This is fact!
I see where you are going with this thought. It would make sense with the connections. The issue I see if this is based on ASL; that is not the sign for bath in ASL. The balled hands are rubbed against the upper body in a scrubbing fashion not away from the body as she is doing in the SOTU.
After reading the article, you realize the video was made using satire. The statement from Sutcliffe was posted in article. Still concerning that the library purged these books.
Trevor Sutcliffe @TrevorSutcliffe · Feb 14 The student that made this contacted me and says it's satire. He was serving as summer custodian & was asked to throw away several "outdated" books, and he decided to make a joke of it. I believe him, but it raises a question as to why the librarian wanted these books discarded.
I have been following the convoy on YouTube with Ottawalks. He allows the viewer to see what is happening with little commentary.
This narrative has already been out there. My coworker states that her doctor said she now has Super immunity because of vaccinations and recovering from Covid
It seems that Cadbury is a brand of Hershey’s
Contrary to him signing the bill, schools are not out of the woods yet. The United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee is fighting the it. Schools are still requiring the mask.
The NG is already working in many of the hospitals to cover staffing shortages. So there would be no need to deploy since they are already there.
The housing market is still skyrocketing in Middle TN. Housing is not cheap in some counties.