GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 4 points ago +4 / -0

For my entire life, up until even early last year, I was firmly agnostic and would have laughed if you told me I'd faithfully be otherwise in 2021. Looking back, it amazes me how ignorant and narcissistic my thoughts were. Humbled.

Now realizing He was always working in the background, God has personally revealed His presence in my life after asking, through a year of non-stop coincidences that are impossible to explain. His strength, love, and light is working stronger than ever to wake people up in this world. I have since been recently graced with miraculous blessings that can truly only be attributed to God's glory and prayer. And I am eternally grateful for His forgiveness and mercy and Jesus' sacrifice for us all.

If you doubt, set your biases aside, and simply ask for His assistance and have a bit of faith, and prepare to have your life changed and old beliefs challenged.

God Bless you all, my beautiful Q family, and thank you.

GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is indeed a war for your mind and what you inherently believe to your core. Belief is what they are after. What is reality after all, other than a cascading set of shared beliefs and experiences?

If they can't break that, they at least want to block your ability to spread wrong-think to the collective conscious. Hence, all the censorship on other sites.

There is a reason 1984 was written. The meaning is hidden. It goes deeper than a simple allegory.

Why are they so afraid of thought, now?

by Ioath
GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 12 points ago +12 / -0

Trump and Q are one small part of the Great Awakening. It's the current phase of a timeline that leads to a shift in how humans further evolve; enlightened through critical thinking and skepticism brought to light by asking questions while being told the opposite, all leading to a mass understanding of the lies we've been living under, essentially crumbling the old system, leading to a spiritual revolution and deeper understanding of consciousness and reality, bringing everyone closer to God and His values. It really is biblical.

Despite the obvious, evil truly is losing control. And you wonder why they censor us, spread false narratives 24/7 and dislike Trump. Victory involves spreading the truth, plant the seeds in everyone you know. The truth will set everyone free.

GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 10 points ago +10 / -0

Censorship of non-narrative topics is cranked to CCP levels by big tech. They are fully suppressing, vilifying, and banning free and critical thinking to the masses. It’s been ramping up slowly the last 4 years after Trump threw a wrench in their plans in 2016. Avoid Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit if you don’t want curated propaganda.

GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 16 points ago +16 / -0

The propaganda and censorship dial is turned past maximum at this point. Avoid Reddit. Let them feel the pain as their echo chamber crumbles.

GOD-EMPEROR-DJT 5 points ago +5 / -0

Surreal we're here Love you my woke family WWG1WGA 1 <3 God Bless All!