Which is why I think learning a trade in high school alongside traditional classes is the way to go.
If you can earn an associates degree through community college partnerships, you should be allowed to earn a welding certification the same way. Unfortunately, at least in my experience, public schools have removed the ability to learn useful skills before graduation.
This is also why I took stagecraft skills with the theater department in college. Maybe the tenured professors are woke, but the behind the scenes crew classes still teach you how to sew, weld, use a saw, etc.
Mike Rowe was also an opera singer.
And a salesman for an at-home shopping network.
I agree we need tradespeople. I disagree with thinking and policies that suggest that all college degrees are worthless, or that people should be forced to study something instead of having the freedom to choose for themselves.
Specifically, how the following context and turn of events may come into play as we move forward with DECLAS:
Bank Markazi has argued that the lawsuit was not allowed under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA), which generally shields foreign governments from liability in U.S. courts.
In January 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling in the families' favor, and ordered the case to be reconsidered in light of the new law, adopted a month earlier as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.
Preska said the 2019 law authorizes U.S. courts to allow the seizure of assets held outside the country to satisfy judgments against Iran in terrorism cases, "notwithstanding" other laws such as FSIA that would grant immunity.
Look at that timing. January 2020 —> impeachment, first COVID cases hitting the US. But also some kind of new law that allows asset seizure from central banks in cases of terrorism.
Same judge involved in Giuffre v. Maxwell and the doe unsealing. Still waiting on that to be uploaded, but this ruling seems promising to me if foreign surveillance and blackmail is involved.
If other countries can have their banking assets seized due to terrorism suits, could money be taken from Rothschild Co./Intelligence Agencies for any involvement in 9/11? For Benghazi? Is that part of the reason why the Roths took their bank private?
This just seems like it opens a can of worms that foreign adversaries do not want open.
For true Revelation, yes.
I meant the events of the Plan/Great Awakening/Revelation being used by Q in an allegorical sense. Disease—>Financial collapse —> kings playing into the beast’s plans & fulfilling God’s word by doing so —> Jesus comes back
COVID —> Default —> CBDC and one world government —> assholes in charge of governments around the world speeding up the Great Reset (satanic plans) —> people wake up and righteousness is restored.
I personally am open to the idea that the Bible describes a cyclical process. That those who do not witness Revelation ascend out of the cycle. But no one knows the truth or how things will play out other than God
Revelation 18 is pretty clearly describing a massive financial collapse.
I am starting to feel that we will see Revelation fully play out on a global political scale—fall of central banks, return of power to the people, etc.—before the plan is complete.
Before I get flack for this, I am NOT saying we’re about to witness the second coming of Christ, or that I know when that’s occurring. I’m saying I think the Q team pointed us toward things being “Biblical” so they could use the chain of events in Revelation to explain how things would play out from Q launch until 2025. So anons had a clue of what would be occurring.
If anyone wants zoomed out pics of some of the rabbits seen in the memorials, this article features a couple of them in an image.
It has been difficult for me to find more since, as the Today Show claimed this morning, “the media was told to stay away.” So most images I’m finding are from last year.
Interesting. Thanks for clarifying.
They are integrating the monarch butterfly migration path into the design of the new school, including the classrooms, so I assumed these were monarchs.
Architects incorporated sunsets, recognized Uvalde’s trees in the roadways, the monarch butterfly migration path, and the honey bee in the interior and exterior of the school. Hall said the firm wanted to make sure they are sourcing materials from the region. D’Hanis bricks are one example of the local resources incorporated in the design.
DeSantis just enacted a law that makes all records of his travels and meetings private.
Just like Biden and his beach house meetings.
But if you think he’s still a ~good governor~ and will continue to be one ~at the state level~ when he does under the table shenanigans like that, I respectfully think you need to reassess.
He is playing a role because the perpetually asleep normies are playing along with what the globalists desire.
