How do you introduce evidence legally?
You can't. Because evidence and legality don't matter in a nation run by lying unjust tyrants who operate above the law.
Trump can bring mountains of evidence and jump through every legal hoop to present his case. It will all be dismissed because the ENTIRE system is run by people who hate him and want him gone. Exactly what makes you think they'll give him a fair chance?
All this could have been prevented if Trump used his powers as president to fix things, or as he says, "drain the swamp". There was a once in a 100 years chance to save America and it was wasted.
to introduce irrefutable evidence so that the people of America can see with their own eyes all that has transpired
If the mountains of evidence didn't wake people up in the last 3 years, what makes you think it'll happen tomorrow or next week?
You're just assuming that THIS time everything will click into place and cause a glorious mass awakening.
Me scratching my nose with my middle finger is NOTHING like a famous public figure doing a quick devil horn in the middle of a speech.
If your argument is that he did it unintentionally, then it can just as well be argued that other famous people who did the devil's horn in public did so unintentionally.
Context: he was talking about how in the old days everybody performed human sacrifices. When he said "everybody" he raised both his hands super fast and lowered them again.
I felt that motion he made was strange so I skipped back and paused the clip when his hands were raised.... and his left hand was in the form of the devils horn. Weird, isn't it?
It doesn't affect my earlier response. You asked who the wall belongs to and I mentioned it might be part of a Roman fortress. But regardless of the origin of the wall, the original question remains -- what's going on there? Why do world leaders put on a jewish hat and pray there like jews?
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. -Q.
People NEED to be thoroughly fed up with the bullshit BEFORE it gets fixed. People NEED to be shown the corruption and the evil so they’ll be accepting of the cleaning of our house
If the Q plan requires people to wake up before it can spring into action, then it's not going to work. Because the vast majority of people are NPCs with goldfish memories. They can be SHOWN all that needs to be shown but the next morning they'll wake up and go about their lives like as if they saw nothing.
What people need to reconcile is that, Trump is a human being, with flaws, failures and bad decisions.
That's true. I was banned from the Trump community for pointing out that Trump has made mistakes and is not infallible.
he cannot win as things are today and the time to change that fact grows shorter by the day
I think the time to change things ended the moment Biden was sworn in. It's a bitter pill to swallow but that's just the reality of things.
Jews -- despite being 3% of America's population -- are over-represented when it comes to promoting and supporting LGBTism (which led to groomer story hours and such). Since that is so, why shouldn't it be pointed out? it should be yelled from rooftops.
Why is it 100% of all the Jew haters, also hate/have no faith in Q?
Speaking for myself, my faith is reserved only for God.
Anyone who has FAITH in Q, is essentially putting Q on the same level as God and I want nothing to do with them.
Hardly a single comment isn't some snark against Q's plan.
TBH I have no idea what Qs "plan" is.
Ironic because there are people who participate in and fund the groomer story hour who aren't Jewish, and the OP doesn't seem to recognize them
Sure there are non-Jews who fund groomer story hours, but that doesn't change the fact that Jews -- despite being 3% of America's population -- are over-represented when it comes to promoting and supporting LGBTism (which led to groomer story hours and such).
Since that is so, why shouldn't it be pointed out?