Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

For those interested in a GOLD-BACK currency. You might be interested in FACTS MATTER's Video: BRICS Nations Announce Plan For Joint Currency Backed By GOLD🪙. New Global Reserve Currency? https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammr1GqN/facts-matters-video-brics-nation/c/

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Digital currency is bad.

I disagree. CENTRALIZED digital currency is not to be confused with DECENTRALIZED digital currency.

Examples of really DECENTRALIZED digital currencies (cryptos)

• Monero at https://www.getmonero.org

• Bitcoin at https://bitcoin.org

• Bitcoin Cash at https://bitcoincash.org

The main benefit of Monero is that it has a much stronger privacy than both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Also, Monero is supported by the third-largest team of software engineers.

Bitcoin Cash is an improved version of Bitcoin. For example, but not limited to, faster transactions and easier to scale bigger than Bitcoin.

If a state is interested to issue a digital currency, how about using an already existing DECENTRALIZED digital currencies (cryptos). Either:

• As is. That is to say, use the already existing decentralized digital currency. Optionally, support it as a sponsor. With donation, or patch, or any other type of contribution to your liking. Conditional to support it WITHOUT strings attached. So that it fully remain DECENTRALIZED.

Decentralized Exchange

In addition to DECENTRALIZED crypto. For those who needs a very advanced DECENTRALIZED EXCHANGE software, I suggest the fully FREE Bisq at https://bisq.network

Your benefits with Bisq:

• Bisq is 100% decentralized.

• Free software. No license to pay.

• Government and organization cannot block you. No censorship. You are really free to trade with anyone to your liking and express yourself. Of course, within the legal limits of your local community.

• No servers that could be seized.

• Libre software (Open source). So stronger privacy and stronger security.

• Video channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/bisq-network/videos

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Backup Video

Backup video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZFXEW6u8U


According to Roman Balmakov, from FACTS MATTER

While the media in America has been laser-focused on the arrest and indictment of former President Donald Trump, the rest of the world hasn’t stopped spinning. Instead, many of the United States’ geopolitical rivals are taking this opportunity, while America is distracted, to make their moves.

For instance, the BRICS nations (an organization, similar to the Group of 7, for the leading and emerging economies comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are working to create a brand new currency of their own that will be pegged to physical assets, such as gold. Together, these five nations represent 26 percent of the world’s land surface area, 41 percent of the global population, and approximately 31.5 percent of the global GDP.

And these BRICS nations are currently making large moves to supplant the U.S. dollar as the world’s global reserve currency—meaning that this group of nations, representing about 40 percent of the world’s people (and a growing portion of the world’s GDP) are actively working on developing a new currency in order to bypass the U.S. dollar.


Related News



Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0



Backup video https://www.bitchute.com/video/xgjMB3qV43l9/

Who is Molly Kingsley?

Molly Kingsley is a co-founder at UsForThem, the parent campaign group formed in May 2020 to advocate against school closures. They have since been joined by tens of thousands of parents, grandparents and professionals across the UK and beyond, advocating for children to be prioritized in the pandemic response and beyond.



Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

15 seconds video of the highest paid actor Zelensky with COCAINE during his live video call 💨⚠️👀🤮 at https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammj5se1/video-15-seconds-zelensky-with-c/c/

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found 2 sources about this.

This is the second source from Maurice André BARUCHEL. I speak French. Their announcement seems legit. It was published by one of the most popular self-organized yellow jackets website.

Their demands are bullet-listed below. They are really clear and concise. They seem well organized.

Below is their announcement. Which I automatically translated from French to English.

Call to Insurrection

The Constitutional Council must decide, 9 wise chosen from the political pool. Will they really support the choice of the People, or that of the Oligarchy. The Republican Guard must be seized, they have the right to know and to choose. The Republic is the People or at least what is left of them.

Time and place

08 Apr, 13:00 – 19:00

Paris, Pl. d'Italie, 75013 Paris, France

About the event

The mobilization continues, Paris must free itself from this political prison that puts us from day to day in danger. This oligarchy will not hesitate to eliminate us as much as possible if we do not lower our heads. How many files are piled up, how many complaints are not successful, how many citizens are plunged into depression and, for some, to the unfortunate.

