DonSpectacularis -3 points ago +3 / -6

Yes indeed! πŸ‘ Both sides are equally rotten to the core, and we of all people should not shy away from acknowledging that!

As you rightly put, light is a great disinfectant indeed!

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +3 / -3

Welcome, one and all. Today is 'Uncomfortable Topic Friday' in the US, and 'Inconvenient Subject Saturday' in places where the timezone has flipped. Enjoy the show.

Or wonder why this M A S S I V E new development hasn't even as much as been mentioned on here all day yet.

DonSpectacularis -2 points ago +3 / -5

If it is false, we as a community should have called it out like we call out every other small thing (when the "other side" does it).

Pretending that this MASSIVE development never even HAPPENED exposes our own hypocrisy. And if WE TOO are going to be like that, what RIGHTS then, does it give us to call out the libs?

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +2 / -1

But what if they were, like, just another species not too different to us? Like some of those (different looking) good folks that show up in Star Trek?

Which brings me to yet another interesting question: Would alien looks matter to you? As in, would you be more comfortable trusting an alien that doesn't look all that different from a human, versus some freak tentacled being that can speak?

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +5 / -0

But I did enjoy your beautiful description of a BBQ setup.

(Also, it would be super hilarious if -- after sending them all of those radio signals and shit for all these years looking to get a response -- your incredible BBQ party is what ends up attracting them instead.)

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's alright. Making mistakes is no sin. Besides, there are no mistakes, really. Only learnings.


Regarding your j@b issue, however, I believe that reading this article might give you a clue as to a working solution to all of your current woes and worries.

Hint: There's no damage that you can't undo if you put your mind to it.


And I'll leave it at that. Best of luck WINNING!!!

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wore a mask myself (in those rare instances wherein my work would get done in less than a few minutes or such) to, let's just say, not cause pointless scenes and fights and (entirely unnecessary) dramas and all. Wasn't worth the negativity and the pointless stress for me. At other times, I straight up walked down public streets without wearing one (and even ended up getting fined by the cops for it a few times), but that was fine with me because someone had to set an example somewhere against tyranny lol. Besides, I value my God-gifted oxygen supply, thank you very much. The best I could do was to shut it down for a few minutes in the interest of maintaining certain relationships and maintaining (some amount of) decorum. Though even in those cases, I waited for the shopkeepers or whoever to ask me to wear my mask first, so that they knew all too well that I was doing them all a favour in there.

Like I said, the world is not so black and white. So being flexible - instead of being rigid and cuntlike - is better off in the long term (from an evolutionary / smooth-survival point of view anyways). At least, that's how I feel about things in any case.

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for sharing. I feel that more of these stories need to be shared so as to shatter that ridiculously one-sided perspective that people hold - not only of doctors - but of every field or domain in existence: That evil has somehow conquered everything. For Earth - as a planet - would not even have survived had there not been at least a few good people in every domain and sector of life to maintain the balance between good and evil. This includes government, media, law, and you-name-it.

At the risk of getting downvoted to oblivion on here, I'll boldly go ahead and say that even the Democratic party simply has to have some good people in it to maintain the said balance, even though many on here will straight up scoff at such an idea.

But the world is just not so black and white as many would like it to be.

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +1 / -0

As the era of truth begins to spread its wings, claiming won't hold much water for long. For ALL truth shall become visible and naked - for ALL to see - no matter how much one tries to hide or enconsce it.

At the end of the day - and each day at that - every last one of us has to go to sleep with our conscience by our side. One can fool the world for a bit, but that damn conscience just won't shut up. Not for Type B, Type C, OR Type D.

Out of conscience and con $cience, only one can be bribed shut at the end of the day.

DonSpectacularis 19 points ago +20 / -1

Thank you for your service πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I have seen how much hate doctors have been getting out there lately, and I did realize that at least some of it was unfair given that good people like you still exist, and have always exist-ed, so to speak. And to be clubbed along with the rest of them is no different than say, someone being a nice person but having the misfortune of having Karen or Brandon as their first name.

Call me naive or whatever, but my faith in humanity STILL EXCEEDS my faith in darkness. And with that, I refuse to believe the idea that ALL doctors are evil, I just don't see it. Naive, sure. Have blood on their hands that they'll NEVER be able to wash off, most definitely. But to say that the same people have never ever saved lives (or assisted patients out of some pretty dark times) is, I feel, straight up unfair. Credit where credit's due, for their good AND for their bad. I feel that calling for everyone's heads on a platter (without realizing that some of the best people make major mistakes, or that even criminals reform sometimes when offered forgiveness), I feel, indicates a lack of humanity, empathy, and understanding.

After all, many of us were asleep too once, and considered some others as "nutcase conspiracy theorists." I know I did. And if I and you can change given a second chance, so can they. That much I trust.


