Freedomshield 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's even stranger to me, as someone with a military background, albeit not in the Marines, is the hands being held out front like that, ive never seen that before and I just went through the entire Marine drill manual (https://navy.rotc.umich.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Marine_Drill_and_Ceremonies_Manual1.pdf) and its not in there.

by BQnita
Freedomshield 1 point ago +1 / -0


All Aboard we're bankrupting JPM and absolutely wrecking the shorts. If you thought GME was a short squeeze wait until we trigger the biblical silver squeeze and return gold/Silver back to their rightful place as REAL MONEY. The constitution explicitly says only gold and silver are money and we're about to do out constitutional duty and make a killing along the way.

Freedomshield 7 points ago +7 / -0

You need to tell him, the more people that know and understand the better for society.

Freedomshield 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone can start doing something right now, pick up the phone, call your Senators office and tell them you think this impeachment is a fraud, and that if they vote for it, you'll do everything you can to support a primary challenger. Melt their phone lines, these people are terrified of WE THE PEOPLE. It's time we start flexing on them.

Freedomshield 2 points ago +2 / -0

His name was Harrison Deal, killed by the Deep State to send a message to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to refuse ballot audits.

Freedomshield 12 points ago +12 / -0

I love it when the media alleges that anyone anywhere near anything deemed "Qanon" is a certified lunatic, but when you occasionally see peoples occupations, you realize there are a lot of highly qualified and "professional" individuals among us...

Freedomshield 2 points ago +2 / -0

You ever notice that you talk a lot about what people allegedly "said?" We support Trump for what he DOES, not SAYS.

Freedomshield 9 points ago +10 / -1

You are currently in the middle of a war. The domains it is being fought in are information and cyberwarfare.

Think what the media (an enemy asset) would be able to do and how they could spin events if Pompeo were to directly Tweet that.

He is communicating to us, teaching us, while still remaining cloaked. The media would never be able to cover this without being called their own favourite derogatory term "conspiracy theorists."

There is so much more going on here then any of us understand.