We cannot guarantee you a success soon, but on time we will shout together Victory.

Each of us has our place and the right to respect within the community, but to do so, we must make an effort to come together and form a united front.

Our gathering on April 1 was a success, the meetings and exchanges were enriching, what most comforts is to realize that we are not alone.

Cuex shouting the return of the Beast, are the same who claim another republic.

So it is very simple, remove your slings, your apartenances, and come join the people without frills, without apprioris, it is time to choose your side or it will be leue ko and you will be responsible.

Transition is required, it will happen, with or without you. The people’s choice is straightforward:


As for those who dare to propagate something other than our Deliverance by political or media shenanigans, you should know, we keep an eye on you, even if we have no newspapers, radio, TV, we have the networks.

We are not in 2018, the structure of the People is there, it is not blackmail, it is a council.

We will therefore continue to inform, challenge and talk about the hottest topics in the country, to awaken

Share this appointment and come many. Strength and Honour. MAB

Declaration validated for Saturday 8 April 2023:


Departure: Place d'Italie (Esplanade Italie 2) - Paris 75013

Arrival: Place de la Nation (Musoir Bd Diderot) - Paris 75012

The distance: 5.3 Km

Le Parcours: Place d'Italie - Boulevard de l'Hôpital - Place Valhubert - Pont d'Austerlitz - Place Mazas -

Quai de la Rapée - Boulevard Diderot

Set up at 13h00

Departure scheduled at 2:30 pm.

Dispersion at 7:00.

Our requirements are:

  • Establishment of a CNT (National Transitional Council)

  • Appeal to the French Army Corps

  • Call of the Constituent Bodies of the National Police

  • No to 49.3 on pensions by the Constitutional Council

  • Re-integration of all suspension units not injected unconditionally

  • No partial closures of 69 Hospitals

  • Dissolution of the Brav M&L political militias

  • FREXIT - Exit from the European Union - National sovereignty

  • No to private mega-basin installations

  • France’s withdrawal into NATO

  • No to global governance and the reign of the big bank

  • R.I.C - Citizens' Initiative Referendum

  • Removal of privileges of elected officials, politicians and trade unions

  • Arrest of all political or elected representatives who betray the people of France

  • Arrests of journalists and media outlets not complying with the Munich Charter

  • Arrest of women and men of private and public health who have not complied the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Codes

The means of communication will be: Signs, Banners, Flags, Sonos Microphones, Flyers

It is planned 100/200 people

Voices: Place d'Italie - Live Gilet Jaune 2.0 Mobilisation et Appel pour la Transition

Salepetrière Hospital - Reinstatement of Suspended Prisoners and Closure of Centres

Place Valhubert - New Injection and Nuremberg Code

Place Mazas - Human and Citizen’s Rights

Place de la Nation - C.N.T

Mobilization against the Political Caste and its elected representatives

Free Speech

Citizen Music

The tax filers are:



first name: Maurice André

mail: [email protected]

Source in French at https://www.liberté-vérité.fr/event-details/appel-a-linsurrection



Other source in my comment at https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammkEXod/x/c/4TsZgL4pyPp

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found two local sources about this. Both seem legit. They have lots of support. And are self organized by citizens.

  1. https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammkEXod/x/c/4TsZgL4rLSV

  2. https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammkEXod/x/c/4TsZgL4pyPp

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found 2 sources about this.

This is the first source from Mohamed KHERCHOUCHE. I speak French. Their announcement seems legit. One of the citizen organization supporting them is active and has lots of support since more than 10 years ago.

Below is their announcement. Which I automatically translated from French to English.

Circulate to inform on all networks

Call to Insurrection 08 Apr, 13:00 – 19:00 Paris, Pl. d'Italie, 75013 Paris, France

No more demonstrations, no more serious matters

End of the nightmare and paradigm shift

Change the world

A legitimate government of the people is ready, what are we waiting for to replace the psychopaths in power (illegitimate)? see the Transition Council at www.demosophie.com.

