DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Trump's the President then why did he announce he's running in 2024? If he's President now, that means he's serving his 2nd term, so he'd be ineligible to run again in 2024. So if he's nominated in the primaries, what happens? Does he say, "sorry everyone, I can't run for President actually, because I'm really the President now and I have been for the past 3 years"!?!?

And if he's President now, what's he doing exactly? All decisions, domestically and internationally, are made by Biden. The whole world considers Biden to be President and treats him as such. If Trump's waiting in the wings to come in and take over, kicking Biden out, then why wait so long? If he lets Biden's term as President completely run its course, and the next President gets elected in 2024, then what was the point of being President in secret? It would be a complete waste of a 4 year term and would prevent him from being (publicly) President again.

So you see how this "Trump's really still President" theory makes zero sense?

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

You still haven't answered who the real President is, if it's not Biden.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

So if Biden's not President, who is? It's obviously not Trump as he just recently announced he's running for office again in 2024. He's also constantly reminding everyone about the fraud in 2020, which there would be no need to do if he was secretly still actually the President.

So who is President, if it's not Biden?

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +4 / -2

What, you think the child sex trafficking rings were all being arranged over Twitter?!

DonaldQQQQTrump -1 points ago +1 / -2

I somehow doubt that ballot stuffing, fixing voting machines, etc was being discussed over Twitter DMs. I mean, great if it was and that Elon can now uncover it, but it seems unlikely.

DonaldQQQQTrump -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yes but he's saying they were rigged due to social media influence. Not due to fraud.

Has he ever mentioned, anywhere, anything about election fraud in 2020 or 2022?

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +2 / -1

They're not just some random Democrat politicians. They're the last 2 Democrat Presidents, and the Democrat candidate who lost to Trump.

DonaldQQQQTrump 5 points ago +7 / -2

He's referring to elections being rigged due to influence and bias from social media companies, not the actual fraud itself.

Has anyone ever seen Musk tweet anything about election fraud? Or mention it on any other channel?

DonaldQQQQTrump -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's there in black and white. Not sure how it can be denied.

Only thing you could point to is that he says "supported" (past tense), so maybe he doesn't support them now. But he clearly has supported (and presumably voted for) Democrats in the past.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +6 / -5

Except he's not appearing neutral. He's pledging support for Democrats.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jeez, talk about clickbait. Nowhere in that article does it quote any climate activists saying they want to slaughter any dogs at all, let alone millions of them.

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

The point is though, that the whole reason for Trump starting Truth Social is because he was banned from Twitter. If he's back on Twitter properly, he'll get far more exposure and interaction there, so that's where he'll focus his attention. Then TS will gradually fade away and die

DonaldQQQQTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

He said he probably won't go back onto Twitter though:

In this interview

DonaldQQQQTrump -1 points ago +1 / -2

Exactly, be careful what you wish for.

If he gets back into Twitter, Truth Social will shut down.

If he then rubs some people up the wrong way on Twitter, he could be banned again. Then we're back to square one, only without the back up of Truth Social.

DonaldQQQQTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Twitter's search engine is useless. Elon's already said it's on his "to fix" list. Hopefully near the top of that list!

DonaldQQQQTrump -2 points ago +1 / -3

What, just because his Twitter account has been reinstated? He hasn't even tweeted yet.

And I'm not sure if he will - if he gets back onto Twitter full time, that basically means the death of Truth Social, and therefore a massive waste of money for Trump.

DonaldQQQQTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Currently 53% / 47% in favor of being reinstated.

Those numbers aren't particularly encouraging to be honest.

Every Trump supporter will obviously vote Yes.

But then the non-Trump supporters will be split between people who are free-speech absolutists, who think he should be given a voice, even though they disagree with him; people who don't like Trump but enjoy his tweets for entertainment value and to read all the trolls trashing him in their replies; and finally people who hate him so much they want him off Twitter no matter what. So with the first 2 groups voting Yes, this rather slim lead shows that the majority of Twitter users probably aren't Trump supporters.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

The bible holding was just an opportunistic photo call.

Going through the motions and mentioning God in speeches doesn't make him religious.

I'm not saying this as a criticism, far from it. Someone like Pence's extremely strict religiosity often makes him look quite ridiculous, so I'm glad Trump isn't like that.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Obama and Bush mentioned god regularly and are clearly religious.

And, as I said, I think he does believe in god & Jesus, just that he's not a regular church goer or practising Christian.

DonaldQQQQTrump -3 points ago +0 / -3

Trump doesn't obviously recognise God though, he's the least religious President we've had in modern times.

He probably believes in God but he's not a practising, devout Christian. Doesn't go to church, probably doesn't pray, etc.

DonaldQQQQTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Realistically, that's the only thing it can be though. So it's either a 2024 run, or no announcement at all.

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