Depends on what type of SHTF you're talking about. In the event of an absolute anarchy due to some nuclear fallout, then yeah I agree with you ammo/food/hard needs are vastly superior. Everything else is worthless.
I was thinking more along the lines of a hyperinflation crisis like 1920s Germany. They didn't go full anarchy and become Somalia. Ammo and food are good short term things to stock up on but not a long term solution. You can't shoot or eat your way out of a financial crisis for your family.
Like I said. I don't know anything about precious metals either so take my opinion with a grain of salt. It's a supply and demand thing really.
With precious metals, you can't go "haha printer machine go brrr" like with paper. So even when your country(Canada) elects a retard who thinks printing a gazillion dollars can solve everything, you're at a much lower risk if you decide to stack gold and silver rather than leaving it in your savings or putting it into retirement plans.
There's a limited supply of gold and silver in circulation but there's also a demand for them. As long as someone out there wants to collect precious metals, you can always go exchange it for some value. You won't always exchange it for the exact price down to the last penny but you can always find someone else who's willing to pay a little more. The only way you would get fucked over for stacking metals is if everyone in society collectively decides to deem gold and silver to be worthless.
Don't do anything looking to get rich quick, it is an investment.
Definitely not. I'm going into this with zero intentions of making gains. This way I don't get greedy and overextend myself. I want to stack as an extra option to protect some of my savings.
I live in Canada and I'm seriously concerned with our current government's reckless behavior of endlessly printing out cash. I thinking of starting small and just buying either a roll of standard maple leafs or some bars in case shit goes crazy with our CAD. Of course I will still have cash sitting in the bank. I'm not treating it as an investment, just as a way to protect some of the cash that I already saved up. I'm seriously worried about the future of Canada's currency lol. But I've been on the fence about it for a while. There's so much misinformation out there I'm getting analysis paralysis.
3 weeks ago
while silver spot is $28ish the oz locally is selling for $32-35
Now it's spotting at $34ish and selling at $43ish near where I live.
Don't buy fancy coins unless you are collecting or just have the money and want to, buy bars or rounds, pure silver just not worked and so usually a better price per ounce.
Thanks. This is great info for someone like me who basically know almost nothing. All I've been told is that I should aim buy as close to the spot price as possible.
So I should just avoid coins in general when it comes to stacking? Not even the the standard eagle or maple leaf? I am not interesting in collecting. But I figured the standard eagle coin or maple leaf is easier to sell if I ever need to get rid of them since they're recognized by everyone.
I live in Canada and I'm seriously concerned with our current government's reckless behavior of endlessly printing out cash. I thinking of starting small and just buying a roll of silver coins in case shit goes crazy with our CAD. Of course I will still have emergency cash sitting in the bank. I'm not treating it as an investment, just as a way to protect some of the cash that I already saved up. I'm seriously worried about the future of Canada's currency lol. But I've been on the fence about it for a while. There's so much misinformation out there I'm getting analysis paralysis.
How's /pol/ looking these days?
i got tired of that place after seeing the same tankie memes being spammed over and over. They aren't even that creative. They just took 2016 memes and photoshopped MAGA hats on them and think they're so clever for doing that. China truly does steal everything. Even our weaponized memes.
I don't have a problem with calling Rand Paul a cuck but then people here give Mike Pence a pass because of "possible white hat actor" theory. I just want to be consistent. Why does Mike Pence gets a pass here for cucking out but not Rand Paul?
You can remove it's not Q related but I'm 100% serious hence the [Serious] tag. I'm just trying to raise awareness and wondering if others had a similar experience. I guess I should post this to conspiracies or Thanks for the warning.
Here's an old reddit thread talking about it:
Seems legit enough but not wide spread.
Considering how public education loves to push leftist ideals, it wouldn't surprise me if we have pedos controlling the education board hiring other pedos to become our gym teachers.
I know I had mandatory penis inspection when I was in grade 1. I don't remember the clear details. I think it was done by a nurse and they were checking to see if my foreskin needed to be circumcised. Didn't think about it much growing up but looking back, it was pretty weird.
I asked my parents if they remember and they don't remember the school ever asking them to sign a permission slip for something like that.
Oh? The left cares about family values now?