To all those who want a change in the course of events: any site, blog, or leader that invites you to believe that Trump, Putin or Duchnok will save the situation must be fled as soon as possible!

The world can only change if the sheep turn into wolves!

As long as you rely on others to save you, you do not assume your humanity!!

And those who lead you to believe in one or the other that would initiate a change are only there to lead you to a dead end, to put you "on hold", so that you do not move!

Be aware, this will be a first step! (Eric-Régis Fiorile)



End of the European Union (of the Euro and insane laws, like transgender), End of NATO (safe from war), Resumption of normal relations with Russia (end of excessive bills, gas and electricity), Model for the whole world of a true "democracy", Re-establishment of relations with the African countries for too long robbed, End of precariousness, Military-popular judgments of the criminals in power, soon after abandoning the attempt of global genocide!

IN CLEAR: A National Transitional Council is a PAUSE in public life for all French people, the restoration of the rule of law, and an opportunity for all true dissent.

A great time: when, if not in 2023, would the population have been sufficiently informed and aware to set up a National Transitional Council and thus update France by getting rid of politicians?

(Eric-Régis Fiorile)

Demosophie is the golden age. Go to https://www.demosophie.com

FINALITE: Recognition of the need for a Political Transition (induction of the NTC) Indirectly:

  • Recall Human Rights and make it clear that the republic opposes them
  • Demonstrate that the leaders of the republic violate the French constitution
  • Force the judicial system to recognize a “political prisoner” status, instead of forcing prosecutors to invent false accusations.

A PLAN THAT SAVES FRANCE, EXTENDS TO THE WHOLE WORLD and causes the change of civilization indispensable to human society, does not only require a creator and the ideas of all, it also and above all requires perseverance and perseverance of all adherents! Not to be distracted by all the recent events, new hopes and general distractions of the news is indispensable to stay on the straight line that alone can lead to success.

Transition Program on https://www.demosophie.com/transition/plan-france/

No one can say today how this attempt to establish a total dictatorship on the whole planet will end. Will the people wake up in time?

The National Transitional Council remains valid and ready to establish this Transition re-establishing democracy and sovereignty of the people, but can do nothing without the support of the armed forces. Will they continue to support criminals against the people or will they side with the good?

To prepare, the main concept (the sovereignty of the people) is already in place, accessible to all, secure and protecting the anonymity of everyone. It is now linked to international dissent and more than ten countries are preparing a "universal republic" of peoples.

Universal Republic: https://www.demosophie.com/republique-universelle/

Source in French at https://crowdbunker.com/post/Bx7eA9Y569



Other source in my comment at https://greatawakening.win/p/16ammkEXod/x/c/4TsZgL4rLSV

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice thouch with the choice of word "popular": State of popular emergency. As in "The Citizen's State of Emergency"

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Centralization would be okay if we could trust the people in charge, but we can't, and we'll never be able to.

I agree

Even if a centralized currency would be started by a centralized organization composed of 100% people with Good behaviors only. Right away, this centralized organization would be targeted by people with Evil behaviors. Then, infiltrated. Next, its top would be taken over. Which is BAD for you, the working citizens.

People with Evil behaviors are extremely attracted to any type of CENTRALIZED organizations. This is what they want the most.

While at the same time, those same people with Evil behaviors are extremely TERRIFIED of any type of DECENTRALIZED organizations.

Most people with Good behaviors who tried DECENTRALIZED organizations love it. Simply because DECENTRALIZED organizations LOVE YOU BACK, and facilitate healthy competition. Which is good for you, the working citizens.

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any competition to our global tyranny is a threat to national security.

I agree. The Multipolar World is part of the solution. Simply because a Multipolar World facilitate both DECENTRALIZATION & competition.

In comparison, an Evil New World Order would increase CENTRALIZATION and reduces competition. Which are both BAD for you, the working citizens.

Francewhoa 4 points ago +4 / -0

Centralization is part of the problem. NOT the solution. I believe that the solution is DECENTRALIZATION. Including DECENTRALIZED crypto.