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you don’t have any hope, then why the fuck are you still breathing? What gets you out of bed every day if there is no hope? There’s ALWAYS hope.


If I had to sum this post up in three sentences flat, this right here is exactly how I'd do it.

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thank you for sharing this! Sending a huge wave of Love / Light and Coolness to Texas here as well! :) :)

P.S. Even though this entire 'super summer' situation is highly likely to be weather warfare from those of the dark variety (promoting their Global Warming agendas etc.), if we just let them get away with it, then they win, and the last thing we should all be allowing is letting these ones think that they can beat our collective power.

They can't, they won't, and ALL OF US on here will be making quite certain of it.

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +3 / -2

You are very, VERY right. Hundro is also very right about that "too much effort" part. It kind of is like us getting into our own way, in a way. I myself am still trying to learn this process and its balances better myself :)

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +1 / -1

But we apparently weren't clear enough because now we're eager for them to leave.


DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +7 / -6

This is somewhat tricky to explain, and trickier to understand, but I'll give it a shot. Think of every soul as its own universe. You are your own universe, your own dream. I am my own universe, my own dream. And yet, have we all made contracts to intersect our dreams with one another.

Now consider another analogy. Imagine an ocean. That ocean is what we call God. What we are - as individuals - can be considered as waves. A wave, if seen from a point of massive magnification, can be considered an ocean in its own right. For example, what you call a small wave, can well be no different than an ocean to ants. (Hence the understanding that we are all made in God's image). So we are all miniature oceans in our own right, if you will, as individualized waves.

And yet, taking this a bit even further, a wave is also the ENTIRE OCEAN by itself too. There is no separation between the ocean and the wave. They are one. A wave is just the ocean temporarily in (appearing to take on the) form as a small wave.

Just as a wave can decide whether it wishes to go left or right or up or down, so can you as an individual choose your life path, and what you wish to create in your reality, your universe, your dream. And yet, because all is ONE, all waves are eternally CONNECTED, and so, if you bring good energies into the world by the virtue of your choices, they all steer the rest of the ocean (and, by virtue of it, all waves in it) into more good, more happy, more joy-filled directions. And if, instead, you choose to focus on the negativity and manifest negative realities for yourself, so do you change the course of the entire ocean (no matter how very infinitesimally), towards the negative.

So it is actually a responsibility that we have towards creating a more loving, more joyful, more prosperous, more beautiful and more united world by dreaming-it-into-creation, because what we do, affects ALL. Hence where we go ONE (wave), we go ALL (ocean).

Is this making some sense here?

And yes, you are entirely the dreamer of your own dream. But when you're on Earth, this realization needs to be built up slowly and gradually and responsibly (i.e. without harming others or becoming a danger to yourself or all others). You know, with great power comes great responsibility and all that. Which is where your Higher Self comes in (I'll explain this in a bit). Your Higher Self basically holds your full power until you rise up to claim it fully for yourself. At which point, your entire dream comes under your control no differently than how it is when you have a Lucid Dream. Full. Control. Of. Your. Universe.

As for the Higher Self part, imagine yourself as an iceberg. What you think you are, as an individual with highly limited power and wisdom, is but the tip of the iceberg. The rest of you, which means your full self with your full power and your full wisdom, can be said to be the rest of the iceberg, which is the Higher Self, which is the very TOTALITY OF "YOU." So the Tip Of The Iceberg (the small "you" that you think you are on Earth / the Lower Self) + the Rest Of The Iceberg ( "You" = your Higher Self) = (the full) "YOU."

Is this making any sense at all? I'm literally grasping at straws to explain this concept here lol.

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +4 / -3

You are perfectly on point here. Basically, the greater the number of people gathering together with a single, unified, powerful intention, the faster and more powerfully such a reality manifests. In other words, if I were to explain it more mathematically so to speak, just 3 people coming together to meditate upon a single benevolent outcome, each with a power of 10 units of energy (saying this to simplify things), would end up producing NOT 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 units of energy, but instead, 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 units of energy. So here, just 6 people are enough to increase the manifestation power by a millionfold. 9 people a billionfold, and 12 people a whopping trillionfold.

What we need to do to create this is firstly agree upon a common set of energetic intentions (such as love for all, peace for all, abundance for all), agree to a fixed timing, and go right about it. Even better if the mods are willing to join this little initiative, and have a dedicated thread daily (at a given chosen time agreed upon by all), for all to collectively manifest their intentions together.

And our world would change faster than what we'd ever even imagined.

What EXACTLY is it that we want?

I would say here that rather than trying to come to agreement with various viewpoints (about what is right, what isn't etc.), prejudices, opinions, perspectives and biases and such --- it is far, far simpler if we could agree to project specific energies / intentions that are equally desired by all.

