GetMoGitMo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Larry Klayman. Seems like a Conservative prosecutor who went after Obama and Hillary pretty hard. Lol what is going on in this video?

GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +4 / -0

That was such a kick in the balls. I was not prepared.

GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump also has a Netflix documentary. Both are kind of hit pieces on Trump. They make him look like he's some super shady dude in the documentaries.

I was mainly posting this for the keks. Roger Stone talked some of the best shit I've ever heard in my life in this video. It cracks me up that leftists think this make him look bad. I love it. Keep telling them how it is Roger.

GetMoGitMo 5 points ago +5 / -0

At what point do those who falsely claim rape get punished legally? Even if the one who is being accused is found not guilty their reputation is still stained for life. Not to mention the true victims who need the help, but not taken seriously. This backwards society needs a complete overhaul. The true victims are the villains, while the crack head narcissistic crypt keepers are the heroes.

GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've seen quite a few posts really hammering home the fact that there's a large Jewish presence in the cabal. Not saying the statement is false, but I think the fact they are Jewish is kind of irrelevant at this point. Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Satanic. All have been complicit to one extent or another in these heinous crimes. I get the feeling most of these posts are from shills trying to make this community out to look like anti-Semitic Nazis to the newbie lurkers.

GetMoGitMo 9 points ago +10 / -1

I don't get the media's angle quite honestly. I understand a select few are a part of the elite cabal class, but the other 99% are just nobodies that will have the same fate as the rest of us. Like take Brian Stelter for example. Does that ugly humpty dumpty looking ass fool think he's going to have a place society after the Great Reset? LOL. If these nerds had even the slightest urge to be real journalists they would go down as a legend to the masses. Instead, they chose to suck some elitist dick, and appease them by betraying their fellow man. The way I see it is either win or lose, they'll be left. What a sad pathetic life.

GetMoGitMo 2 points ago +3 / -1

You make a good point there. Although, it's not necessarily the old man I'm worried about. What worries me is the cabal knows it's their last stand, and as evidenced by our border and energy policies, they are getting openly aggressive.

I still have complete faith that our men & women in uniform are keeping us safe. I just wanted to make sure they're not getting phased out to be replaced by the trannies.

GetMoGitMo 3 points ago +4 / -1

Oh for sure. Just wanted to get a vibe check to make sure our military wasn't secretly transforming into a drag club lol

GetMoGitMo 2 points ago +3 / -1


GetMoGitMo 34 points ago +36 / -2

One thing I've noticed about Lin Wood is he is absolutely never shaken. He is going through events that 99.99% of humans would just crumble under. He sticks to his word and doesn't change his story. Until proven otherwise I take every word Lin Wood says with more sincerity than almost all public figures.

GetMoGitMo 0 points ago +1 / -1

300 MILLION?! Incredible. Keep fighting PRC. The days of the CCP are numbered. God always wins!!!

GetMoGitMo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Any mixture of Pompeo, Desantis, or Flynn please.

GetMoGitMo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seems pretty secure, but I don't have enough knowledge about FinTech to give you an educated opinion on it.

Personally, it's not for me. Like I said in my OP it's good to have your money stored somewhere that it could be used to stimulate local economy growth. That's what I see as a major factor in any future financial revolution. We need to start investing our communities and think locally.

GetMoGitMo 3 points ago +4 / -1

Fuck the Federal Reserve. I am completely on board with rebuilding our financial system from the ground up. All I'm saying is in the meantime while we're in this one you should probably avoid the banks that will label you as a terrorist.

GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +5 / -1

Credit Unions are good for more simple account management. They're not necessarily up to date on the tech, and generally have less products to offer. I wouldn't want to run my business out of a credit union, but if I'm a young person looking to open my first bank account a credit union isn't a bad choice. I don't know much about Navy Federal or USAA, but I've never heard a bad thing about them!

A bank will generally have higher interest rates and fees, because we are for profit institutions. But with these higher interest rates and fees comes more convenience on accessing your funds, better online banking systems, and a wider array of complex loans to help businesses grow. I like to think of community banks as a good middle ground between mega-banks and credit unions. A community bank will provide you far more convenience than a credit union, and far better customer service than a mega-bank.

GetMoGitMo 23 points ago +24 / -1

This year I've cancelled Spotify, Amazon Prime, Starz, Disney+, and cable TV. It's crazy how much money I've wasted buying dumb stuff on Amazon, while also paying over $70+/month on services from companies that hate me lol

by BQnita
GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +5 / -1

Raheem Kassam has got to be the best journalist out there. He's the only person on the War Room that seems to believe that Q might be on to something. He's definitely not an Anon, but he's at least open to the idea.

Actually, something I've noticed is when Steve Bannon is talking shit he always calls it the "QAnon Conspiracy Theory". MJT did something similar to this. It makes me wonder if they are playing the role of intentional misinformation?

GetMoGitMo 4 points ago +6 / -2

Dude right? Nothing about this is legitimate. The way I see it even if Trump some how gets convicted there are at least 80 million people in this country who will reject anything this regime has to say. The Constitution gives people the power to stand up to tyrannical governments, so as long as we stay true to that belief these dickheads will never have true authority over us.

GetMoGitMo 14 points ago +16 / -2

The "ruling" authority of the case doesn't even have authority. This is an unconstitutional trial. There is not a Supreme Court Justice presiding over the trial. Hell, a fucking Democrat is presiding over this case. The Senators prosecuting President Trump aren't even attacking him with evidence. They are prosecuting him with the objective to invoke emotion with stories that are absolute bull shit. No facts. No evidence. No witnesses. Just hearsay bull shit that can neither be confirmed nor disproven.

President Trump won this election. He doesn't need an obviously biased, illegitimate government to confirm this claim. Not to mention 45 members of this Senate have already said this trial is unconstitutional. What's the point of having a trial if you know you're going to lose? Either he's President and they're trying to convict him on weak ass charges, or he's a private citizen being maliciously abused and harassed by a corrupt government. You choose.

GetMoGitMo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I wasn't going to bet, but after the huge night Trump was having on the 3rd I put $500 once he became the favorite. I woke up the next day, saw a text from my brother dooming, and my first words in the morning were, "FUCKING FRAUD." My girlfriend wasn't too pleased lol

GetMoGitMo 6 points ago +7 / -1

The new election fraud video was excellent. I think that should wake anyone on the fence up!

GetMoGitMo 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's pretty rock solid evidence

GetMoGitMo 1 point ago +2 / -1

On paper, with the supreme court we currently have, this should be a shoe-in for an unconstitutional ruling. But then I thought Trump winning the election on November 3rd was a shoe-in, and that lost me $500.

Moral of the story is always account for Deep State fuckery. Keep your eyes open for anything unnatural over the course of next couple weeks.

GetMoGitMo -2 points ago +2 / -4

Patrick Mahomes is not a pedophile lol

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