Just like Pence on Jan. 6th, DeSantis will absolutely go against us when his handlers and TPTB decide it’s time he serve their interests on a grander scale.
No worries. I have moments myself where I cannot fathom how we’re possibly winning as things continue to get worse. Moments when my hope slips.
Usually I find a major resignation or two in the news that reinvigorates my spirits at those moments
Because Q also said that there are more good than bad people.
That this judge has likely been taken from the playing field.
We track resignations because Q said they are linked to operations and chess pieces/BH operatives being removed from the political playing field.
Previous documents added to the vault suggested Rich and Clinton were involved in inappropriate activities with an eight year old boy.
Wikileaks is no longer ideal for whistleblowers…
The funniest part of the coverage of his death, to me, was the NY Post OpEd calling him a smart man.
He got arrested for soliciting prostitution because he paid with a personal check.
Dude was an idiot bankrolled by those wishing to highlight the victims of the downfall of American society.
The lemon ginger is delicious. That’s the only one I used to drink as well.
Just figured the sugar would knock out any good gut flora.
I am not sold the Iranians did anything with our elections.
51 intelligence assets told the American public that Russia was behind Hunter Biden’s laptop.
What’s to stop them from pinning the CIA/deep state election interference on another “enemy” country now that the people are realizing everything Russia Russia Russia has been a lie?
Don’t some Kevita flavors have loads of added sugar?
I stopped drinking them because of that. I assumed that was why Kevita was the only kombucha I could stomach
In reality, Kamala is a disaster but they need a black woman that can continue the Obama shadow regime.
I am curious, however, what your definition of treason is.
Because, while I am not a lawyer, I find it hard to prove that:
Hiring over 50 CIA assets to write a letter and attest to your son’s laptop being “Russian disinformation”
Lying about doing it when asked by Congress the first time
Doing all of this for personal political and financial gain
Entering a “war” in Ukraine to protect your gains
And misleading the American people about it, even after you’ve assumed the position of President of the United States.
Is absolutely treason.
Really bold to make this statement considering the crimes against humanity John Brennan has committed on a regular basis.
I know multiple good cops who have reported the less than ideal behavior of their fellow officers. It is up to their supervisors to do something about it.
Unless—as you seem to suggest is the issue here—they decide to “take matters into their own hands.” Which would result in a lawless society.
I doubt that is what anyone wants. Maybe you, though, since you’re arguing ACAB.
I have watched cops be the first to arrive at awful, fatality causing car accidents. I, a woman, have had the police intervene for my safety on multiple occasions. Just because the cops in your area “don’t do their jobs” as you claim does not mean that’s been everyone’s experience.
You are not arguing in good faith.
I will not be responding again.
Become a cop if you think you have what it takes to fix the system from the inside. Otherwise, stop judging those that are still trying to do good when they cannot overhaul an entire hierarchical system by themselves.
I am not deflecting.
I am saying it is incredibly easy for someone to come onto a website and criticize those they don’t know in a system they aren’t a part of when one can hide behind a username.
And I am saying, if you think it must be so incredibly easy for the cops that operate morally and ethically to change the system and capture the bad apples, why aren’t you taking that justice into your own hands?
If you believe it is that simple, you are incredibly naive.
Or, you are an ACAB shill trying to blend in here.
I’m starting to lean toward the latter.
If you think all it would take is those with morals and ethics to enact change, I have a suggestion for you: become a cop yourself and change the once you’re an officer.
If that doesn’t float your boat, I have different suggestion: go onto the streets of Philadelphia or Chicago at night. Wait for the mobs to show up, because they will, and get yourself out of a dangerous situation without the aid of police.
If this is truly what you believe, then I’ll say what I tell the ACAB shills: don’t call 911 the next time you have an emergency. If you can’t respect people who put their lives on the line in ways you likely can’t even imagine, you can’t use their services when you’re in need.
In case it isn’t abundantly clear, she’s going down the Yellow Brick Road in the bottom screenshot.