Tell me when exactly has Clif High been right about if anything? His track-record is abysmal at best. I'm saying that as someone who followed him through most of '21 - start '22.
Followed him before he was nuked of twatter, and I don't know how many times he retweeted fake news, or made complete assumptions stating them as facts (as this example above).
Also his time-line has been completely wrong. By january 22 we should have seen MASSIVE vaxx deaths to the extend that we would have massive societal breakdown and complete normie-wake-up. Go see his videos from late '21. It's all there. He's in the two more weeks category...
So everyone keeps saying "oh it's REALLY REALLY bad" what is on there. Even in the scrubbed leak. I haven't downloaded and won't download anything.
Can anyone describe what is ACTUALLY on there? We all suspect images/videos of abuse etc.
Oh yeah, forgot about Jack Maxey (completely dissappeared?), McAfee and Ingersoll.
There's also Pillow LIndell and Clif High. (and then all the social media grifters of course).
Like the otherguy 0001 said, 2000 Mules already delivered goods - hence larger probability that they will deliver again.
Understandably people are tired of "two more weeks for habbenigns".
Phillips delivered the goods once already with 2000 mules, hence why I ascribe a large probability to that he will deliver the goods again, as promised.
He's never given an explanation. He just skirts over it, making the next new claim. I've seen most of his videos over the last couple of years. Late last year I went through his material - because he claimed in January, Feb and March the jug was completely up and we would have societal collapse by that time. Well, things are shit, but what he said never transpired. I can still go to the groceries (and pay more for beef). yes there are scary supply line issues, inflation and so forth. But not the level of complete collapse and vaccine die-off he espoused. He is a self-identified schizophrenic. Reluctantly I put him in the fraud and scammer category now.
He said mid-July.
I hate "two more weeks" more than most. I hate promises made, but not kept more than most, but to his defence, he did say 6 weeks from now at the time, which would put us in mid July. He has mirrored that on truth social.
Now, let's call out some other people who haven't lived up to it. PIllow guy (I got all the evidence in the cpacs, Trump will be back before August etc. etc. etc.)
Or Clif High (the world will be upside down for everyone, most people will have died of the vax in january. bitcoin going to 100k+ in march, and on and on.). Ok, the world is upside down, but not much of what he has said transpired. At all.
shit's always going down somewhere in the world. Forgot to add "weak metric" of something happening too. lol
"just tWo MoOre weeks. I wasn't right last time or the other last time or that other last time either, but TrUst mE gUys this time I'm right!!!"
I always loved (still do) these types of "insider" posts. Love 'em.
But for most parts, here's how it works. Throw in enough and diverse global/national players, add a rough time-line, wait for something heppening, say I told you so.
Have not been able to verify that it's a 2018 photo. The gas explosion it refers to was another building. Look up magnitogorsk gas explosion picture and it's NOT the same building as pictured there.
Fake news is HEAVY these days.
The actress seems to be a re-used lady yeah
So what info is actually on this new Hunter leak that hasn't been shared before? They say it's scrubbed of all the vile stuff that we already knew (through e.g. Jack Maxey etc.) what was on there.
Everyone on twatter and 8kun keeps saying it's REALLY bad. Well, duh, we knew that already. So what's happening?