Fatality 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah Michelle, it's funny how the extremist or just wrong beliefs can't help but leak out..

Fatality 12 points ago +12 / -0

The ideal 'several black swans': 3 hyper-sonic nukes go awry, one hits davos with full meeting attendees, the other hits the RINO/democat convention, and the last one hits UN/WHO meeting (or a g20 meeting)

Fatality 7 points ago +8 / -1

Yes it's always been good vs evil.

Left vs right, democrats vs republicans, liberal vs conservatives, x vs y = distractions from the real battle.

Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

A vpn helps you get around any internet blocks.

Fatality [M] 7 points ago +10 / -3

I'm thinking this is fake.. someone deport this if it is. I'm thinking it's fake because of the weird formatting through it.

Fatality [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removal: Low Energy - male and female

Fatality 0 points ago +2 / -2

I agree with a lot of this but he lost the plot when he went anti-.

Christ set the example, he didn't go anti- anyone, he just left them be and went to find people who wanted to listen to the truth, not force anyone to listen.

Fatality 1 point ago +1 / -0

CORK IT WHO - no one cares what you have to say anymore. Once a liar always one.

Fatality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey mikey, here's how you fix your article:


  • text looks like this? = trash, delete
  • text looks like this? = fair, keep

QAnon[a] (/ˈkjuːənɒn/ KYOO-ə-non or /ˈkjuːænɒn/ KYOO-an-on) is a far-right American political conspiracy theory and political movement that originated in 2017.[1][2] QAnon centers on fabricated claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". Those claims have been relayed and developed by online communities and influencers. Their core belief is that a cabal of Satanic,[3][4][5] cannibalistic child molesters is operating a global child sex trafficking ring that conspired against Donald Trump.[9] QAnon has direct roots in Pizzagate, an Internet conspiracy theory that appeared one year earlier, but also incorporates elements of many other theories.[10] QAnon has been described as a cult.[10][11]



QAnon[a] (/ˈkjuːənɒn/ KYOO-ə-non or /ˈkjuːænɒn/ KYOO-an-on) is a movement that originated in 2017.[1][2] QAnon centers on claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". Those claims have been relayed and developed by online communities and influencers. Their core belief is that a cabal conspired against Donald Trump.[9] QAnon has direct roots in many other theories.[10]


Now you have room for more truth, such as how you used the MSM to push your QANON conspiracy theory on the masses.

Fatality 6 points ago +6 / -0

The pattern of good and evil doesn't change.

Through history we can see evil has similar tells or attributes - smirks and lies, mocking and hating, deceptive and selfish, stubborn with rage, or wrathful with vengeance. Likewise, good also has similar tells - smiles and truth, sincerity and benevolence, receptive and calm, humble with long-suffering, or bravely with peace. Even though there is some overlapping where they meet, such as someone in controlled anger or another stubbornly sincere, the pattern of good and evil doesn't change.

That doesn't mean people can't change. This means if you were to train to identify the patterns of good and evil, you could use them to identify pure good and evil. If you can see both and gravitate to evil, then that's a tragic short-lived choice, because choosing good is where you'll find all the wisdom, and the definer of good and evil (whose track record is like ∞/0). You might even break out of the matrix there too, Dorothy.

Fatality 0 points ago +3 / -3

It's a good idea, but these things only track as far as bluetooth 5's range is.. less than a mile i think.

Fatality 2 points ago +2 / -0

every day it feels closer to the flashpoint.. it feels like we're right on it. people are fed up

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