Examples of really DECENTRALIZED digital currencies (cryptos):

• Monero at https://www.getmonero.org

• Bitcoin at https://bitcoin.org

• Bitcoin Cash at https://bitcoincash.org

I reject the BAD 🔗 CBCD (Central Bank Digital Currency). Embrace the GOOD 🗽 alternatives to CBDC.

Details at https://greatawakening.win/p/16amYjeHND/reject-the-bad--cbcd-central-ban/

Funny memes in my blog at https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/reject-cbcd-and-alternatives-to-cbdc-1487229402629541905

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

You do realize their plan is to shut down crypto prior to them launching their CBDC on us right?

I agree. I would add that the speculated bankers cabal's plan is this: 1. Shut down crypto ---> 2. Launch CBDC ---> 3. Using CBDC to control How, When, and Where you live your private life.

For those not familiar with the Evil CBDC, if you do not want to get fooled into the Evil CBDC, I suggest that you watch this 10 seconds meme and have a good laugh and remember it at https://media.greatawakening.win/post/WyxwwNwvKhc4.jpeg

My related post at https://greatawakening.win/p/16amYkkT6S/meme-wakeup-call-cbcd-/c/

Francewhoa 12 points ago +12 / -0

Below is a summary in text format


• His name is Vincent

• 32 years of experience has police officer

• The Trudeau's government repeatedly failed to abide by the Constitution of Canada and the 1982 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Source at 31 minutes. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/

• His bank accounts were frozen. He attended the Trucker Freedom Convoy. Source at 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

• He was fined 10,000 dollars for attending a church service. Source at 9 minutes.

• 50% of the Almer police department resigned. Because they refuse to do ordered criminal offenses. Source at 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

• He witnessed many criminal offenses done by the police. Source at 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

• He sued the Attorney General of Canada about the above. Source at 24 minutes.

• The mass medias LIED to you about the pandemic. What they reported was the opposite of the reality. It was FALSE. A lie. For example, he saw NO violence at the Trucker Freedom Convoy. But media reported violence. The media is a PROPAGANDA machine. NOT a news machine. Source at 24 minutes and 30 seconds.

• The media are paid by multiple organization. Including the government of Canada. Source at 26 minutes.

• The media supress/censor information that you should know about. Source at 26 minutes and 30 seconds.

• The safety of gene therapy was a LIE. Source at 26 minutes and 30 seconds.

• The government is becoming a corporate-fascistic. Because both corporation and government are colluding. Source at 28 minutes.

• Police officers, first responders, were provided FALSE intelligence. Misleading intelligence. Such as FAKE treats. Source at 37 minutes.

• The WEF is no different than The Lion Club. Source at 46 minutes.


• To resolve the challenges and lies he exposes above, he suggests establishing a Covid-19 forensic taskforce. Which is completely independent of government. Vetted by a judicial body. With arrest warrant and search warrant. Would be a good start. Source at 29 minutes.

• Constitution of Canada is the SUPREME law of Canada and any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is to the extent of the no force or effect. Source at 31 minutes. Source at 32 minutes.

• Complete separation between the politician and the public servants. So that there are no corruption. Source at 33 minutes.




Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms



Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suggest considering three things:

  1. Buy only if you have a surplus of savings. In other words, do not use all your savings to buy gold or silver. Just part of it. The part you are really willing to lose. Because the price of gold is a gamble. It might go up. It might go down.

  2. Buy PHYSICAL gold or silver. Which you can hold in your hand. Then store it at any safe location to your liking. One that only YOU can access. Do NOT buy paper-gold or paper-silver. Those are called NRA. Otherwise, with NRA you risk exposing yourself to a scam and or thief or other Evil behaviors.

  3. If what you need is to protect your savings. I suggest considering two things:

    1. Move all your savings from a bank to a local credit union. Details at https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/alternatives-to-big-banks-bailout-1482211002664620038

    2. Or move your savings to a DECENTRALIZED crypto. Such as https://www.getmonero.org or https://bitcoin.org Details at https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/reject-cbcd-and-alternatives-to-cbdc-1487229402629541905

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