FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Signtist has discovered the unvaxxed are using more fire and making more fire sin, making more climate change, which is affecting health of those who are vaxxed, and thus can work.

To be current and boosted is the cure. Also hating Trump seems to help.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, a German Jew invented Marxism, and some German Jews invented Communism as a particular variant of it to overthrow the government of Russia.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 5 points ago +6 / -1

It is in fact, a very major thing to the communists of Germany.

And, there are a LOT of German Marxists,

who drive cabal international crime mafia, tonight. .

Germans, in particular Austrians, actually invented Marxism.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean if you note how the first 8 minutes on the clock are in red, what does that mean? Probably, a time of enemy control.

Maybe go-time for a lot of activity will be midnight the first minute of 10/9, and they expect to make some sort of major announcement at noon that day, 12 hours after they start some sort of intensive activity.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they expect Derp State to pull some kinda shit like arresting the Prez on 10/8,

and they plan to take over media for emergency comms, the next day, 10/9, at noon: halfway through the day.

Cause you can see that the mouse is pointing to 9.5 minutes past 10.

Well - if 10/8 they arrest the President, it might well signal to the military that it's time to step in.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe they expect someone to pull some stupid shit on 10/8,

and at noon 10/9 they're gonna take over media or something.

Did you see in the rest of the comments where the guy was noting that in WWII, when the national TV service was cut off somehow, micky mouse was on, and that when it came back on in something like 1946, mickey mouse was the first thing played, then too?

This might very well mean something, like the military declaring a communications emergency and taking over media.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, and they're all the time going on about how ''accuracy matters.''

''Numbers matter.''

So maybe they've decided to start something fun on the day after that 8th tic mark, and - maybe at noon.

Taking over media? I'm on the ''inbox/reply'' page, but did you see somewhere in these comments where the guy was saying that mickey mouse was on when they turned off the TV stations in WWII and when it came back on, mickey mouse was the first thing that resumed playing?

This seems very real as far as a guess goes.

Military taking over media somehow, all that.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm noticing that the mouse is actually pointing to 10:09,

not 10:08.

I'm pretty sure it's intentional.

What I'm not sure is intentional is the fact that his index finger is actually pointing to 10:09 & 1/2.

Like maybe Noon on 10/09? That's halfway through the day.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what the people who put all those fat lazy chick cops on police forces thought.

Just give them guns.

That's not how things really work.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry man there's this chart, and it shows Trump approval vs Biden and they're almost exactly inverted with Trump popularity at the 92% mark,

his disapproval rate at 8%,

and Biden's UNapproval rate at 94%

and his approval rate at 5%.

Below there's another graph showing ''Image'' ratings and this one compared to

Biden Kamala and Hillary Clinton, even more extreme.

Trump is again at about the same 92/vs/8% positive vs negative,

the other three are at 93-Biden, 93-Kamala, 96-Clinton, negative image,

and Biden has again, 5% positive, Kamala is 4% positive, Clinton 3% positive image

An absolute wipe-out

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, some time back the people around the President were saying they'd have to see Biden's popularity below 30% according to ''their own internal polls'' .... hopefully he's signaling that things are doing well behind the scenes.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just got home looking over the news, saw this, thought I'd share.

The popular vs unpopular ratios are nothing short of amazing.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm about to delete it I just got home from work, saw it on Gab news.

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yea I fucked up I'm gonna take it down, it was in Gab News, I just got back from work so I didn't realize what's going on

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 0 points ago +1 / -1

The other guy just said it resumes tomorrow, I found this on Gab news, web page was a few minutes old I'm gonna take this down so - appreciate the update just got in from work

FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw it on Gab and it said the web page was only a few minutes old I'll take it down.

by gamepwn
FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Die, leftist virus.


FORCE_VAX_GOVT_WRKRS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's the lifestyle.

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