Gandiva 15 points ago +17 / -2

Without making any judgment as to the truth or falsity of the narratives described in this post, many of the claims made about what the narratives themselves claim are not accurate. Not a single person who argues against germ theory claims that bacteria don't exist. The claim is that they are not a cause of disease. Likewise, a great number of those who argue against germ theory don't claim that most or all disease is caused by any invasion by outside entities, but rather by malnutrition and toxicity.

Gandiva 35 points ago +39 / -4

This post is a great example of how far this website has come in becoming the very thing that it claims to be against. A mod sticking his thumb on the scale to determine for all of us what is true and what is not true. Although mind-manipulation tactics do exist, and are exercised all the time, it does nothing for the cause of discovery of truth to set oneself up as the arbiter of truth. Facilitating a forum for the hashing out of claims and the moderating of the presentation or refutation of facts is the only way that this website will serve the discovery of truth. Anything else is just another version of someone's attempt at control.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK, but even so, dogs are 100% carnivores by nature.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

You call canned veggies real food?

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason could be that Team Trump has negotiated via back channels an eventual alliance or treaty of friendship with Russia. The US and Russia are natural allies, and the two getting along would ensure at least 100 years of global stability. Only the insanity of the Demonrats and RINOs maintains Russia as an enemy.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

I appreciate the info. But the vote was actually 216 to 214 after Moore changed his vote. It would have been 215 to 215 if he hadn't changed his vote.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK, but keep in mind Blake Moore changed his vote at the last minute only as a procedural move to be able to bring the motion up for vote at a future date. There were truly only 3 defectors. And Steve Scalise was away for cancer treatment. Had Scalise been there, and voted for impeachment, the motion would have passed with a 216 to 215 majority.

Gandiva 10 points ago +11 / -1

Yes, all good points. But has anyone noticed that his attire reflects the black and white checkerboard flooring of a Masonic Temple, and that the window curtains in the background form a pyramid with a little light hole "eye" at the top? I don't think this guy ever left the "society" he claims to be exposing. While all or most of what he's saying may be true, I don't for an instant believe that he's doing it to "expose" the society. It seems rather to be a cynical advertisement intended to broadcast (inflate?) their power. His masonic symbols that he's demonstrating out in the open signal to his fellow society members that his whole presentation is being done "tongue in cheek". And his sorrowful intoning about Jesus and Christianity and his conversion all seem over the top to me. Sorry, but this one doesn't pass the smell test.

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