I can't really say which kind they were, but I used to see butterflies all the time in the eighties and now that you mention it I don't see them any more. Same corner in the same town the whole time and no big changes in anything for miles around.
Are the children actors too? They don't have evidence of real events to show people?
Sorry but I don't buy into the White Hat theory to begin with. To me it's right up there with JFK. Jr. being alive and hiding out and maintaining the illusion of his death for 25 or so years, and talking his bride and his sister in law (I think it was) into doing the same and go along with living 'underground' for the best part of their lives.
Then there's the one where the bad guys are dead or in Gitmo and have been replaced by White Hat actors in masks who carry on doing the SAME EXACT THINGS the bad guys got punished for, making them worse because they are not only committing the treasonous acts the crooks did, but they are deceiving and misleading the public.
My fav though is the secret tribunals and trials. Apparently there was one where a sitting U.S. Senator was tried, convicted, and put to death by the White Hat types in the Military, which is exactly what you would want from a group trying to root out secrecy and unconstitutional acts, am I right?
I mean, with White Hats like these, who needs Black Hats and Deep Staters.
This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Topics related to flat earth theory, faked moon landings, and chemtrails are explicitly prohibited on The Great Awakening. Visit https://conspiracies.win if that's your thing!
You're right, actually. I've even said somewhere around here myself that we need to go back to the State legislators choosing the Senators and not the big cities.
Not related but I've also thought that each State should have its own Electoral College where each county got an appropriate number of electors.
I've heard Rubio mention "President Trump" and "the President's Agenda" and so on, and all in a good and positive way. I'm pretty sure he's OK for now. No doubt he has ambitions of his own, but who among them or us does not?
You over analyze just like I do sometimes.
LOL Javier Milei in the background saying "My work is done here".