in “crazy time carnival or crazy time carnival incident” the first few articles that pip up have titles regarding the audit string “auditors are attempting to steal votes for trump in AZ” so annoying!

DivineTime 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t feel too bad though- Elmhurst is liberal to the extreme , I wonder if this docs would even consider ordering ivermectin for this patient

DivineTime 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had a patient the other night that was admitted to the hospital with their official diagnosis being “lip swelling”. She has a steroid injection for arthritis a few days after her first covid vaccine and developed a variety of weird reactions including pericarditis

DivineTime 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. I am currently working on my hospitals covid unit. I’ve track the amount of patients and staff that have covid and are fully vaccinated but we are not tracking partially vaccinated people. So many of my patients over the last few weeks told me they had their first shot and then got covid before their second.

DivineTime 3 points ago +4 / -1

These hospital employees have no de-escalation training.. they didn’t listen to this man to understand the story from his point of view. I am a nurse working on a covid unit and it really sucks being short on staff with double the patients... mistakes can happen.. but if this a mistake the nurse could have revered the hole situation by listening... or it is not an accident and maybe her hospital even has a protocol to screen patient who refuse to be tested as positive ( we label them a PUI- patient under investigation.

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