FluxCapacitor2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’ve started with the fake sun, from there they can control earth basically. It needs to be destroyed.

FluxCapacitor2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

I caught an old friend on IG trying to write all these stories and total BS, saying her son was there, blah blah and I called her out on it. All. Suddenly we’re not friends and she blocked me. Wrote her a nice message on there. Told her I know everything and to not even try it…

FluxCapacitor2024 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well it seems like the truth and proof has been confirmed right here. What more does anyone need, and / or who does anyone need to agree with them to make it fact?

It’s all right here. Physical proof of non physical proof. Until someone finds a slide projector or a video of the camps how they claim, then it’s what it is right here.

FluxCapacitor2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone ever see a real satellite deploy? There are supposedly 40-60 on one rocket. The rocket disappears. But we can see satellites pass over? How small are they?!! And why does space x go from Santa Barbra to Long Beach when it’s supposed to go UP?! All of its BS fishy.

FluxCapacitor2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s true. I have been waiting on the clean up. All who kept yapping kept on and got deeper into a hole. It’s like lying to the police, about what did or didn’t happen. They all go down together.

FluxCapacitor2024 5 points ago +5 / -0

🚨Isn’t it strange that the ENTIRE NIH panel roster for c19 were ALL HIV / AIDS specialists??? 👀👀👀

FluxCapacitor2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’re students at a college that bought the titles and jobs, from a newspaper co. in Florida back years ago. Students…are fact checking. Or trying to fail at it apparently.

FluxCapacitor2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was Cholera. Outbreak. They burned the deceased and any possible contaminations. Like…FEMA camps. But German style. Why wouldn’t they keep for slaves? They were superior race amongst basically all. No sense in killing them all. The outbreak was true, thus brings the rational to a sensical conclusion. This one. F*** peoples feelings and agendas. All of them. Truth has to be told.

FluxCapacitor2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

WHO WERE THE OTHERS CAIN WAS FRIGHTENED OF WHEN GOD MARKED HIM AND WAS SENDING HIM OUT / BANISHING HIM FROM THE LAND? No others mentioned. So, who were they? ( they took that out of the Bible didn’t they…😡)

FluxCapacitor2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good luck pulling it over the eyes of the hoods. Because guess who’s glued to all of it now? Signing “FJB” and “PRO TRUMP” hand signs. It’s as real as your screen. They messed up. They put these terrorists in their communities for this reason it would seem. Let us clean them out for you. Please. It’ll be our contribution to the communities affected.