Framus 5 points ago +6 / -1

Former Presidents secretly arrested, secretly tried, secretly convicted, and secretly executed by the military at the order of a current President.

Consider this: What if it were Biden giving the order and it was Trump on the receiving end?

Does that sound like a Constitutionally valid action? Does that sound like a country you'd want to live in or give your life to defend? Does that sound like the actions of a patriotic Commander in Chief or a Military following lawful orders?

I never understood how these kind of Q interpretations got traction in the first place and if they were to be true it poses a terrifying scenario akin to 1984. If you said North Korea did this or China or Hillary Clinton I could believe it, but I'm supposed to believe that Trump would condone such things? Really?

by konadog
Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like it was written by Kamala's speech writer or something.

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

He would have sent along a note to the King calling him Jealous George along with a sketch picture of Windsor Castle and a copy of his pamphlet "The Art Of Independence".

Framus 5 points ago +5 / -0

He can't decide for them? He did OK drumming 87,000 (or however many thousands it was) new, funded and trained IRS agents.

Also, which Biden was that? He seemed more coherent in this clip than he has in the last six months or more.

Framus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank you. I could honestly picture Trump playing golf with Ben Franklin and having meetings with Jefferson about interstate commerce and stuff. You know his signature would have been as big or bigger than Hancock's on the Declaration of Independence too.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you think OP? What are your ideas on this?

Framus 30 points ago +30 / -0

He has pledged his life, his fortune and his sacred honor. That's Founding Father level toughness. There will never be another like him in our lifetimes.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

He made it this far just fine with his "fucking ego".

Framus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd like to see a return to tar and feathers. How does a whole town council sell out its own? Must be millions of dollars flowing in. Enough so when the town parasites ruin their own surroundings they can move on to Beverly Hills or something.

Framus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well said IMHO, and quite accurate. I wish normies and fence sitters could read stuff like this in the NYT instead of the slop they publish now.

Framus 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, but close. Unless by 'his voters' you mean 'the Deep State'.

Framus 1 point ago +3 / -2

Going just by this clip of course, I'm as MAGA as can be but I wouldn't spend five minutes listening to that arrogant strutting pipsqueak rooster shout at me thinking he's doing God's work. He's the kind that wouldn't be fooled by Democrat policies but he would wash the feet of the RINOs that enable them just as much.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the one he put on belonged to that guy he was talking to.

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not seeing anything in all and I've looked at a lot of sites. I see nothing besides he pulled the vote until later, not that he folded (assuming folded means gave up on including the SAVE Act in the CR).

If it's 'all over the place' it shouldn't be that hard to provide a link or two, or even name a place to look.

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Modern entertainer promotes what will sell her shit and keep her in the good graces of the powers that be? Who would have ever guessed that?

As for being a Pentagon asset, it's still a theory until there's proof. EDIT: Wouldn't surprise me though if it were true. Not that she was put in place by them but definitely promoted by them or some alphabet agency like the C_A.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dislike Johnson as much if not more than the rest of you, but I need to see some sauce on this from OP (or anywhere). Speaker Smarmy put off the vote and I've no doubt there's fookery going on, but to say he folded? Let's see an article, a statement, something credible showing that.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whether everyone can home school or not, I think the issue at hand is the public school system. A lot of blood sweat and tears has gone into building it and it shouldn't be given over to the weirdos the way 85 billion in Military equipment was given to the Taliban. It needs to be fixed so those that have to (or want to) use it can safely do so without having to wonder why Johnny is now Janey and still can't read.

I have a neighbor that is himself illiterate. Should he homeschool his two children? How about a single mom in some modern day Cabrini Green? Should she quit her job and stay home on welfare for 13 years (K-12) when she herself struggles with math, history, or maybe she has a handicap of some sort? That way her child gets to grow up in a ghetto and has little idea that there is a bigger world out there beyond what might be on a phone screen or a TV set.

Those questions are rhetorical of course because the issue is not letting the public schools go to crap. They belong to the good people of this country, not the pedos and Communists who want to prey on kids.

Framus 19 points ago +19 / -0

Bless your heart more for having the attitude of giving up and letting the baddies have our kids and our public education infrastructure.

It would be less aggravating for Trump if he hung out at his properties and played golf everyday too. No need for you to put down good people who are working to fix the system.

Not everyone can homeschool.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but only one is filled with seamen that went down the hatch, right?

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

No doubt they are. Can you imagine an armed force of illegals with no history or loyalty to tie them to our country? What a disaster that would be. Of course we kind of have that now but at least the ones we have now don't have tanks and fighter jets at their disposal

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