For example, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, a Black person or a White one, you can all collectively agree that we want a world of more peace, more love, more abundance, more kindness, etc. In this way, we all collectively agree to focus on what type of energy / experiences we want in our world, rather than the never ending debates and conflicting viewpoints of how to get there or who can make it happen and how and all such conflict-causing idea battles that take us nowhere.

Also, excellent comment!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

DonSpectacularis -2 points ago +4 / -6

Man today is really the gold standard day for comments or something, looking at some of the incredible comments written in this thread today. Very beautifully described a LOT of what I wanted to say, but in a far, FAR better way. Thank you :) :)

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +7 / -5

I myself couldn't have put this any better than you, Jonathan. The thing to realize is this: Is it natural and normal to feel angry? Yes. Is it worth it to make a sincere attempt and genuine effort to transcend the said anger? Beyond a shred of a doubt.

Because the anger that we think we are putting out there isn't exactly going towards our "enemies." Instead, it is going towards us. Poisoning our own lives. Fucking up our own relationships. For instance, imagine a family in which even just one family member is perpetually angry or depressed. Just that one person is capable of ruining other people's days, being angry at someone for no reason and pissing them off in turn (who in turn become angry at even more people in their lives --- creating a perpetual anger-motion or anger momentum of sorts) and all.

Not only that, the said anger is stored in our own aura, our own energy field, becoming a powerful magnet for disease, disaster, accidents, trauma, violence...you-name-it.

Holding on to negative emotions and judgements (and anger, trauma, pain, hatred, jealousy, sadness etc.) is no different than keeping an open bag full of poisonous scorpions and wasps on you 24x7. It is literally holding on to darkness, pain and doom. Far better to forgive it all, focus on healing oneself from one's wounds and hurts, and moving on.

Many people have some weird idea that if they don't hold on to all of that anger, hate, pain, sadness etc., that God or the universe would somehow forget what evil people did (or the intensity of their crimes) and whatnot. And to these ones, let me assure them very, very, clearly...

YOUR forgiving someone and healing yourself has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with the course (and the perfection) of that which is DIVINE Justice.

There is NO ESCAPING Divine Justice.

So then, why hurt yourself for no reason whatsoever?

Enjoy the snow.

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +5 / -5

But I set aside my doubts and played around with it, to see for myself

THIS. This is the approach I want people to take with these ideas that I bring forth. Definitely not blindly accept what I or anyone else says, but instead, have an open mind and give things a chance.


That was an important and humbling turning point in my life.

I'm embarrassed at how certain I was about things back then and how stagnant my thinking was.

If only everyone understood this - that we don't know everything there is to know yet - our world would change faster than the blink of an eye.

Whatte beautiful comment. Definitely a must read for everyone. And also, thank you so much for being vulnerable and open and truthful about your mistakes --- although there are really no "mistakes" really, only and only learnings. Thank you once again for sharing.

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +9 / -10

I wish to add something here, because it's been on my mind for a long, long time. But I won't add it to the main post and fuck it up. But the fact is, that every single time that I make a post on here, there's always a bunch of people downvoting it and saying stuff like "this is satanic nonsense", "only Jesus / God can fix us not you or me", "stop spreading this occult black magic stuff here" and stuff on similar lines.

So I would like to honestly and sincerely ask these ones the following two questions in the hope that they actually ANSWER IT instead of chickening out and merely downvoting it:

QUESTION ONE: What KIND OF Jesus / God are you even FOLLOWING that a post that is LITERALLY ABOUT Positive Thinking, Forgiveness, Peace, Light and LOVE is "satanic" to you?


QUESTION TWO: Do you REALLY, TRULY, GENUINELY and HONESTLY believe that the exact same cabal that hid SO MANY ENDLESS SECRETS from you, that rewrote history, that manipulates, gaslights and lies to you even TODAY, that has performed horrendous dark experiments unbeknownst to humanity with technology and occult knowledge that is FAR BEYOND your comprehension... . . . . . ...that it would somehow keep the Bible and Jesus's Teachings un-manipulated and un-rewritten in the pursuit of utterly and totally destroying you?

Don't you run away. And don't you chicken out.


In fact, openly and publicly answer these two questions for EVERYONE upon this website who has long been putting up with your lies, bullshit, and straight up DECEIT and MANIPULATIONS. Let's see if you're as good and benevolent as you claim to be. Let the PEOPLE decide for themselves who's the real "Satan" here. Because I'M most CERTAINLY NOT (of that dark and deceptive agenda), and so me - the guy who wrote all of THIS STUFF DOWN for you all - is most certainly not going to sit down and NOT call you out on this.

And I've well had enough.

So answer me.

If you CAN that is.

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